My British Empire

Chapter 401 Religious Courts

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"The pagans of Germany and France . . . are of Jewish descent."

Those Spanish ministers who were happy were those who believed in Catholicism. Naturally, they hated the Huguenots from France, that is, the Calvinists in history textbooks, and the Protestants in Germany.

As for the ministers from the Netherlands, although they still believed in Catholicism, deep down they yearned for Protestantism, and naturally sympathized with Calvinism and other Protestantism.

The so-called Jews were again charged by Philip II.

Although in the eyes of Philip II, heresies are more hateful than heretics, heresies can shake the foundation of his rule, but heresies are helpful to his rule.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people and those who are not religious, Protestants are disgusting, but they are still acceptable.

And as a devout Catholic, of course I hate Judaism, the heathen, and the Jews.

Therefore, Philip II arranged all the heretics and heresies on those Protestants at one time, naturally wanting to occupy the commanding heights of propaganda and gain the support of more ministers and nobles, as well as the support of the common people.

"Your Majesty!!" "Your Majesty!!"...

Those ministers who sympathized with the Protestantism hurriedly bent down and said hastily, calling His Majesty constantly in their mouths, with eagerness on their faces.

The Catholics, on the other hand, watched with cold eyes, standing on the spot one by one, with expressionless faces, and some even showed joyful expressions.

Queen Mary showed a puzzled look, looking at her husband and ministers with different expressions in front of her, feeling very puzzled.

"Needless to say, the Netherlands has been defiled, and Spain cannot continue. This beautiful land cannot be defiled by heretics."

But Philip II didn't care about the persuasion of so many ministers, the expression on his face was very cold, even a little cold, he said loudly in spite of everything:

"At present, only God can judge these sinners, Amen!"

His Majesty the King began to pray, and the ministers were no exception. No matter how good or bad they were, they could only get up and follow the prayer.

Afterwards, His Majesty the King and the ministers began to walk towards the palace.

Along the way, some ministers were bitter and depressed.

They are all old ministers, of course they know that the current His Majesty is about to use an institution - the Inquisition.

And those workers didn't know that what awaited them in Spain next would be a bloodbath.

The Inquisition was an institution used by the Christian church to detect and try heresy from the 13th to the 19th century. Also translated Inquisition Trial Office, Inquisition Tribunal.

Aiming at all anti-ecclesiastical heresies, and those with heretical ideas.

The Inquisition was established from the first half of the 13th century. In order to suppress the Albigensian heresy in southern France, Pope Innocent III established the church's investigative and judicial institutions, which was the origin of the Inquisition.

When they hear about the Inquisition, everyone must be terrified, and their minds are full of various tortures, as well as random arrests of various women, false accusations of witches, various tortures, and even the capture of scientists and the death penalty in modern times.

But it is interesting that until 1530 the Spanish Inquisition was universally praised as the best and most humane court in Europe. In fact, there are records of Spanish criminals deliberately committing acts of blasphemy in order to be transferred to the prisons of the Spanish Inquisition.

However, after 1530, the Spanish Inquisition began to turn its attention to the new heresy Lutheranism, and the misperception about it may be precisely derived from the Protestant Revolution and the ensuing hostility (between Protestantism and Catholicism) state.

At that time, Protestant countries had printing presses, so they naturally slandered the Inquisitions in Spain and France, and controlled the power of public opinion, which created the current impression.

In fact, I also wrote in the previous article that in Europe in the sixteenth century, a wave of witches swept the world, and various countries burned and killed witches, and many innocent women were implicated.

In France and Spain, where there are densely populated religious inquisitions, the inquisitions have absolute professionalism. They carefully reviewed the witches and found that most of them were fake, which saved many lives.

And those countries without the Inquisition, on the contrary, burned and killed witches, such as England.

However, it is undeniable that the Spanish Inquisition faithfully implemented the orders of His Majesty the King, and still imposed severe punishments on Protestants and heretics.

Moreover, the Inquisition has a great reputation in Spain in dealing with heretics, and even ministers and nobles still have lingering fears about it.

That's why those ministers pleaded so, because once the Inquisition is activated, at least hundreds of thousands of people will suffer throughout Spain.

However, Philip II didn't seem to listen, and he still received the archbishop of Spain immediately and ordered to cooperate with the Inquisition.

Then, cavalry from all over the country flew in all directions, and the Inquisitions, large and small, all over Spain received the king's order and started their work.


On the streets of Madrid, Ugo is an inconspicuous small vendor on the streets of Madrid. He usually sells small daily commodities and supports himself and his family.

Compared with other Spaniards, he barely has enough food and clothing!

On this day, the sun exhausted all his strength, spreading the last warmth in his body, and the sky turned gray.

Seeing the scattered pedestrians on the street, Ugo knew that there was no business today and it was time to go home.

As soon as he wanted to go home, the image of his fourteen-year-old son with a tiger head and a tiger head flashed in his mind, and he was mixed for a while.

The child is fourteen years old, and it's time to find him a wife, but the situation in my own family is still very tight, and I can barely support three people. If I add one more, I'm afraid I will faint from hunger.

Thinking of this, Ugo glanced at the patrolling soldiers, and cursed in his heart: Damn the tax collector, the damned king, collecting so much tax just to build the palace, regardless of the lives of us civilians at all.

If, as Priest Alfonso said, everyone was Protestant, my son would surely be able to marry a wife.

He shook his head vigorously, sobered up, and then staggered home with his load on his shoulders.

However, as soon as he arrived at the door of his house, suddenly, several gray-robed monks and a dozen soldiers appeared beside him.

Seeing the gray-robed monks and soldiers, Ugo quickly lowered his head, trying to sneak into the house.

But this time, the gray-robed man walked over directly and arrived in front of him.

One of the gray-robed monks was completely covered in the gray robe, and he couldn't see his face, but there was a gloomy voice from inside:

"Ugo, you heretic who betrayed my lord, you betrayer, you are about to be judged by my lord!"

Hearing this, as a native of Madrid, Ugo's legs softened immediately, his eyelids turned white, and his crotch was obviously yellow and white, and he fell down immediately.

He knew that he was in great trouble.

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