My British Empire

Chapter 355 Expansion (3)

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The young warrior looked at the leader cautiously and made a loud voice.

Although the leader is not the strongest fighter in the tribe, he is the most powerful fighter.

In the mind of the young warrior, he knew that in the past few years, several elders who often spoke out and pointed fingers in the tribe had fallen from their horses in less than a month and became old men who fed the horses. The difference was so great that it was unimaginable.

So, but it's nothing, but you know, before Alex, the strongest warrior of the tribe did not belong to him.

Every time he saw the piercing eyes of the leader, the young soldier trembled and felt inexplicable fear.

"Understood, take me to meet them, they are really a bunch of simple-minded guys, they have no patience at all!"

Baron Kelly shook his head, smiled disdainfully, then got up, got up from the wolf fur seat, and followed behind the orderly.

After walking for a few minutes, Baron Kelly came to the wooden house where the other chiefs were staying. The chatter could be heard outside Anne's house, and it was extremely noisy.

Unlike Sir John, the Kelly tribe invited eight large and small tribes, all small tribes who succumbed to the Kelly tribe's despotic power. Together, the number of troops dispatched reached 500 people, plus 1,200 warriors from the Kelly tribe. , the number of the entire coalition reached 1,700 people, a huge advantage in numbers.

"Leaders, the English haven't arrived yet, so what's the rush at this time, it's never too late to wait until the war starts!"

Baron Kelly stepped into the wooden house, the voices in the house suddenly fell silent, the air seemed to freeze, and the atmosphere seemed heavy.

Seeing those leaders who were noisy before but now very quiet, Baron Kelly raised his chin and said calmly.

Glancing across these people, Baron Kelly sat on the main seat, and after a few seconds passed, he said:

"Everyone should contribute to this war with England. After all, if we are defeated this time, it will be you next time. The head sheep is dead, and the other sheep are the wolves' dinner, struggling to die!"

"Hehe, you, the wolf, are more exploitative than hunters!" The other leaders looked into the baron's eyes, and whispered these words in their hearts.

"Of course, if you defeat the English, everyone will share in the spoils. You will be rich in the coming year!"

Baron Kelly said softly without blinking his eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, yes! It will definitely be a big harvest!" "It will definitely be a big harvest!"...

These leaders suppressed the dissatisfaction in their hearts, echoed and smiled, and the smiles on their faces were extraordinarily bright.

For a while, the wooden house was filled with pleasant voices.

Sir John led an army of thousands of people, sneaking forward. In order to achieve the effect of assault, the horseshoes were tied with cloth strips. Get slow.

As said, Sir John thought that his troops were too small to be suitable for a frontal attack, so a sneak attack became the most suitable option.

As for the gentleman's spirit, in his opinion, it's all fart.

It is only in the time of war with gentlemen that one speaks of gentlemanliness, not with these savages.

In this regard, in modern history, the wars waged by Western European countries are all graceful, but for blacks, and various places in Asia, in order to win, they will do everything they can to win. Poisoning, kidnapping, and sneak attacks are the norm.

John thought that his sneak attack would be impeccable and would succeed immediately.

But unexpectedly, his every move is completely within the sight of the enemy.

Sir John's actions are in the eyes of Baron Kelly.

Baron Kelly, who has a wise mind, naturally knows the purpose of these Englishmen. He simply did not stop doing anything, led the troops to ambush in advance, and showed the Englishmen the bravery of the Irish.

Following the route given by the guide, Sir John and his party came and followed the established route, sneaking forward.

Less than a mile from Kelly's horde, Sir John suddenly sensed that something was wrong and brought the whole army to a halt.

"What's the matter? Master stay behind!" On the side, the leader of the militia turned around, showing a searching gaze.

"Don't you think it's too quiet, abnormal, really abnormal!"

Sir John squatted down, looked at the grass about a foot and a half (more than forty centimeters), moved his lips lightly, and began to speak to himself.

"There is no one. It stands to reason that at this time, there should be herdsmen grazing, but there is nothing in front of me. Not good—"

The more he said, Sir John discovered a possibility that he was ambushed.

"Kill—" Less than two hundred yards apart (about one yard and ninety centimeters), a group of cavalry suddenly appeared in a forest, shouting loudly, holding various weapons in their hands, such as stone knives, sharpened swords, etc. Pointed spears, large logs, and so on.

Seeing the people and horses appearing in front of him, Sir John was startled suddenly, and then he was very grateful in his heart. Fortunately, he stopped, and if he walked a few steps forward, he would be in danger.

Going back to the previous moment, Baron Kelly, who was in ambush in front of him, endured the bites of mosquitoes in the woods, and watched the Englishman stop suddenly, which made him a little unexpected.

"What's going on, are we exposed?"

After waiting for a long time, Baron Kelly suddenly became irritable. The taste close to his mouth was really irresistible. Besides, there was no shortage of surprises. Simply, more than a thousand people rushed forward in one go. Anyway, there were a lot of people. , crush them to death.

Thinking of this, the tribal coalition forces came out of the tormenting woods screaming, and rushed towards the stagnant English coalition forces.

A large number of enemy troops rushed over, hundreds of cavalry, galloping horseshoes shook the ground, as if they were beating the hearts of the English coalition forces, and those new immigrants and tribal fighters who had just arrived had fear in their eyes.

Seeing this, Sir John knew that he could not back down. For the current plan, he could only win by fighting to the death, otherwise he would die even worse.

"Leaders, now we have to fight to the death. If we lose, it's not just us. The Kelly tribe will definitely not let you go!"

The leaders thought for a while, put away the fear in their eyes, and showed a spirit of giving up their lives on their faces. They rode on the horses and roared loudly: "#(òó)#"

Although Sir John couldn't understand the language of the Kate people, he still knew the general meaning, nothing more than going together, don't be afraid, after all, English and Gaelic are a bit similar.

"Let's charge together too—" Sir John mounted his horse, followed a few tribal warriors, and shouted at the militiamen behind him.

Although the militiamen behind didn't know what the knight said, they followed the steps ahead, the spearmen raised their spears, and the cavalry mounted their horses and charged forward.

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