My Cell Prison

Chapter 735: penetration

Not to mention the particularity of Han Dong.

The two teams here have reached the levels of "Gold" and "Sirsil", respectively.

The confusion and anxiety on the faces of Lucius and Deez also showed that they had never encountered such a situation.

If you encounter "overlapping space", the moment you step into the space channel, you will have a more or less sense of spatial exclusion, and it will inevitably be perceived by everyone.

No matter how silky the space channel is, Han Dong of the Void Lab will definitely have a sense of it.


It's unlikely.

Because of ‘whisper’ and ‘innocence’, the corrupting and degrading effects on the spirit.

All knights who perform investigation tasks out of the city will be prepared for spiritual protection in advance. Most people will go to the church one day in advance to receive a "prayer blessing" that can last for one week.

Therefore, it is impossible to say that everyone has fallen into some kind of illusion.

Besides ... Han Dong, a man who is completely full of mental protection, is still here.

Unless there is a person who can completely surpass Han Dong in the sea when they just stare at the harbor, the two differ by several levels.

It can directly ignore the mental defense created by the faceless head and crazy laugh.

Another is the combination of the two ... spatial illusion.

This involves the blind spots of the current group of knights.

After an investigation by Ditz, Jane, and Abel, walking twenty kilometers along the road, should have reached the border of the Gain Forest, but came to the sea cliff about two hundred meters high.

"I am going to investigate over the air."

Say nothing.

Han Dong released a crow from his palm and quickly flew up into the air.


In the vision shared by the crows, all he saw was an isolated island surrounded by the dense fog of the sea.

Continue to control the crow when trying to leave the island, but immediately disconnected as he flew into the mist.

It is further verified that the entire staff is trapped in the island and the sea area contains huge dangers.

Dizi, the "Silver Front", flashed a sharp look in his pupils and immediately gave a response plan.

"Everyone's attention, because we encountered uncontrollable circumstances during the" investigation mission ", we were unable to establish contact with the Holy City, or even confirm our current location.

Long-term exposure to the night will not be purified by the sanctuary, and our spirit will one day be devoured by various pollution factors.

The main purpose of our next investigation will be to escape!

Anyone with any ideas for Kojima can put forward the first time.

At the same time, all of us will also act as supervisors and supervised persons. Once someone in the team is found to have signs of 'pollution', they need to report immediately.

The Knights of Searest can be baptized with light.

However, the effect of this baptism will be greatly reduced as the number of times increases ... Once the depth of pollution exceeds 30%, and the baptism has been received more than three times, the holy city will deal with the fallen.

Especially the newcomers, I hope to be mentally prepared!

Of course, if my team members meet the above conditions, I will deal with it as soon as possible.

I will execute decisively at the moment when your chivalry is still alive ... Let you die as noble knights, not the fallen ones who have been cast aside by the people. "

Deez Marielas gave a correct and important joint regulation in the first instance of an abnormal situation.

There was no objection from the entire staff.

Diz then continued: "Preliminary investigation has determined that the 'surface' of the port town is not dangerous.

We recommend that you use individual or two-person teams as a unit to penetrate the port area from various directions ... The players who can "camouflage" conduct investigations on the [Ming Nian].

The other team members conducted investigations on the dark side by concealment.

Find out the hidden secrets of the port town as fast as possible.

Let me take a look at those of you who can do the "disguise"? "

Lilinhia Scholes, the pharmacist in Silver Edge.

A female knight with a large number of freckles, who took the next special medicine mixed with the fish biological milling liquid, was able to mix herself, immediately letting herself exude a fisherman's breath similar to the port residents.

Captain Deez also smiled with satisfaction when he saw the perfect camouflage of his team members.

Immediately afterwards, the blood knight Lucius also let his blood emit a similar breath through the contact with the conch, and then a spare gray cloth cloak was stained with sewage and covered on his body.

Camouflage is an advanced ability.

In Deez's view, Lucius could do that well.

As for the rookie knights in the "Crow's Word" team, there is no need to consider it.

"Reluctantly ... Lucius, you and Lilienia in my squad will form a two-person camouflage squad to penetrate from the bright side."

at this time.

A gloomy and damp breath struck.

It's as if another towner who checked seafood came here.

The people all tilted their heads, all eyes fixed on Han Dong's body.

Wet and protruding eyes, multi-layered bags under the eyes, fish gills under the cheekbones, a few fish scales, and the shape of a tadpole ... most importantly, Han Dong also exudes a fishy smell.

This scene made Diz look silly directly.

He really wanted to ask Han Dong how to do it, but as a senior's self-esteem, he cursed curiosity.

At the same time, a sound of a layer of seawater flooding his throat came out of Han Dong's mouth: "Grumbling ... Captain Deez, please let me investigate the coastal port area of ​​the town on my own, as soon as I get important information Share with everyone. "


This image, this voice ... must be an 'old fisherman'.

Deez cleared his throat and said, "Ahem ... if everyone finds any strange monsters hiding in the town or a group of cults during the infiltration process.

Share the information immediately, deal with it after discussion, and never make your own claim. "

Immediately, everyone carried out a comprehensive inspection of the clockwork on the wrist.

Although the device cannot contact the holy city, the connection between the teams is still okay ...

that's it.

Listen to Diz's orders.

Single or double as a unit, fully penetrate the port town from different angles.

Han Dong made no cover when leaving the army.

Gurgle ~

Directly from the palm of your hand, a tentacle of void can be extended.

When moving outside the city, fast and stable space transfers through tentacles are safer and more secretive than crows flying ... and they are faster in certain areas.


The tentacles stick to the dock at the edge of the harbor.

Coincidentally, a steam-powered iron boat returned with a full load ~ ~ is unloading.

With the efforts of more than a dozen crew members, a lot of conch ~~ a lot of conch tilted down.

One of the crew members seemed to have been unable to sleep for several days, his eyes and eyes were covered with bloodshots, and there were even a lot of black spots ... using a rather hard-core nail fixation method, forcibly opened his eyelids to stay awake. .

Staring at the conch, he showed an extremely longing smile and immediately removed the iron nails from his eyelids.

Find a good fresh conch and point the screw mouth at your face ...

叽 里 叽 里 ~

Several translucent, clean tentacles immediately penetrated into the crew's nostrils and mouths and slept on the spot.

The rest of the crew continued to work, distinguishing the salvaged conch according to the quality of the conch. The high-quality conch can be sold for a good price.

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