My British Empire

Chapter 493 It's better to be the king of another family

In the Netherlands, with the joining of the 20,000 Spanish army, the riots that had just started were dispersed in an instant.

So, at this moment, how could His Majesty the King allow Spain to let go of this great opportunity of continuous bloodshed, and personally gave instructions hundreds of miles away.

"Break the rebel army into pieces, abandon the big cities with strong enemy forces, and choose small and medium-sized villages and towns where the Spanish forces are weak, and move from one point to the other!"

"Mobilize the vast number of small and medium-sized businessmen in the Netherlands who endured the exploitation of the Spaniards, let them actively join the army, and actively participate in resistance activities!"

"Don't directly confront the Spaniards, you must adopt the spirit of fighting more and fighting less, fleeing if you can't fight, and fighting hard if you can fight, all with the goal of victory!"

In the northern part of the Netherlands, on a grain drying field in a small village, a middle-aged man with curly yellow hair was wearing an English gentleman hat and holding a long black cane in his hand. He exuded a special vibe Momentum, yes, that is confidence.

"Gentlemen and ladies, we are all Netherlanders, and we were all subjected to the tyranny of that tyrant, who took away our faith!"

As if he represented himself as a Dutchman, his face flushed with excitement, and he shouted loudly with righteous indignation:

"50,000 people, from 1556 to 1563, in eight years, 50,000 Dutch people were innocently beheaded by the Inquisition. This is a naked (luo) tyranny, this is a tyranny imposed on the Netherlands! "

"Tyranny—" "Tyranny—"

In the small village, thousands of insurgents gathered, and they blushed and shouted excitedly.

"Although the Spaniards have an army of 20,000 people, we have the support of 3 million Dutch people and the support of thousands of towns. Temporary defeat is nothing!"

"Moreover, the English brought 2,000 matchlock guns and 10,000 pounds of gunpowder this time, and they came all the way from thousands of miles just to support the Dutch in their resistance against the tyrant!"

"Thanks to the English!" "God bless you!" "The English will always be our friends in the Netherlands!"

When the more than a thousand militiamen heard about this crisis, the English people came all the way to support them. For a while, they were extremely moved, and there were endless discussions.

"The Englishman! Hmph—" Outside the crowd, a tall and thin nobleman in gorgeous clothes, heard this, immediately guessed his thoughts, and said with some disdain.

"How can we control so much, it would be great if the English could come to support us!" Another nobleman shook his head and sighed.

"Alas!" The tall and thin nobleman sighed, feeling very helpless in his heart.

Since Amsterdam was occupied by the rebel army, the wave of uprisings quickly swept across the entire Northern Netherlands. It seemed that Spain's rule in the Netherlands was in jeopardy.

But after the female governor learned of the news, she decisively searched Brussels and the surrounding areas, and arrested the Earl of Egmont, Admiral Horn, and the three leaders of the Prince of Orange.

The Earl of Egmont and Admiral Horn were arrested and hanged, and only the Prince of Orange was also detained.

The 20,000 Spanish army crushed the fragile rebel army at once, and the Netherlands apparently returned to Spanish rule.

The two nobles raised their heads and continued to listen to the Englishman's speech. At this moment, boosting morale is the most important thing!

The Englishman stood on the platform and continued to preach, emotionally and infectiously.

"This is the right given to us by God, and even the king cannot stop it!"

"Surrender, that is the mantra of the cowardly, but the brave, never surrender, we will win in the end, God bless us! God bless the Netherlands!"

"God bless the Netherlands! God bless the Netherlands!" the insurgents yelled wildly, shouting loudly, venting, and everyone used their milking energy, and their decadent morale suddenly rose.

Even the nobles outside the crowd were excited to see them, and they couldn't wait to attack the Spaniards.

This kind of speech mixed with command and brainwashing, together with wine and food, made the rebel army of thousands of people revel, and put down the timidity in their hearts for a while.

Naturally, the soldiers at the bottom can be unrestrained, but the high-ranking officers of the aristocrats who are in command must remain sober.

"Mr. John! We are very grateful for your support this time, especially for bringing the weapons we are in short supply (although we need to pay)!"

A nobleman with a big nose, with a smile, said politely to the Englishman who just gave a speech.

"England and the Netherlands have a long-standing friendship, and our Majesty the King has long looked down on Spain's tyranny. This support is only the first batch. The remaining supplies will depend on your performance!"

The Englishman leaned on his cane, stroked his beard, and smiled.

Hearing this, more than a dozen nobles couldn't help showing a hint of joy on their faces. This is the first batch, and there will be more in the future. This is good for everyone.

"We in the Netherlands will keep your country's friendship with us firmly in our hearts! Thank you very much!"

In this regard, the Englishman smiled, noncommittal, interests are nothing more, feelings and so on are too empty!

This group of aristocrats has a total army of only one thousand people, but they are divided into five or six factions.

In this regard, John was extremely reluctant to hand over the supplies to them.

But firstly, it was the king's request to support the Netherlands, and secondly, in the Netherlands, which lacked weapons, the price of muskets was very high and profitable, which made Bloodblade take the risk of transporting them.

"Mr. John, what you said earlier is really a good way to divide the whole into parts, and to fight more with less. I think it is especially suitable for us in the Netherlands. Excuse me, who is this general? Can you ask him to teach us, or let him He came to teach and command us!"

The big-nosed nobleman pouted, looking embarrassed.

While the other nobles had expressions of approval, they were obviously very optimistic about this decision, and the proposed strategy was really in their hearts.

"I'm afraid I can't do anything!" Mr. John said with a smile, apologetically, "These are all proposed by our king, and I specially asked me to pass them on to you!"

"It turned out to be His Majesty Edward, what a surprise!" Many nobles sighed, and for a while, their psychology was extraordinarily complicated.

Look at the king of England, who is wise and mighty, leading England to make great strides forward. I heard that he has captured a lot of land in France.

More importantly, still Protestant.

And what about our king? Excessive levies, only know how to collect taxes, but also suppress the beliefs of the Dutch people, wantonly killing Protestants.

There is no comparison!

"If only His Majesty Edward was our king!" the nobles sighed in their hearts.

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