My British Empire

Chapter 557 Influence

Half of the tariffs are directly allocated to the royal family as a subsidy. Although it is different from England's full tariffs being charged to the royal family, it is still very tempting.

Although Edward has been thinking about all the tariffs in Ireland, but considering the rebellious sentiment, it is quite good to get half of the tariffs.

"It seems that the Irish have already understood that I must eat the meat of tariffs. Instead of being taken away for no reason, why not use it for some interest?"

Edward stared at John Perrott, who was nervous, with a slight smile on his face, then shook his head slightly, and said:

"My lord governor, although I am very satisfied with the wishes of the Irish, but for now, I don't have such a request. The matter of tariffs will wait until later!"

"As for allegiance to this thing, it is not proved by money!"

Half the tariff is very tempting, almost, Edward was confused.

Scotland, Wales, England, all customs duties belong to the royal family, but you are special in Ireland? Give half of the tariff directly, and negotiate conditions.

My God, I am the real king and master of the United Kingdom.

Sooner or later, Irish tariffs will find their way into the hands of the crown, rather than needing so-called handouts and negotiations.

This is an insult to kingship.

His Majesty the King's last words were full of deep meaning, and even his gaze seemed to have a different meaning.

Glancing at John Perot, Edward sneered, turned his face away, and then rode away at a faster speed.

Like a thunderbolt, the general lowered his head and looked expectant, frightened His Excellency the Governor.

At this moment, he felt what it means to be with a king like a tiger.

The king, who was chatting and smiling just now, suddenly became colder, and a strong sense of political crisis permeated his whole body.

Only then did John Perrot feel that he had put His Majesty the King and the Governor's Palace on the same level for a while to negotiate.

After being away from the political center for a long time, his political sense has been lowered all of a sudden, careless.

Although the governor is known as the deputy king, since the War of the Roses, there have been a few nobles who dared to negotiate with the king, and treated them as equals.

As a result, the sudden loss of vigilance made John Perot extremely nervous. He knew that he had to make up for it, otherwise his political life might be ruined.

Sure enough, the next day, His Majesty Edward met with Knight Baron Baldwin who was stationed in Dublin, and had a series of intimate conversations with senior military officials.

Knight Baron Baldwin said that the Irish garrison will definitely be strengthened, guarding this charming island for the king and the United Kingdom.

During this period, His Majesty the King also purchased a large amount of cattle, sheep, and fine wine, and rewarded the thousands of troops in Dublin. I heard that the army has worked harder in their drills recently.

On the third day, His Majesty the King had a cordial conversation with the members of the Irish Parliament, and then proposed cordial solutions to the problems encountered by the Irish tribal nobles and the members of the Parliament.

At this point, John Perot knew that the Governor's Palace would not be able to stop the tariffs, and he was doomed to lose this huge gain.

If it is said that he tried to stop it, there is a certain possibility of success, but after he goes down, the next governor will definitely obey the arrangement.

So, in his own future and the interests of Ireland, John. Perott chose the best answer.

"Boom—I officially announce that after many members voted by secret ballot, with 150 votes in favor and 32 votes against, the bill No. 123 submitted by Governor John Perrott will, from now on, be Come into force!"

The gray-haired speaker dropped the hammer and announced loudly that the proposal was passed.

Immediately, there was thunderous applause.

Of course, there were also a few congressmen who patted the table angrily, and then chose to leave angrily, not paying any attention to the strange gazes of others.

Hearing this, Edward smiled at first. There are people like this everywhere, and they are dedicated to the public! understandable.

Immediately, in less than a month, these MPs were forced to withdraw from the Irish Parliament for one reason or another.

The tariffs are officially in the bag, and Edward's anger towards John Perot has also dissipated a lot.

After all, they are also wholeheartedly for the United Kingdom. Conflicts between the United Kingdom and the royal family are inevitable. A wise politician needs to carefully consider and make a choice.

This time, it can be regarded as a lesson for him. After all, he is only forty years old, very proud, and his political experience is still relatively weak.

What's more, he is still his father's illegitimate child, so it is necessary to give him a chance.

There are more than 30 counties in Ireland and four major provinces. After Edward has harvested a lot, he spent nearly a month to carry out a royal promotion activity on the entire big island.

The momentum is mighty, surrounded by thousands of troops, and they are driving slowly on the road that gradually runs through the counties of the whole island.

Along the way, immigrants, officials, and Celtic nobles continued to come to see him, and Edward generously gave gifts as a token of love.

Of course, people also contributed, cattle and sheep, buckskin, gold, and even beautiful women, everything that one expects to find, Edward refused all of them, and did not accept them.

After all, this is an opportunity to promote the presence of the royal family, leaving a good impression is more important than money.

Therefore, along the way, Edward is equivalent to spreading money everywhere. In less than a month, tens of thousands of pounds are gone. It is not an exaggeration.

But the benefits are huge.

First of all, Edward has a general understanding of the situation in Ireland, and he fully understands that the growth of the population is the reason for the Celtics' vendetta.

Therefore, with a flick of a pen, His Majesty the King directly recruited 3,000 people from the Celts to form the Irish Guards and merge them into the ranks of the Guards.

The second point is that spending money is really the best way to build goodwill, especially the discipline of the army is perfect and there is no disturbance to the people. In addition, Edward's series of friendly actions have left a deep impression on the Irish people.

Decades later, the Irish still discuss it with gusto.

For example, a tribe did not have a well and could only fetch water from a river more than ten miles away, but that river belonged to other tribes, and a series of conflicts arose from this.

His Majesty the King knew about it, and immediately ordered the army to dig a deep well, so that the conflict between the two tribes disappeared.

In this week's Irish Weekly, there is a rich explanation of this little matter.

It has since been reprinted by the London Daily, the Scottish Weekly, the Welsh Weekly, and the United Weekly.

For a time, throughout Ireland, the influence of the Tudor royal family rose rapidly, basically meeting the requirements of His Majesty the King.

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