My British Empire

Chapter 574 Anticlimactic

For such a scene, the Spanish naval commander Sidoni did not feel any anger or anger. Instead, he held the monocular tightly and watched the two navies at war without saying a word.

There is a reason for this.

Although it seems that the Spanish navy on the sea has been passively beaten, the English long guns have a long range, but their power is much worse than the cannons of the Western Army.

Therefore, even if they suffered a lot of shelling, it was only a few unlucky ships that were hit, and there was not much loss to the huge Spanish navy.

Moreover, with the passage of time, under the control of skilled sailors, the Spanish navy has gradually grasped the situation, and on the sea, it has begun to develop in favor of the Western Army.

Although the situation is gradually becoming clearer, the sea area is still extremely chaotic.

It's ridiculous to say that as the largest naval fleet in the history of the Spanish Navy and the second-ranked Anglo-Portuguese navy, there is nothing to say.

This is the largest sea battle in the history of the world, and it is also the first time that everyone in the battle has encountered this situation, so most people are still in a state of confusion.

The huge fleet does not have the effective communication means of the later generations, so what is displayed in front of the eyes of the world does not have the shocking feeling of artillery flying together.

On the contrary, all kinds of ships are moving fast or slow on the sea surface, and there is no other way of distinguishing them except the flags on the ships.

"Boom——" Spain adheres to the large scale of ships, so basically in addition to artillery, ramming with angles has become a necessary means.

Charles, who was playing with the "San Lorenzo", suddenly felt the hull shake, and then, a loud noise came from his ears.

"What's going on?" He asked hastily, his face changing.

"A small Spanish boat hit us!" The sailor who was watching from the side immediately shouted, and then waved his hand to show that nothing happened.

In this regard, Charles nodded, and turned his attention away from the "San Lorenzo", only to realize that there were already many Spanish ships around him, with the "San Lorenzo" as the center, presenting a surrounding trend.

"Damn it, go left, rush out—" Charles finally realized that he was almost surrounded, but fortunately he woke up in time.

After glancing hard at the safe and sound "San Lorenzo", Charles gave orders.

The Spaniards certainly lived up to their reputation.

Feeling the strong naval power of Spain, Charles, who was able to break through, felt his heart sink.

Looking back, Charles was extremely worried about his own situation as he watched the Spanish navy, which was gradually showing a reversal trend.

In this case, the Anglo-Portuguese coalition forces will lose.

Not only him, but also Secretary of the Admiralty James, who has been staring intently at the sea.

Although in some parts, the British and Portuguese navies have done something, but the powerful Spanish navy has already grasped the situation.

James understood Spain's strategy. They gradually narrowed their circle, trying to narrow the distance between the ships of the two armies, and then used the advantages of numbers and ships to carry out boarding battles and swallow the British-Portuguese coalition forces in one fell swoop.

Therefore, on the sea, the Anglo-Portuguese coalition forces seem to be scattered like stars, while the Spanish ships as big as stars, as if they were going to approach the British ships, instead moved the distance openly, making them a huge and incomparably large ship. The large circle surrounded the main warships of the Anglo-Portuguese coalition forces, and the gap became smaller and smaller.

Charles immediately reminded James during the observation that the Secretary of the Navy finally realized the conspiracy and immediately asked all the warships to retreat in an orderly manner to end the chaos.

The many ships in the game are very surprised why one's own side retreats. Isn't this at an advantage? Why retreat?

But the newly established all-professional navy has this advantage, and its execution is full, even if it is a wrong order, it will still be executed correctly.

And if merchant ships from other countries participate in the war, it will not be easy to retreat.

Fortunately, most of the British troops were small boats, which were easy to turn around and fast, and escaped from the closing circle in less than ten minutes.

When the Portuguese saw that the British army had withdrawn, they naturally followed suit.

However, there were still five or six ships trapped in the ring and bombarded until they sank.

Even though they had raised the white flag to surrender, the Spaniards refused and fired heavily with artillery.

Seeing the Anglo-Portuguese coalition forces disappearing as quickly as quicksand, Sidoni had a look of resentment on his face. Afterwards, he shook off this feeling. After all, today is still a small victory. The facts still prove that the Spanish navy is invincible.

As for the uneasiness in my heart, it is purely superfluous.

In this way, the first battle between the Anglo-Portuguese coalition forces and the Spanish army ended anticlimactically.

The Western Army returned to the occupied Port of Calais and began to repair.

However, the Anglo-Portuguese coalition forces, which suffered a small setback, had a heavy atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, even with the speed and range, they still couldn't help the Spaniard, which made everyone frustrated.

This naval battle, which decided the fate of the United Kingdom, entrusted the hope of the king and the entire central government, and there was no room for a single mistake. With such a huge responsibility, the poor start in the morning caused the entire staff to fall into silence.

"Just now, I seem to have seen a wind blowing in the waters of Port of Calais!"

When everyone was thinking hard, Drake, who had always been impatient, said softly.

"Yes, it seems that the wind has turned from southwest to westerly!" John, Hawkins answered his cousin impatiently, scolding the cousin with his eyes, and stopped his wanton behavior. Then I started to think deeply again.

"Then the waves will get bigger and bigger!" Drake seemed to be unaware of the impatient and disgusted eyes of the crowd, still talking to himself.

Fortunately, everyone is not a fool, especially Lord James, the Secretary of the Navy, he is very shrewd.

"How? My sir, do you have any good method?"

James suddenly raised his head, looked at Drake, the navigator who discovered the new route, and asked softly.

"It's just some inconspicuous tricks, I'll make your Excellency laugh!"

Afterwards, Drake revealed his idea with great interest, and got a round of applause.

In the dark, this method is no less than the last straw. Even if the hope is slim, it is worth a try.

"Tonight, I hope you can successfully complete your goal, and I will report your achievements to His Majesty the King!"

In the dark night, the waves kept rising and falling. Even though he wore a lot of clothes, James still felt a little cold, but he couldn't drive away the heat in his heart.

"Of course, sir, this is what I should do!" Drake responded respectfully.

ps: A chapter is missing, garbage system, I can only stay up late to code words, alas...

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