My British Empire

Chapter 508: Instructor

As early as 60 BC, Julius Caesar, the great emperor of the Roman Empire, wrote important political events on white wooden boards and made them public.

In China, however, the Han Dynasty issued Dibao, on which important events of the empire were written, and distributed among officials for political purposes.

In 1450, Gutenberg, a German in Europe, invented metal movable type printing technology, and printed newspapers began to be issued.

The Roman Empire issued its own "newspaper", and it was only issued when there were major eye-catching events, and it was rarely seen a few times throughout the year.

For example, in 1493, because of the discovery of America by Columbus, Rome specially issued a newspaper to publish the news at that time.

It can be said that newspapers have had a strong political propaganda purpose from the very beginning, never just to facilitate and entertain the masses.

A real newspaper in history, which appeared in the German region in 1609 and was published regularly.

Thanks to the development of printing, newspapers would never have appeared.

"Issuing the London Daily is not for sales, but to promote the central government and a positive image of the royal family. This is the most important thing!"

"Of course, for the central government, criticism should be about certain policy strategies, and it should be tactful, not directly facing a certain minister.

As for the local government, this is not necessary. Whether it is a government official or a local councilor, it is necessary to dig out their ugliness as much as possible, severely criticize and stop it! "

His Majesty the King shook his long gray-brown hair, stood near the window sill, moved left and right thinking, frowning from time to time, his blue eyes rolled up and down, drooling wantonly.

And Mr. Smith, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper with a face full of knowledge, was holding a pen, and was narrating on a slightly yellowed paper with a serious and solemn expression.

In the whole study room, there were only His Majesty's guiding and writing voices.

"Your Majesty, the newspaper office has purchased a large amount of printing equipment to run a printing factory, plus hiring editors and buying news, as well as selling each newspaper at a loss, the 10,000 pounds have already been consumed.

But if the newspaper needs to be published every day, it still needs to be expanded, and the funds are stretched! "

Seeing the young king stop his voice and move his lips, Mr. Smith hurriedly bent down, poured a cup of hot tea from the desk, held it in front of Edward, and said respectfully.

"There is no need to worry about funding. Every month, the Office of Royal Affairs will allocate 100 pounds as a subsidy for the newspaper!"

"It's not terrible to lose money. Although five pence can't cover the cost, the cost will naturally drop after the sales volume increases!"

His Majesty the King drank tea, sighed softly, and said leisurely, his tone full of laziness.

"The most urgent task at the moment is to expand its influence and strive for a circulation of more than 10,000 newspapers, making the London Daily the throat of the government."

"What you said is that for the present plan, it is more important to expand your influence!" Mr. Smith quickly agreed after getting what he wanted.

"You can do a newspaper subscription strategy, hire someone to deliver each paper to the customer's home, increase sales, don't be afraid of cost, sales is the only requirement."

Edward made the last most important request.

In the end, he didn't mention the strategy of adding advertisements to make up for the loss. The time is not yet ripe!

Just a week after the establishment of the London Daily, the sales volume has reached 3,000 copies, not far from 10,000.

At this time, the "England Weekly" was officially published, aiming at more than three million people throughout England, publishing one copy a week.

After that, the "United Weekly" for the entire United Kingdom also began to be published, and it circulated throughout the United Kingdom, including the newly occupied Normandy and Brittany regions, covering more than six million people.

These three newspapers were established by the royal family, the English government, and the central government of the United Kingdom. For a time, the three government mouthpieces ruled the public opinion of the entire United Kingdom. People are also willing to accept newspapers and understand politics.

Seeing this, Ireland, Scotland, and even Wales, after obtaining the king's permission, also established their own newspapers one after another.

It's just that they need to be supervised and reviewed by the London Daily.

"However, in the Normandy area, the population is very large, and the fields are naturally very large.

After confiscating the land of those evil Catholic nobles, the government sold those lands*** our England price is five tiers lower, those who have bonds can buy first, and then sell them to those who buy land , Earn a fat brain and a round belly!

I heard that the son of my cousin next door bought bonds and then sold them exclusively. Now he has made a fortune, eats white bread and broth every day, and is about to move! "


A black sail of about ten square meters was stretched by several ropes and hung on a wooden post on the second floor to block the basking sun and sudden rain.

Below, a dozen or so tables were randomly arranged, densely packed with people, and the wooden tables were filled with black cheap bread, more expensive wheat porridge, and white water.

In front of the wooden table, there is a high-legged black table with several newspapers full of fonts on it.

A young man in his twenties, with short black hair and well-dressed clothes, held a freshly baked ink-scented newspaper in his hand. After reading it, his head wandered.

Then he explained the contents of the newspaper in his own popular words, and added his own examples, which surprised the crowd and made the air-conditioning sound endless.

"The following is the "Irish Weekly". It said that a group of more than 50 wolves appeared near Donegal. Inform the nearby pastures and villages and towns to pay attention. It is important to escape in case of danger, no matter how much money you have. , and cannot buy you back from God!"

Ha ha ha ha……

The young man's narrator, at the end, said in a teasing tone, which immediately aroused the laughter of everyone in the audience.

In this era, there are still too few literate people, but novelty newspapers are of interest to everyone, and when they see a profit, newspaper commentators naturally appear.

"So, sir, does this large pack of wolves eat people?" At this moment, a child with curly hair standing outside the wooden table raised his hand and asked in a crisp voice.

"Oh, of course, the newspaper said that the wolves had already attacked thirteen people, and only the bones of their bodies remained~" The young lecturer glanced at the child, then looked at the newspaper on his back, his eyes Squinting, teasingly said:

"Besides, wolves like to eat people who don't work and are lazy!"

"You can't fool me, Mr. James, but I do need to deliver papers before it's too late!"

The curly-haired boy didn't believe his words at all, and said directly, then moved his short legs, and disappeared like a puff of smoke.

The little newspaper postman can't waste time.

It is his duty to deliver the newspapers on time.

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