My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 778: Heart of the Holy City

[Steam City]

He is also known as the "Heart of the Holy City" and is an embedded city.

As we all know, the holy city is a super-giant city in the form of a "minaret". The holy city (the surface part) is divided into four layers from bottom to high through the stairs of the gods:

The first floor-the outer ring of the city wall, the civilian area.

The second floor-the inner ring floor (200 meters above sea level), contains the National Royal Knights College, business and trade area, aristocratic residential area, small and medium-sized associations, and so on.

The third layer-the core layer (500 meters above sea level), contains the royal family, the Holy See, the headquarters of the knights, large associations, and so on.

The fourth floor-the top floor (1000 meters above sea level), where the highest parliament is located.

The so-called [Steam City] is embedded in the inner layer of this spire-style city.

Yong Yong Ye era 103 years.

Through the first generation of the holy city construction chief engineer and head of the steam knight regiment-Kito Leslie, together with his total of 219 construction engineers, he gave an internal expansion of the holy city named "Eternal Heart". project.

Try to use the power obtained from the space of destiny and the steam technology currently mastered.

In the inner mountain area of ​​the second and third floors of the holy city, an ultra-giant steam power core is built in the form to solve the energy supply problem of the holy city.

When this plan is submitted to Parliament.

High-ranking member Valentin Z. Green, examiner Washington Clevman, and Brewster Leitligoff, chair of the Executive Yuan, agreed to the expansion project and also proposed to deepen the expansion project. .

Their long-term vision.

Since the interior of the tower is to be expanded, instead of building a huge energy supply center, it is better to create an embedded city.

While satisfying the energy supply of the whole holy city, create a secret base specializing in the development of steam science and technology, so that science and fate will develop together.

In this way, after eight years of program revision.

方案 The plan for the construction of the Steam City was finalized, and all members of the Steam Knights were required to stay in it.

At the same time, we recruited talents proficient in machinery to the entire holy city, including the civilian area, and invested in the construction of the steam city.

Even now, the special development route of "mechanical apprentices" is still retained. As long as the apprentices who pass the exam each year, they can participate in the research of steam science without participating in fate screening.

Of course, confident young people can also run fortune elections, and then major in mechanical engineering at Cavaliers College.

[Steam City] There are hidden entrances on the second and third floors of the Holy City.

Since Steam City involves the core technology of the Holy City and the top secrets of the Great Expedition, the identity checks of entrants are very strict and it is required to avoid the introduction of pollution 100%.

Even a formal knight, an invitation letter is required to enter.

Uh ...

Artisan District.

的 The deepest part of a mechanical original factory.

The inside of a giant steam train manufacturing workshop is a stone wall close to the mountain.

Here it is full of semi-mechanized or fully mechanized security personnel, and dense monitoring facilities.

Huge [enter] characters are engraved on the wall.

"Please show your valid ID and explain the purpose of going to [Steam City]."

Charlie handed out the three knights' medals, meaning with an overwhelming voice:

"My friend" Frank Kander "hopes that I can help him deal with the problem of efficient and intelligent robotic puppets ... At the same time, my adoptive father, Lindbergh, asked me to bring some words to the Deputy Director of the Steam Association's Lu Lifu long.

两位 These two are my helpers, and they will act with me all the way. "

"Verifying, please wait ..."

About a minute passed.

The robot visa officer in front of him smiled and handed back a knight ’s medal while giving a collective temporary pass to ensure that the three were together at all times.

The guards in Steam City will check the identity of outsiders at any time, and will be expelled immediately if they cannot show their passports.

A series of whole-body tests will be carried out to ensure that the entrants are not carrying any pollutants.

Rumble ~ Ride a horizontal moving machine and move about two hundred meters between a mountain full of metal frames and steam pipes.

A pure copper gate full of gears appeared in front of him.

齿轮 Large and small gears faintly outline a fat [Golden Master] portrait on the door.

Authentication has passed.

The huge bronze door split itself.

跨 An inter-era steam city is displayed in front of Han Dong.

内 This embedded city represents the current world, the highest point of the technology tree of the human race ... a city that has realized artificial intelligence and efficient energy utilization through steam technology without the help of electricity.

纯 After the trainee knights and knights have cleared the fate space, the pure copper brought out by them will be transported here after handing in.

Heavy metal odor was inhaled into Han Dong's nasal cavity for the first time.

However, Han Dong's attention was completely attracted by this beautiful city of steam, which completely subverted his view on Holy City technology to some extent.

At the beginning, Han Dong thought that the end of the world was coming, that human beings depended on the space of fate to survive, and that technology would stagnate.

Facts have proved that no matter what kind of world, scientific researchers always exist, and will also be an important pillar to promote human development.

"Oh my god! Is this the heart of the Holy City?"

Han Dong stood on the outer metal aisle, overlooking this unparalleled metal city ~ ~ for five minutes.

Widely spaced buildings, in addition to using railways and steam locomotives as transportation vehicles, there is also an ultra-efficient aerial vehicle here-[rust whale]

An all-metal powered airship that mimics the shape of a whale.

There are differences between carrying people and carrying things according to size and use.

The most eye-catching is the [Main Heart Zone] of Steam City, where it is occupied by only one super-large building.

Eternal Heart.

The source of power for the Holy City-"The-Column-of-steam"

The super-large cylindrical high-rise building has tens of thousands of pipeline branches at the bottom, which are closely connected to the various buildings in Steam City, just like 'tree roots', which draws a steady stream of energy from other buildings.

顶部 The top reaches the highest position of the internal cave, and if you continue upward, you will cross the ground and reach the parliament district.

It is rumored to be at the very top of "The-Column-of-steam", which corresponds to "The Treasury of Gold Masters".

Inside the, there are Jinshan and Yinshan, all valuable treasures are stored in it, and it is used as the big bed for Jinzhu to sleep.

"This is the Steam City. The masterpieces of the Holy City engineers have spent nearly a century building and continuously improving ... the machinery manufacturing and research being carried out here will become an indispensable part of the Great Expedition."

:. :

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