My British Empire

Chapter 422 The Last Chance

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In the eyes of the young soldiers, the Irish people under the city walls were almost the same as the Scottish people, with almost the same language and clothes. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, the young soldiers would not have believed it.

These savages turned out to be the same nation as themselves.

"Oh! my God, am I of the same stock as these savages? Shame on me!"

The young soldier looked at the wall of people below, thinking unwillingly.

In fact, not only the Irish, but even the Welsh are the same as the Scots, they are the same nation.

Originally, England was dominated by the Celts. After the Romans came, they occupied England and drove the Kate people to the cold north and southwest mountains, as well as the nearby Irish island.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, European barbarians came again and continued to drive the Kate people away, and then fused the genes of the Romans and some of the Kate people to form today's Anglo-Saxons, that is, the English.

"My God!" "My God!" "God bless!"

The castle guarded by only two thousand soldiers was suddenly overwhelmed by the huge army in front of them. The first thing almost everyone did was to pray to God.

And the only stronghold in Comoric County, Munster Province is also the largest stronghold. As the chief of this stronghold, John Perrott feels a lot of pressure inexplicably.

Especially under his monocular, those Kites actually had a siege engine at this time, which made him take a deep breath.

In the past, no matter how many people came to attack the city, Sir John didn't worry at all.

As one of the most cutting-edge strongholds, this is the strongest castle in Munster Province. It took 5,000 people and took half a year to build it. It is indestructible.

Moreover, in the past, the Celtics were unable to attack, and after a stalemate for three or four days, they would take the initiative to retreat due to lack of food and grass.

This time, what did he see?

Carloads of food and grass were sent to the camp that was being repaired. Although traces of battle could still be seen in the Celtic camp, it was much better than before.

At this point, John came to a conclusion in his mind: the Celtics were not good.

Judging from this, it is very likely that the entire stronghold will be captured.

Thinking of this, Sir John couldn't help having a headache.

Since the last time because of the strength of the colonization, he was received by His Majesty the King and appointed as the head of the colonization of Munster Province, commanding the army of 14 strongholds in the seven counties of Munster Province.

It can be said that a big step has been taken directly.

In addition, Lemire Watson was appointed as the head of the colonization of Leinster Province because of his outstanding performance.

This is what John envies the most, because Dublin is in the province of Leinster, and it is easiest to achieve results by performing beside the Governor.

The province of Munster, where he is located, is the southwestern part of the island of Ireland, and it is also the place where the Celtics have the most settlements.

"Come on!" His Excellency shouted loudly.

"My lord!" Someone ran over from outside immediately and replied respectfully.

"Has the messenger you sent come back?" Sir John naturally asked for support from all over the country when his parents attacked the city.

"My lord, currently only Waterford County, North Tipperary County, South Tipperary County, and Clare County can support!"

"What about the rest of the counties?" Frowning, Jazz had a bad feeling in his heart.

"News came from Kerry County and Cork County. They also suffered a large-scale Celtic attack and were unable to send troops to support them!"

County Kerry and County Cork are located at the southernmost tip of the island of Ireland, and are naturally the areas where the Celts mainly live.

If the two counties are breached, the consequences will be disastrous, and his future may be in vain.

Thinking of this, Sir John's frown became more obvious.

"Quick, before the Celtics have completely besieged the city, send someone to Dublin for help!"

In this way, in the end, we can only count on the governor to send someone.

Sir John sighed, rubbed his brow, and thought silently.

The people in the castle were thrilled to wait for a day, but the group of Celts did not attack the city. Instead, they built a camp in a decent manner, which looked like a regular army.

The next day, Lord Jazz went to the city wall in person to cheer up the soldiers and take a look at how the Kate's offensive was going.

A plume of smoke rose from the Celtic camp, as if to show the people in the castle that they had no shortage of food.

Thinking about it, the Celts are not all tribes, and most of them live on farming and animal husbandry. In the fertile land of Ireland, the land is vast and sparsely populated, so how can they be short of food?

Not long after the smoke rose, in less than half an hour, a team of more than a thousand people approached the castle gently, bringing a bit of depression to the castle.

Sir John looked through the binoculars and found that most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, and they knew at a glance that they were sent to die, that is, to test the troops.

"Tell everyone, wait for my order before acting, and don't do it privately!" Sir John turned his head and ordered.

Aside, the army commander immediately agreed.

As the team gradually approached, the soldiers on the city wall became more and more nervous, and Sir John clenched his fists.

The archers were allowed only when the probing troops were a hundred steps away from the castle, and the sword rain was thrown down.

After three throws, there were less than four hundred people standing under the city wall.

The four hundred people looked up with bewildered faces, and then ran back with their heads buried in their legs, losing any consciousness of continuing to attack.

And the unshaven man who commanded the Celtic army ignored the feelings of these soldiers, once again filling up a thousand old, weak, sick and disabled, and continued to move forward.

As a result, this time he retreated and returned in defeat, seeing the corners of the other tribal leaders' mouths twitching, feeling extremely distressed.

"Boss O'Hara, we can't go on like this!" On the side, a big man with braids all over his head, wearing rough linen clothes, yelled with distressed face.

The other tribal leaders around him also nodded and shouted, and the originally peaceful camp immediately became noisy again.

"Everyone, I am the leader of the tribal alliance today. This is unanimously recognized by everyone. You have also sworn before God. My orders must not be disobeyed!"

This tall man with a particularly burly body and tattoos on his arms glanced at the troublemaker leader like a knife, his eyes were extremely sharp, as if he wanted to eat someone, and he declared loudly.

"Everyone, today is different from before. The English have occupied our homeland, and we have no way to retreat. The tribe and the land will be swallowed up by those devils!"

"This is our last counterattack and our only chance. If we fail, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"So, if anyone still doubts my decision, I will chop him with an ax immediately!"

As he spoke, the big man slashed at a chair with an axe, and the chair fell apart.

The moment the ax fell, all the leaders were startled and felt chills all over. They believed that this number one warrior of the Celts would definitely do what he said.

I drank too much yesterday, sorry

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