My British Empire

Chapter 534 Supply Ship

The sea breeze was blowing gently, and the waves were shaking gently. The sun in the sky with a weak light shone on the panting sailors on the deck, and the cries of seagulls rang in my ears.

If it wasn't for the injury on his arm, Andrews felt that he could get a bottle of wine and eat a piece of fresh beef at this time, lying on the deck, basking in the sun, blowing the salty sea breeze, and enjoying this rare winter. the right time.

However, the physical pain, the blood on the deck, and the wailing sailors still reminded him that he was out of luck.

Yes, that's right, he was unlucky. As the first merchant ship to deliver supplies to America, unfortunately, he was attacked by pirates.

With bandages hanging on his shoulders, Andreessen stared at the choppy sea ahead with a cold face, feeling very unhappy.

A while ago, the wanton issuance of privateering licenses caused a frenzy of pirates to erupt throughout the United Kingdom, and a large number of young and middle-aged people from the bottom of the countryside rushed to the sea.

As a result, the police and ordinary people are of course happy, and the law and order has improved a lot; the shipyard is also happy, and there are many more orders.

But, unfortunately, they are businessmen, even though the London colonial company he belongs to has a shareholding of His Majesty the King, there are still small thieves who are not good-looking and ready to rob.

After all, the sea is vast and boundless, after eating you, how would you find out?

Of course, most pirates dare not go too far due to privateer licenses and piracy laws, but there are still too many short-sighted people, and there are countless courageous people.

Therefore, like other businessmen, Andrews has a lot of complaints about the promulgation of the "Pirate Law". Therefore, in the case of life safety and property, the dissatisfaction is even more serious.

Touching his well-bandaged wound, Andrews took a breath, and a sense of gratitude suddenly surged in his heart:

Fortunately, God blesses, fortunately, there are doctors on board, fortunately, someone invented bandages, fortunately, someone invented alcohol disinfection, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Of course, he wouldn't know that the previous ones were all invented by the people who brought him harm, otherwise his complexion would be really wonderful.

"Boss, look, what is that?" The first mate directed the sailors to scrub the deck that still smelled of blood, and then pointed forward with surprise, and said loudly.

"Oh? There, is that Edwardtown built by Gilbert? It's so unexpected!"

Following the look of the first mate's fingers, a surprise expression suddenly appeared on Andrews' face, and the original sorrow and resentment were swept away.

What appeared in front of his eyes were no longer patches of primeval forests and swamps, nor elks and rabbits, but a land full of vitality.

The huge forest that was tall and obscured the light at the harbor was cut down one by one at this time, forming an open space of tens of thousands of acres, and the tree stumps were also removed.

And those tall tree trunks have turned into tall wooden houses, and the dry branches and leaves are neatly placed on the roof to serve as a cover for the roof. The windows are triangular, with a profound style of England at this time.

It is roughly estimated that there are hundreds of such wooden houses.

Outside the wooden house area, there is a circle of tall fences, like a long snake, which protects the residential area and deters those simple invaders.

From the surface of the sea, one can vaguely see the figures within the fence constantly moving, like busy ants, working hard for their lives.

Outside the fence, there is a field of farmland. Unknown crops are growing vigorously, with indescribable vitality.

A small village was quietly born in North America.

"It's great, Gilbert did not disappoint!"

Seeing such an open up situation, Andrews is also very happy, beyond words.

It is not without reason that he did not say that Gilbert was his good friend, but that he had some shares in the London Colonial Company, which made him very excited.

"Quick, hurry over, let me see what the governor is doing today!"

Andrews hurriedly urged the sailors on board, he couldn't wait to see Gilbert.

"Look, what's that? It seems like a supply ship is coming!" The young militiaman held a matchlock gun, watching a ship approaching quickly, and it seemed to be the ship that brought him, he was quite excited. shouted.

"You stay here, I'll go back when I go!" After confirming that this is a supply ship, the young man hurriedly asked his companions to stay still, and then ran down the tower quickly, heading for the tallest and most luxurious wooden house one building.

"Da da da——" hurried and loud footsteps reached Humphrey Gilbert's ears, followed by the guard's interception and a burst of explanations. He vaguely heard the words of the supply ship.

As the governor, the busy Gilbert raised his head impatiently and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"My lord, a militiaman said that there is a supply ship coming!" The guard walked in quickly and said happily.

"Okay, that's great!" Gilbert stood up quickly, not managing the affairs in hand, hurried out of the house, and led everyone to the fence.

At this time, all the immigrants had already known the arrival of the supply ship, and they put down their affairs one after another, stood on tiptoe, and stared at the gradually clear shadow of the ship with eyes full of expectation.

Soon, this huge armed merchant ship appeared in front of everyone, and there were endless screams and screams.

Seeing the familiar ship, Gilbert's nervous heart immediately relaxed.

"Gilbert, my Lord Governor, how are you doing now!"

"Andrews, my friend, your coming will make my life better!"

The two hugged for a moment, then laughed and teased each other before entering the city side by side.

Later, someone will naturally arrange for the new arrivals and receive supplies, and the two big bosses don't need to do it themselves.

"This time, how much supplies did you send?" Gilbert asked eagerly as he walked.

"This time, because I don't know your situation, there are only a hundred immigrants, but there are a lot of supplies!"

"A thousand dans of grain, thousands of farm implements, hundreds of long spears, hundreds of matchlock guns, a hundred barrels of gunpowder, and enough cloth for a thousand people. Considering that there are many others, I only brought Just a few!"

Captain Andrews walked, saw Gilbert's eager expression, and said with a soft smile.

"In less than half a month, the remaining two ships will arrive one by one, you have to be prepared!"

"And, guess what, my lord governor, what have I brought you this time?"

Facing his friend's question, Gilbert asked with some doubts, "What exactly is it?"

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