My British Empire

Chapter 565 Typical Attack

Cadiz, on the southeast side of Cadiz Bay on the southwestern coast of Spain, is one of the main seaports in southern Spain.

Facing the Atlantic Ocean, at the top of the long and narrow peninsula, surrounded by the ocean on three sides for more than ten kilometers, only one side is connected to the land. It is the oldest city in Spain, built by the Phoenicians in 1000 BC.

For the Spaniards, it is not only a city with the richest history, but also one of the cities with developed shipbuilding industry and one of the shipbuilding centers of Spain.

Every month, dozens of ships are manufactured from Cadiz, launched, and undergo sea trials, which is very busy.

Potbellied businessmen, well-dressed aristocrats, drunken-eyed sailors, and smiling women who have stumbled form a moving picture scroll.

The growing colonial interests have brought enough satisfying benefits to the entire Spanish navigation industry, and a large number of shipyards have been established to build treasure ships to deliver benefits to the Spanish Empire.

Especially after the corrupt situation in the Netherlands, the empire lost its most important financial pillar, overseas colonial interests, which was a vital source of support before the empire went bankrupt.

In this way, it indirectly promoted the development of the shipbuilding industry.

Cadiz is also becoming more and more prosperous.

"Hey, buddy, why are you always showing up in Cadiz these days, don't you need to go overseas to escort? Those pirates are salivating at the treasure ship!"

In the evening, when I returned from the shipyard, Garvar suddenly felt a little strange. I saw my childhood friend Herrera, a soldier, appearing in the port of Cadiz every day these days. Very busy.

"Oh? Garval, my friend, long time no see!" Herrera, who was wearing a navy uniform, was called out, so she turned her head and saw that it was a childhood friend of the shipbuilder.

"My friend, I don't need to worry about the treasure ship now, I have other tasks!"

Herrera raised her head a little excitedly, then seemed to feel something, and lowered her head again.

"What is the mission, can you tell me? If you don't mind!"

Gaval's eyes were full of curiosity, and he asked in a low voice, and looked around.

"Of course, everyone will know in a few days!" Herrera shrugged, and then said indifferently:

"His Majesty the King is very dissatisfied with the behavior of the English stealing the Netherlands. So this time, I am going to really teach the English a lesson!"

"I'm going to train this time, and then gather a large army and go to England together to teach that young king who doesn't know what to do!"

"England is such a barbaric place, it really needs to be taught a lesson!"

In Ghawal's mind, England was still the land of savages, dressed in shabby outmoded clothes, savage and impertinent.

Compared with the real Europa civilized people, they are too far behind.

The two happily discussed the scene after the victory, talking and laughing.

Herrera said he would burn all the English ships and take all the gold.

"Boom——" This pleasant conversation was suddenly interrupted with a loud noise.

"What's going on?" Herrera was very surprised.

How can there be gunfire in this port of the Spanish Empire?

Turning their heads, a puff of black smoke suddenly appeared in the eyes of Herrera and Garvar, and the rumble of the guns was shocking.

The eyes of the two were full of disbelief.

At the port, dozens of ships flying the flag of the United Kingdom appeared, which surprised the Spaniards at the port.

At this time, the United Kingdom Navy did not give them any chance to react. Hundreds of artillery salvos fired, and the densely packed ships approaching the port, whether warships or merchant ships, suffered a devastating blow at this moment.

The sound of gunfire and thick white smoke enveloped the entire port. Before Spain could react, more than half of all available warships had been destroyed.

The setting sun in the evening has not yet cleared, but a puff of white smoke is floating on the sea surface of the entire port. The sea breeze is blowing, but it still cannot be blown away, as if at this time, it is not in the evening, but in the morning.

The roaring shelling, as if from hell, defeated the psychological defense of the Spanish navy at this moment.

Crazy shouts and cries echoed throughout the port. The self-respecting Spaniards had never endured such a huge loss, and psychological breakdowns abounded.

Afterwards, the bombarded English Navy divided a group of ships, and went to major shipyards to continue roaring, destroying their shipbuilding facilities.

On this day, the sudden shelling and ships stunned the Spaniards, and they forgot to fight back.

And when everyone reacted, the English had destroyed all visible ships, and they were even ready to start landing for a new round of robbery.

The United Navy began to perform. The Spanish Navy, part of which has been connected to the ship, sank in this port.

The others almost collapsed, and there was no decent counterattack.

After all, in this world of naval battles that are still dominated by boarding battles, the effect of hundreds of artillery salvos is very amazing, especially for the arrogant Spanish navy.

Thousands of people from the United Navy landed at the port, and before night fell, they robbed all the businesses and shops.

At night, when everything was over, the entire port of Cadiz was devastated and almost turned into ruins, which could not be seen directly.

"What's going on here? Where are the people?" When the mayor of Cadiz arrived with the garrison, everything in front of him was about to knock him down, and he couldn't stand still.

In fact, England just looted the shops, and the consequences were not too great, but the rout of the navy was a mess. After the English left, they consciously joined the ranks of robberies, and even went too far, which was even more harmful.

Looting, violence, murder, and arson destroyed the originally prosperous port.

"You guys, hurry up and catch these rout soldiers, catch them all!"

The mayor with wavy hair trembled and stretched out his index finger, pointing at the unscrupulous rout, and said loudly to the garrison behind him.

Afterwards, most of the rout soldiers were driven away, but in just a few hours, the port city was completely destroyed.

Regarding this, the wavy mayor felt a cold heart.

These are the lands of his wealth and all his responsibilities. In the end, when he was investigated, he was doomed.

"Your Excellency, the mayor, it has been investigated clearly that the English navy attacked the port more than three hours ago and looted all the shops!"

"After that, the broken army looted the entire port, and a lot of atrocities followed!"

Holding the torch, the young secretary hurried over and reported to the mayor out of breath.

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