My British Empire

Chapter 340 Dissatisfaction

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The thick petition letter in front of him made Edward have to think about it.

I remember that such a large-scale coercion of the king has never been tempted since the establishment of the Tudor Dynasty, but it suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, which is very doubtful!

Edward stood up and read each sentence of the petition letter in front of him, especially the signature column at the end, which was close to more than two hundred people.

There are not only jazz, knight, but also gentleman, squire, and even a rich Yeomannon, covering a wide range.

Of course, if you think about it, none of them were real nobles.

Don't think that jazz and knights are nobles. They are just reserve nobles, and they can only be compared with commoners. Compared with real nobles, they are not worth mentioning.

The real nobles are honored as lords, and there are only more than 50 in England.

They are hereditary nobles who own their own land and servants. Even His Majesty the King has nothing to do with them unless they have committed any serious crimes.

And from these nobles who have been passed down for hundreds of years, which one is not extremely shrewd, and the aftermath of the War of the Roses has not yet revived them. How could this embarrassing the king end in person?

Therefore, Edward reckoned that these nobles must be hiding behind the scenes, acting as hidden operators.

"It seems that my series of actions over the past few years have made them afraid. This is an indirect expression of dissatisfaction with me!"

The corner of Edward's mouth twitched, and after thinking about it, he realized that the nobles were expressing their dissatisfaction with him.

"However, dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction. My bathing movement must be launched. I am the ruler of England. You can be dissatisfied, but you cannot resist!"

Edward whispered softly at the corner of his mouth, and cast his eyes out of the window. The busy pedestrians walked quickly, while the middle class with small bourgeoisie strolled leisurely.

Whitehall Palace is the place where His Majesty the King lives, and there are no shops or houses, so Edward can only see all kinds of pedestrians.

Even so, Edward can still find out from pedestrians how much London and England have changed compared to five years ago.

I remember five years ago, when London was undergoing major renovations and the roads were clean and tidy, ordinary people on the road showed bitterness and confusion in their eyes.

But now, the opening of the Iberian Peninsula and the entire Mediterranean trade route has allowed England's economy to take off.

Although ordinary people can't get much benefit, the leaked bonus still makes them a lot of money.

A large number of factories stand on both sides of the Thames River, and the huge demand for workers has emptied the homeless people in England in an instant. In order to seek a large number of workers, the capitalists even began to lobby for an open land enclosure movement.

After getting what they wanted, they turned to it and began to recruit slaves. The black slaves in Eastern Europe, Ireland, and even Africa made these greedy factory owners think of it.

Edward is still satisfied with this move that indirectly increases the population of England and can also promote economic development.

However, population, a resource that was still important in the sixteenth century, had just been taken from the hands of the nobility, so how could it be controlled by the capitalists?

Therefore, in order to promote the normal development of commerce, and also to strengthen the national strength of England, our Majesty the King officially declares:

All slaves, when they landed in England, had to stay for three years before they could obtain permanent residency and British citizenship.

After that, compared with ordinary Englishmen, except for the right to vote and 5% more tax, other rights are the same as those of Englishmen.

Of course, it only applies to Europa, and white people, and Christians.

Those black people, as well as ***, are not considered.

In this way, the capitalists only have three years of ownership of those who have been trafficked.

After that, let's go.

Having said that, the three-year free labor still attracts factory owners.

For three years, they still made a lot of money, and then cheated into signing a long-term contract, even if they had to pay wages, but when the supply of workers in England was in short supply, the continuous operation of the factory was still very profitable.

Edward, on the other hand, can get a huge population out of thin air, pay taxes, serve in the military, and drive England's economy to take off.

Don't underestimate the population resources, the Netherlands, the sea coachman, because the population is not enough, he can't even get the sailors to drive the boat, so he finally changed his career to finance. Although there are factors of British suppression.

The idea that the empire on which the sun never sets will go online ahead of schedule appeared in his mind, and Edward felt particularly relieved.

England at this time is the edge of Europe, and its status is too low.

Thinking of the kings of European countries prostrate in front of me, and me playing with their queens unscrupulously, but they dare not speak out, it's really refreshing.

Thinking about it, Edward unconsciously opened his mouth wide, drooling unceasingly.

"Deng-deng--" a knock on the door woke Edward up, he restrained his expression, returned to his seat and sat down, Edward said casually:

"Come in--"

"Your Majesty, His Excellency Speaker Alexander has arrived!"

As a secretary, Laura reported truthfully without any fluctuation in her tone.

"Let him in!"


"Your servant, Faris Alexander, has met His Majesty!"

Your Excellency the Speaker seemed to be still a little energetic, and he greeted Edward loudly.

Regarding this, Edward smiled in his heart. He didn't understand that the speaker, His Excellency, was still reluctant to part with the position under his buttocks.

However, five years is long enough. Like the current bureaucratic rule in England, a long-term high position is a threat to the royal power.

"Dear sir, please sit down, I invite you here this time, I have an important matter to discuss with you!"

Edward was sitting upright, with a serious look on his face, which made His Excellency the Speaker, who had always liked his laziness, subconsciously solemn.

"You know this petition!"

Edward pointed to the petition letter on the desk and said.

"Of course, I handed this to you myself!"

Doubt appeared on the speaker's face, and he looked at the king with some confusion.

"What do you see in that?" Edward continued.

"This..." Faris looked at the petition letter hesitantly, then looked at His Majesty the King, and said.

"It's okay, keep talking!"

"It seems that the nobles are dissatisfied with the central government!"

Speaking, Faris glanced at the young king timidly, and said in a low voice.

Of course Edward knew that the central government was just a cover, and it was actually referring to himself.

This kind of dissatisfaction needs to be resolved, and the poor noble needs the care of His Majesty the King.

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