My British Empire

Chapter 369 Examination Process

ps: Ask for tickets, please subscribe, and recommend a friend's book "Resurrection of the Empire", about the end of Ming Dynasty, fighting against the Tartars, the writing style is very good, the old author who has been in the history for four years

Forty of the four hundred people were admitted. This is the number of people who come out of the official admission examination every year.

Unlike the past few years, when there was a large shortage of officials, more than 100 people were recruited, but now it is more formal.

County-central, these two levels, are the official cards for screening officials.

Of course, among the forty people, there are also differences in severity.

Among the forty people selected in London, the top three will receive the greatest emphasis.

Others are after the exam, to participate in the half-year internship.

Internship places are divided into administrative system, judicial system, and military system, all for half a year.

After half a year, work will be assigned.

It is assigned based on the internship system you choose.

For example, if you choose the judicial system, if your grades are not bad, then you will be assigned to the judicial system and become a judge assistant.

After one year, you will become a trainee judge, and after half a year, you will become a judge in a hundred-household district.

After that, after three years, it is a step-by-step upward climb.

However, this is the case in principle, and there will be special cases.

If you are not good enough during the internship, you will be re-intern for half a year, and if you fail to pass the test, you will be eliminated.

After the top three and the remaining interested people take an exam to select two people, they will conduct another internship with the top three.

First, they must go to Oxford University or Cambridge University for half a year of study.

After that, I went to the administrative system and the military system to practice for half a year.

After the internship, he will be directly appointed and dismissed from the official position.

In other words, others still have an internship period, but they don't.

After that, their promotions will be recorded and observed by the county and London supervisors, and promoted faster by the central bureaucratic management department.

Generally speaking, the five of them are the reserves of senior officials and the ministers of the Privy Council, and they have received the most attention and focus.

This is Eaton's goal, not just like others. His biggest dream is to pass the exam and become a member of the officials.

However, becoming an official is something that ordinary people dream of.

After becoming an official, not only can he be assigned a house of his own in the newly built official district in London, but also be assigned two servants by the government.

Servants are hired by the government and do not need them to pay at all.

In addition, they will also receive a fixed salary and an enviable official position.

Thus stepping into the high society in one fell swoop, completely different from those mud-legged people, the whole family has benefited endlessly.

Because, their family coat of arms bureau will be added to the coat of arms bureau, although a certain status is required.

However, this is given to those commoners, businessmen, and all those who are not in the upper class.

We all know that social solidification is the worst in the UK.

Ordinary civilians must at least become a gentleman if they want to enter the upper class.

To become a gentleman requires the hard work of three generations. It is necessary to buy a considerable amount of land and marry, and it is only in the fourth generation that one can become a reserve of nobles.

Then you need to get the gift of His Majesty the King and become a knight.

In this way, you have stepped into the upper class.

All in all, in England, class solidification is very serious.

Just when the commoners of England looked up at the thick ceiling on the top floor, a window suddenly appeared on the ceiling. Although the conditions were harsh and the number of people was limited, the hope given to them was huge.

Yi Dun closed his eyes and meditated, recalling what he knew, he couldn't help but smile,

His family is a businessman's family and opened a cloakroom shop. All these things were obtained by his family spending a lot of money to bribe those who failed the exam last year.

So, from the very beginning, his goal was to finish in the top three.

In this regard, he still has some confidence.

There are five exams in total, Latin, Mathematics, English, Geography, and Politics.

Latin is the easiest, and the test is all about some basic parts. It only takes half a year to learn.

English is his most commonly used, and it is very simple.

Mathematics is what he is best at, and it is also the subject with the highest score in his ideal.

As for geography and politics, he also conducted a one-year training, and he is also very close.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has a distant relative who has consulted him for a week and has a thorough understanding of the details of the exam.

To become an aristocrat and join the high society is not only his long-cherished wish, but also the wish of several generations of his family.

Thinking of this, he clenched his fists tightly, and there was something called ambition burning in his eyes.

Although the carriage is currently the most popular spring carriage, it is always smooth on ordinary roads, but the road leading to London is uneven, and no matter how stable the carriage is, it will sway non-stop.

In this way, after six days, the carriage arrived in London.

For these students taking the exam, the London government no longer allows them to stay in hotels as before.

Instead, several large and comfortable hotels were arranged for lodging in London.

Eaton got out of the carriage on his own, and led by the host to the exclusive floor belonging to Lincolnshire.

There are four small buildings on the front, back, left, and right sides of the hotel, each with three floors, all made of wood.

Between the four buildings, a restaurant is built, which serves everyone's meals.

There are flowers, plants and trees in the front and back of the floor, and the trees are shady, very beautiful.

Moreover, it can be seen from time to time that there are cleaners cleaning up with brooms, and there are gardeners with scissors, trimming trees and flowers.

Lincolnshire belongs to the third and highest tier.

The third floor all belonged to Lincolnshire, and the ten single rooms belonged to Lincolnshire, and only belonged to ten of them.

After boarding the floor, you will receive your own room key and separate from each other.

As soon as he got the key, Eaton didn't care about anyone, and didn't chat with others, and went to his room on his own.

The room is not big, just a bed, a table, a chair, and a large wardrobe.

Mattresses are new, fine linen is used, and it feels good to the touch.

On the left, there is a small toilet with a vat and keg inside. It is estimated that people come to collect night incense every day.

Lying on the bed, looking around the neat and clean guest room, Eaton closed his eyes.

Next month, August 8th, will be the time for the exam to start, and the following time will be his final preparation time.

After thinking about it for a while, he fell asleep, and he was really tired from the exhaustion of the carriages and horses.

After falling asleep, it was afternoon. When I opened my eyes and packed my clothes, my stomach started to growl.

"It seems that this sleep was quite long!" Eaton smiled, opened the door again, and walked to the floor.

In the restaurant, people come and go, speaking English in dialects from all over the world. .

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