"It said that if you dare to call its name wrong again, it will fight you desperately." Gu Fenghua replied. Don't say that Hei Yao is desperate, even she wants to be desperate.

"Okay, I'll remember that I won't call you by the wrong name again, don't worry, Heizi." Loenen stroked the bear's head affectionately, and said gently with an apologetic expression.

"I won't make a mistake, I assure you, Heizi." The fat man looked serious.

"Me too, I never lie, trust me, Heizi." Ye Wuse touched his chest with one hand, with a solemn expression.

"Pfft!" Gu Fenghua almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

The little bear cub drooped his head, looking very hurt, very hurt.

"By the way, Heizi, show us how you did it just now." Loenen asked excitedly, grabbing the little bear cub, without any consciousness or guilt for hurting the fragile hearts of underage children.

"Yes, yes, let us see again." Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse also looked forward to it.

Little Xiong Cub kept a straight face and didn't even look at them.

"It said it was tired and was going back to sleep." Gu Fenghua gloated at the few people.

Anyway, it's easy for her to know the secret of the little bear cub, just find some time to ask in her mind, as for Lonen and the others, let them think about it.

Gu Fenghua was very satisfied with the cold violence of the little bear cubs. These guys can't even remember the names that are so vivid, so powerful, so mysterious, and their heads are full of rural and pastoral style. They never thought that this would affect other people's young hearts. Does it do much damage?

You should teach them a lesson and let them have a longer memory.

"Heizi, what do you think this is?" Lonen took out a roasted chicken leg and shook it in front of the cub a few times.

"Woooo..." The brat who was still drooping just now seemed to be full of blood, and threw himself into Luo Enen's arms, chewing on the drumstick while kissing her face affectionately Rubbing and rubbing.

That kindness, that warmth, is even closer than meeting your own mother.

"Heizi, eat slowly, don't worry, I still have some here." The fat man took out another braised pig's trotter and said with a smile.

"Wow..." The cheers sounded again.

The next moment, the brat was already in Fatty Bai's arms, sticking out his tongue and licking his face.

Well, I saw my mother just now, but now I have found my father.

"Heizi, I still have five-spice beef jerky here, you seem to like this very much." Ye Wuse took out a piece of jerky, tore a small piece into his mouth, and rolled his eyes contentedly.

Unlike those two foodies, he usually doesn't carry too many snacks with him, but he always has some beef jerky and nuts.

When reading a book, eat some melon seeds, tear some jerky and taste slowly, and then feel sad with red eyes, this is life.

Before Ye Wuse could swallow the beef jerky, the brat was already hanging around his neck like a koala, stretching his neck and opening his mouth wide, waiting for him to feed him the beef jerky.

This scene is so warm and joyous.

Heizi, what, some people call it a sunspot? Didn't hear, didn't hear at all.

This traitor was bought off so easily, what about your integrity, what about your arrogance? Gu Fenghua was dumbfounded, his heart was very hurt, very hurt.

Soon, the little bear cub ate all the chicken legs, pig's trotters, beef jerky, etc., but was still hanging on Ye Wuise's neck, looking at them eagerly.

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