My British Empire

Chapter 409 The Intelligence Unit in Action

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Elvis didn't know that his first action had revealed too many secrets, and he was also being watched.

Of course, after the clever man had such an effect on the first attempt, he still resisted the temptation and started his missionary career again and again.

However, although the workers were the best source of mass for preaching, the deep-rooted state religion and Catholicism made his actions very slow to bear fruit.

However, he was not in a hurry, because he knew that Calvinists had very few believers in England, and they had only recently established their own Presbyterian Church, with a small number of people.

Therefore, he asked for devout believers, and only accepted devout believers, so that the number of people is relatively small and it is not easy to be found, especially in an inconvenient place like England, where the king has a strong control over religion and the country.

Of course, after going there a few times, I found that on the surface, everyone was very enthusiastic, but there were very few people who came to contact and understand, and even fewer who intended to convert.

Even so, Elvis still found three believers with a strong desire to convert.

Such a big achievement naturally made him overjoyed, and also made him appreciated by the elders.

In this regard, he decided to make persistent efforts to convert these three aspiring believers to Calvinism, so that the entire Presbyterian Church will grow stronger, overthrow the state religion as soon as possible, and bring the whole of England back to the right path.

Therefore, he made an appointment with the three of them to pray Mass in an abandoned chapel at nine o'clock this morning.

Although Calvinism does not pay attention to whether to pray in the church, and advocates "everyone is a priest, everyone has a calling", they believe that each individual can directly communicate with God without the help of a pastor or priest.

But preaching in church helps, and they are more receptive.

Standing in front of the altar of the church, Elvis held the English version of the Bible and read it seriously.

But in his heart, he has been thinking about how to convert all three of them, so that he is very likely to be elected and become a high-level manager.

Although he believes in Calvinism, the desire in people's hearts still makes people unable to let go.

At this moment, footsteps sounded next to his ears. He looked up and saw four timid men walking in at the door of the abandoned church. When he looked carefully, three of them were still the ones he had made an appointment with, while the other was I don't know him, but he looks familiar.

"I said, Lev, look, I've said it all, I don't want to come, you insist on pulling me here, I really have no need to convert!"

The active Joseph looked at Elvis who was wearing a white cassock in front of him. He felt that his legs were a little uncontrollable, and his heart beat so fast that it seemed to jump out of his chest.

"Don't worry, Joseph, Pastor Elvis won't blame you for coming here without permission!" Lev, who had always been taciturn, said so rarely, holding Joseph's arm with both hands, persuading him.

"But, I really have no desire to convert!" Joseph glanced at the two people with strange eyes beside him, and whispered into Lev's ear, his face full of pleading.

"Dude, you don't need to change your faith, just come with me!" Lev whispered helplessly.

"Okay!" In desperation, Joseph could only agree.

The four of them saw Elvis who had been waiting for a long time, and quickly came to the altar.

"Who is this?" Elvis pointed to Joseph and asked curiously.

"My lord pastor, this is my friend Joseph. He also wanted to convert, so he begged me to bring him here!" Seeing the surprised expression on Elvis' face, Lev quickly explained.

"Yes, my lord pastor, I do have this intention!"

Joseph said with a mouth that didn't match his heart, and there was still a look of emotion on his face.

Seeing this, Elvis naturally wouldn't drive him away, but comforted him, and then talked about his teachings to brainwash them.

"People are equal at the moment they are created by God, so we should go back to the beginning, we don't need the teaching of pastors and priests, we can communicate with God, pray, people are equal... "

Elvis talked eloquently on it, knowing these teachings well, and coming casually.

After the four people below listened mesmerized, with pious looks on their faces, he became more interested in speaking, and the small church was filled with his voice.

Among the four people who listened, only Joseph, who was pious on the surface, was always concerned and anxious.

Unlike the honest Lev, he has always been active in his mind, expecting to be rich, to drink and eat meat, and to live the life of an upper class.

And what Elvis preached in front of them was thrift, no alcohol, no indulgence, consumption and pleasure, this is simply living a monk's life.

Only an honest person like Lev would believe it, but he wouldn't.

Just last night, when he was about to close the door and go to sleep, a few athletic men came to his house, their bodies were tightly wrapped, and they couldn't see a trace of their faces.

They held a sword in one hand and a few golden coins in the other, which made Joseph's heart beat, and his legs unconsciously knelt down.

Joseph swore that this was the most gold coin he had ever seen before his eyes, and it was also the one he was most afraid of.

He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, begging these unkind people to spare their family.

However, the masked three drove his wife and children back to the room, and kept dangling five gold coins in front of him.

At the same time, he also felt the cold back of the iron sword on his neck, and the sharpness that could cut through his throat in an instant.

After that, he thought he had hallucinations in his ears, and this group of people asked him to go to church with his friend Lev tomorrow, listen to the preaching of the unreliable pastor, and mix in the so-called Protestantism.

Joseph's first feeling was danger. It was a pool of deep water, deep enough to drown him.

But the man forced him to go with a sword, and gave him five gold pieces in return.

Finally, he was warned not to reveal anything about the evening.

Otherwise, the lives of himself and his family would not be guaranteed.

In this way, he was threatened and had no choice but to leave timidly.

But the next day, when he was about to think of a reason to go together, Lev pulled him and went together.

After explaining all the way, he realized that the fierce wife of Lev's family did not allow him to ask for leave and not work.

For this reason, he pulled himself together, ready to go to work together and come back, and the salary was fooled with his private money.

In this way, Joseph pretended to be unwilling, fearing to arouse Lev's suspicion.

Not only Joseph, but throughout England and the United Kingdom, Dark Blade and court intelligence kept throwing money away, preparing to take out the lurking Calvinists in one fell swoop.

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