My British Empire

Chapter 262 Migration (Part 1)

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"Hey, Suana, hurry up! Time is running out!"

A noble lady about twenty-five years old, with a black shawl on her head and a beautifully patterned satin on her body, her delicate jade hands on her hips, with an anxious look on her face, shouted softly into the room.

At first glance, she is the wife of a wealthy family. She has never done any work since she was a child, and she even speaks softly.

"Understood, ma'am!" An old nanny's tired voice came from the room, and it seemed that she was also a little impatient.

"Leina, hurry up, time is running out, we have to rush to Oxford to gather!"

On the other side, commanding the servants to carry the valuable and long-standing antiques in the house, they were cautious and focused on it, and suddenly they were shocked by the woman's cry.

"Understood, Ronaldo!" The woman turned her head, and replied softly to her husband's urging, her voice was delicate and weak.

Brill frowned, he was noncommittal about what his wife said, and nodded, counting it as knowing.

He scratched his long black and greasy hair, and after the various items were transferred to the carriage by the manservant, he became more and more irritable, and there was a burst of evil fire in his heart.

He looked at his freshly painted garden luxuriously and nostalgicly, and his heart was full of reluctance.

Regarding leaving his hometown, Ronaldo has never thought about it, nor has he ever hoped to leave the place where his family has lived for hundreds of years. This is his root and the center of their family's existence.

"Ahem! Ronaldo, what are you doing? Have you moved everything?"

Just as he was recalling the happy times when he was a child in his mind, a voice came from behind him, low and serious.

"Father, can't we think of a way again? No matter how much money we spend, we can't leave our hometown!"

Turning around, facing his father, Sir John, Ronaldo asked pleadingly, hoping that the pillar of the family could say something that would make him feel at ease.

"Ronaldo, it's impossible, the circuit judges will not risk offending His Majesty the King, let us escape this disaster!"

Sir John shook his head with a wry smile. He also wanted to say something affirmative to his son's question, but the reality was so cruel.

Ever since they were tried by Justice Marlowe Christopher in Oxford, the four major families have not only shed a lot of blood, but also had several pieces of fat cut off.

More importantly, the four major families were asked to relocate to London forcibly, and today is the final deadline to leave.

For these squires, what they rely on to resist the central government and control Fangjun comes from the reputation and influence they have cultivated in the county for a long time.

It can be said that once you leave the place where the family grew up, the prestige that has been cultivated for many years will begin to dissipate in just a few years. After ten years, after the new generation grows up, the so-called family influence will no longer exist.

As for the remaining offshoots, they will nibble away at the land left behind, become a family again, and then follow the old path to start cultivating their prestige so as to control the county where they are located.

Sir John went over it again in his mind, and he would generally think of the scene after his family left Oxfordshire, and the land left behind was quickly swallowed up by side branches to nothing left.

As for the so-called law and ownership, after they left Oxfordshire, they completely lost their obligation to protect. Besides, with such a long distance, how could they take care of it all the time?

Therefore, this wise old man directly sold the land belonging to the main branch in Oxfordshire to the remaining side branches. Rather than being gradually swallowed up, it is better to give up directly.

Therefore, except for one residence and a thousand-acre manor, all the rest of Sir John were sold.

In this way, not only can he have a huge amount of circulating funds when he goes to London, but also he can leave a trace of friendship with the side branch, and make some preparations for the future growth of the family.

The other three families were puzzled by Sir John's approach. Even if a few pieces of meat were cut off by the king, each family still retains at least tens of thousands of acres of land, which is a lot of income. At least three floors down, a big loss.

Facing the puzzlement of the others, after a few words of persuasion, Sir John stopped talking and began to prepare for the move silently.

Soon, while Sir John was thinking, all the items had been completely transported to the carriage.

Then, the carriage will bring the items to the Thames, and they will board the merchant ship like the other three families, and they will arrive in London in a day.

"Father, I'm fully ready!" Ronald came to Sir John's side, hesitated for a moment, and then said softly.

"Well——" Sir John came back to his senses, with deep bags under his eyes, looked at his son's mournful face, and sighed: "Let's go, all of this is God's arrangement, we cannot refuse!"

Looking nostalgicly at the old house where he lived for generations, Sir John sighed heavily, his whole face seemed to be ten years old, and he had lost his former vigor.

With the help of his servants, Jazz managed to board this exquisitely carved carriage, without saying a word.

"Hey——" Ronald looked at his father's aging face, and couldn't help sighing, then looked back at his concerned wife, and said softly: "Let's go too! Time is running out! "

"En!" Some frail noble ladies, with beautiful eyes looking nostalgicly at the place not far away, where they lived for ten years, sighed softly, a little sad.

Only then nodded heavily, and with the help of the maid, boarded another carriage.

"Gulu Gulu, Guru Gulu..." The wheels of the carriage walked on the uneven muddy ground, crushing the local grass without any scruples.

More than a dozen large carriages, connected together and arranged in a long snake formation, slowly drove away from this nostalgic land.

Along the way, there are no redundant proverbs. If you listen carefully, you can hear a few sobbing sounds. Even facing the rising sun, the scene still has a sense of sadness.

After driving for nearly four hours, the carriage stopped, and Sir John woke up from his doze, and there were noises in his ears, even annoying.

With the help of his servants, Sir John got out of the carriage, and what he saw were large cargo ships with a displacement of 500 tons, which completely blocked the spacious Thames River.

"Your Excellency—" "Your Excellency!" As soon as he got off the carriage, a voice of greetings came over, and Sir John consciously showed a smile of coping.

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