My British Empire

Chapter 563 Federation Kingdom

On the spot, all the parliamentarians reached an agreement and decided to abolish Philip II's legal right to rule the Netherlands. The Habsburg family no longer has the right to rule the Netherlands.

Of course, there are royalists at any time, and some people suggest that other princes of the Habsburg family can be invited to inherit the throne.

However, Protestant priests and nobles opposed it one after another, saying that the Habsburg family was no longer worthy of ruling the Netherlands.

Therefore, the position of the new governor can only have two candidates: Prince Louis of Orange and King Edward of England.

In this regard, the candidate for the governor is difficult to choose at this time.

"Everyone, the former Prince of Orange has always been an important pillar of the independence of the Netherlands, and the new Prince of Orange is no exception. He has always been an indispensable part of the Netherlands!"

A noble stood up abruptly and shouted loudly.

"No, the Prince of Orange has flirted with those nobles in the south and kept in touch with him. I'm afraid he no longer wants the position of governor and wants to be a loyal subject of Philip II!"

"In my opinion, His Majesty Edward of England is the real governor of the Netherlands!"

An aristocratic councilor who was inclined to England also stood up and retorted righteously.

"He's Protestant—"

Another congressman spoke abruptly.

"He's into science—"

"He loved the people—"

"He opposed tyranny—"

"He is the king of England and the United Kingdom. He treats his courtiers friendly, forgives his people, and is enthusiastic about business. In particular, he has always supported the actions of the Netherlands against the tyrant and gave us great support. He is the leader of the Netherlands. A true and reliable friend of the people, he is definitely the only candidate for the governor of the Netherlands!"

The nobles seemed to be counting their numbers, and each of them seemed to have discussed in private, talking about the characteristics of His Majesty Edward one by one.

The Prince of Orange is too young; he has been hiding in Germany; he has lost battles;

The shortcomings of Prince Orange were also pointed out one by one.

More and more people joined in the fun, and as more and more people talked, most of the councilors compared the Prince of Orange and King Edward in their hearts. After some arguments, it was finally clear that King Edward was Ned. Lan needs the governor.

"In this case, then, I announce that the new governor will be His Majesty King Edward of England!"

Baron Grant made the final decision, and finally confirmed the real governor candidate, and the congressmen were really at ease.

Sitting at the side, Mr. John, who was specially invited and was the most active during the revolutionary period in the Netherlands, showed a knowing smile, and then touched his pocket as if distressed.

After this trip, all the activity funds have been consumed, and I am afraid that they will have to count on funding again.

In March 1566, representatives of more than 10 provinces, including the Netherlands and Zeeland, concluded the "Utrecht Alliance" in Utrecht, announcing joint operations "like one province" and formulating a common military and diplomatic strategy. policy.

In May, the three-level meeting of the Utrecht League formally passed the "Oath Act", deposing Philip II and declaring independence from Spain

In June, King Edward Tudor of England also signed the treaty.

The following year, several provinces and territories including Groningen also joined the alliance.


The Southern Principality, the Earl Country, and even the Bishopric of the Netherlands opposed each other and established the Arras Alliance, recognizing Philip II as the monarch, in an attempt to capture the Northern Netherlands together.

Philip II, who was blown up, immediately borrowed money from Venice and Genoa, resulting in a heavily indebted government.

After all, at this critical moment of the war, the downfall of the government was definitely something Philip II didn't want to see, and he couldn't see it anymore.

Of course, back in March, Edward himself was stunned when he heard that he had been elected governor of the North Netherlands.

Even though he had fantasized about it many times and made too many plans for foreshadowing, he was still a little dizzy when the position of governor reached his head.

The Netherlands, the most developed region in this era, is also the maritime overlord who will enjoy the sea coachman and rule the sea for a century in the future, and finance is prevalent.

The real rise of Britain in history was grown by absorbing the blood of the Dutch.

Textile technology, finance, foreign trade, colonial companies, etc., there are too many places to imitate.

When the economy is developed, almost everything is leading, and they are all role models to learn from.

"Although the northern Netherlands is a bit small, it is an elite area, and it is extremely important for the blood of the United Kingdom!"

Edward pressed his national seal on the decree that he became the governor, and then signed his name, before thinking about it in a trance.

"Although the acquisition of the Netherlands region has many benefits, there are still countless troubles. Although the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, the big ones are not obvious!"

Edward understood that although the northern Netherlands chose him as the governor, although he had spent money to cheat and supported him for a long time, the most important thing was probably the threat from Spain.

What the nascent Netherlands had to face was the huge Spanish fleet and the horrifying army, which were in danger and could be wiped out at any time.

His Majesty Edward is different. Let him become the governor, and he will bring the United Kingdom, which has greatly increased its national strength. With the United Kingdom on its back, the Netherlands has a great possibility of surviving and becoming more and more prosperous.

Therefore, becoming the governor of the Netherlands, there are good and bad, is likely to drag the United Kingdom into the abyss of war.

"Mr. Prime Minister, prepare war reserve funds from now on! A war is about to begin!"

Seeing his prime minister's resolute and heartbroken face, Edward couldn't help showing a little smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"James—" "Yes, Your Majesty!" Secretary of the Navy James also seemed to have expected something, he took a step forward, then bowed his head and agreed.

"How about the reform of the navy?"

"The navy is financially free and the corrupt people have been weeded out.

As for the new ships, they have been verified and are completely feasible, so nearly twenty ships have been equipped, and ten more are in production! "

Although the navy has been preparing, but its inherent disadvantages lie, compared with the Spaniards, the gap in strength is still too large.

"Say, how does it compare to the Spaniards? What are the chances of winning?"

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, the combined navy can only defend the coastal waters of the kingdom, and cannot go out to fight Spain?"

Edward heard this, frowned, and asked again:

"What if you add the Portuguese navy and the armed merchant ships of the Netherlands?"

Portugal is an ally, not to mention the Netherlands, facing Spain, it is also possible to share the same hatred.

"This, if it is said to be carried out in the English Channel! It can have a winning rate of half!"

Too many boats are very useful, it still depends on people!

With half the winning rate, Edward was relieved.

A few days later, the northern Netherlands announced the establishment of the United Provinces, with King Edward VI of England concurrently serving as king.

At this moment, Philip II of Madrid finally couldn't bear it anymore.

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