My British Empire

Chapter 432 War Preparation

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Finally, after such a long time, His Majesty Edward recalled the French War of Religion.

The beginning period was in 1562, the exact month is unknown, and the end time was at the end of the sixteenth century, which was the only famous civil war in French history.

What impressed Edward the most was that this war directly made the French royal family extinct, and the Bourbon dynasty came to power. Only famous figures such as the Sun King Louis XIV and Louis XVI could enter the history books.

So, at such an important moment, Edward finally couldn't bear it anymore. Knowing the start time, how could he resist not getting involved?

After each region formed its own resident soldiers, the Army Command Committee directly controlled all military power, and reorganized all self-built armies and the original army, and the total number of troops reached 30,000.

The army will be divided into garrison troops and conscription troops, with 5,000 men stationed in England, 2,000 in Scotland, 1,000 in Wales, and 2,000 in Ireland.

The remaining 20,000 were screened out and became the army dedicated to combat.

In this way, although the local treasury will assist half of the military expenditure, the amount of appropriation directly proposed by the Army Appropriation Committee to the cabinet every year has reached 80,000 pounds, of which the consumption of gunpowder is the largest.

Fortunately, the income of the cabinet continues to increase every year, otherwise it will really go bankrupt.

Edward couldn't help feeling a little emotional for the cabinet's strong support.

After inspecting the army, Edward began to inspect the navy again.

Although in this war, the navy is just a soy sauce, but at least it is also a force!

After several years of continuous development, the navy has gradually grown.

The three squadrons are almost all of the strength of the previous Henry VIII period. That is to say, the strength of the navy has tripled. Although it is not half the strength of Spain, there is no problem in defending self-defense in the English Channel.

After all, the Spanish navy was basically involved in the Mediterranean, and the Ottoman Empire continued to shed Spanish blood.

The number of large ships, that is, Galen ships over 1,000 tons, reached twelve, and two ships were launched every year.

The number of medium-sized ships ranging from three hundred to one thousand tons has reached more than two hundred. Basically, they are all equipped with bronze cannons.

There are more than 10,000 employees, and the annual cost has also soared from 40,000 pounds to 100,000 pounds, which almost bankrupted the coalition government.

In this regard, Edward's annual support of 30,000 pounds has been directly increased to 80,000 pounds, which means that the cabinet only needs to allocate 50,000 pounds a year.

The navy and army inspections were completed, and Edward met with Sir John, the Minister of Royal Affairs, who likes to flatter, is stingy, and can do things.

"Sir, at present, how much cash can the royal family provide?"

Looking at the aging Sir John and his gray hair, Edward suddenly felt that time passed too fast.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing the beard growing thicker on the king's chin, Sir John couldn't help but sigh in his heart that His Majesty the King has really grown up.

He could feel something majestic that made his heart beat faster.

"As you wish!" Sir John put on his reading glasses in consideration of his age, picked up an account book from the secretary behind him, and began to look it up.

In this way, quietly, Edward looked at this old man who had served the royal family for many years and was still working hard for the royal family. Even if he knew it, it was because of interests. Many families circled around the big tree of the royal family to gain honor money.

After a long time, it has become a habit. People are emotional animals. Looking at this old man who has served two generations of kings, Edward was inexplicably moved.

I hope that there will be more and more people like this, and the royal family will become stronger and stronger, Edward blessed in his heart.

"Your Majesty, it has been found out that the cash currently available to the royal family is stored in the Bank of England, and the amount is 300,000 pounds! Other income has just arrived, and there is a balance of 200,000 pounds in addition to the next year's expenditure budget, so the total Half a million pounds!"

Sir John's old voice sounded very clearly in the room.

Hearing this amount, Edward couldn't help pondering: 500,000 pounds, according to previous wars, it was enough to support military expenditures for one year!

Seeing His Majesty's pondering expression, Sir John couldn't help but turn pale with fright:

"Your Majesty, the royal family has become more affluent in recent years, so you must think carefully about it!"

Seeing that Mr. Jazz, who has always been stingy, began to persuade him again, Edward couldn't bear to speak directly to him, so he couldn't help explaining:

"Mr. Sir, the money is needed urgently. You must prepare the money and transfer it to the account of the Army Appropriations Committee tomorrow!"

"What?" Sir John was startled. "Is this going to war?"

"Yes, Sir, let's get ready!" Edward nodded without denying it.

Then, taking another look at Sir John's slowly leaving back, Edward immediately left the room and came to a conference room in the palace.

Here, an imperial meeting will be held.

Attending the meeting were the Earl of Argyle, the Regent of Scotland, Faris Alexander, the Regent of Wales, Baron John Perrot, the new Governor of Ireland, the Speaker of the Privy Council of England and the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, William Selsey, and members of the cabinet.

"His Majesty to—" shouted the guard.

"Your Majesty!" Everyone stood up and saluted.

After His Majesty Edward took his seat, Your Excellency the Prime Minister stood up and said:

"The convening of this imperial meeting is only for one thing - the increasingly fierce civil war in France!"

As soon as the voice fell, discussions immediately rang out in the conference hall.

Although as high-level people, many people already know the turbulent situation in France, but they still don't believe that this European power will fall into civil strife. Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, could not help but cleared his throat and explained:

"Since the death of Henry II, the false king of France, the young Francois II came to the throne. He has a huge head, extremely thin hair, a very thin neck, and a mouth full of saliva. It is said that when he put on the crown, he shouted loudly, Take this thing away, it will break my neck!"

As soon as the joke was told, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Although it was fake, the young king was indeed very weak, and he went to see God less than two years after he ascended the throne.

His younger brother Charles IX ascended the throne.

"Although Charles IX came to the throne, the French king was deeply influenced by his mother, Catherine de' Medici. He is a cowardly and independent king!"

"Since Calvinism was introduced into France, the political situation in France was turbulent, and conflicts occurred from time to time. The Catholic nobles headed by François de Lorraine, Duke of Guise, and his younger brother Cardinal Charles, and Condé. Huguenots headed by the Prince, Admiral Coligny, King Navarre!"

"According to speculation, in the near future, there will definitely be conflicts between the two factions in France, and there is a great possibility of civil strife!"

After His Excellency the Prime Minister finished his speech, everyone was thinking with their heads down, digesting the information.

"Which faction do we choose to support?" asked the chancellor immediately.

"I think it's still Huguenots, and they're Protestants anyway!"

"No, it's still the Catholic sect. Catholics are the most powerful and have more chances of winning!"


"No need to talk anymore, let's prepare for war first! Let's discuss the preparations!" Your Excellency the Prime Minister patted the table and said.

And Edward still sat comfortably, listening to their speeches and observing.

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