My British Empire

Chapter 243 The Marquis of Northampton Sends Troops

Robert looked around, stood upright, with an optimistic smile on his face, and said to everyone energetically, a calm confidence deeply affected everyone.

And the people who participated in the meeting also settled down. They also believed that His Majesty the King would definitely negotiate peace with them. After all, they were normal protests.

Yes, even now that they have captured Norwich, the second largest city in England, they still think their actions are noble, pure, and even peaceful.

You must know that their behavior at this time has won the support of the people in the eastern part of England, and every move has a profound impact on England.

According to Sir Robert's understanding, these nobles will definitely make compromises and make appropriate concessions in order to quell the uprising.

The royal family will definitely think twice before acting. After all, if there is a forcible suppression, the reputation of the royal family will definitely be greatly damaged, and His Majesty the King will definitely compromise.

Of course, everyone knew in their hearts that the biggest bargaining chip in their hands was the 20,000 army in their hands, a huge opponent assembled by landless people, unemployed workers, proletarians, etc., which made the group of nobles be cautious and dare not act rashly.

And the people in the conference room also nodded, expressing their approval of Mr. Jazz's words, and it could even be said that they believed deeply.

Therefore, after obtaining Norwich, they did not continue to expand. Taking Norwich was already the biggest shock to the English government. If they continue to expand, what awaits them is the fate of being suppressed.

Moreover, most of the people sitting here are speculators. Except for those who joined in at the beginning, the rest are basically speculating on this fate-changing riot, so as to gain greater capital for their political career.

"Everyone has to be prepared. Before we negotiate, we have to fight these nobles. We can't let them underestimate us, otherwise we won't even have a chance to negotiate!"

Robert's smile gradually faded away, replaced by a serious expression, full of folds and gray beard, giving people a great shock,

Everyone also stopped teasing in private, put their attitudes straight, their faces became serious, and they pretended to be listening.

"So, everyone is now preparing for war immediately. I think that group of nobles are already on their way!"

Robert raised his head and looked out the window, frowned, and said softly.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" "Yes, sir!" Everyone condensed their faces and shouted loudly.

"However, don't worry, the first ones are just the forwards, the number will not be too many, we will definitely win!"

Seeing the worried expressions on everyone's face, Robert smiled to relieve the pressure.

"I think, as long as we defeat this striker, then the nobles and the king will definitely negotiate with us. At that time, I think, everyone will definitely join the district management and break the monopoly of those gentry!"

At the end of the talk, Robert's voice became more and more serious, making everyone's hearts itch, not to mention how intense the excitement in their hearts was, and this spoke out their aspirations.

"Your Excellency, we absolutely obey your orders!" "Your Excellency, speak out your orders!" "Resolutely obey your orders!"

Everyone said one sentence to another, anyway, there is only one central meaning, and there is only one core of this team, and that is Robert Kate.

In this regard, Robert felt a little complacent. After all, many people here had a reputation no less than his. His position as the top leader had always been somewhat unstable. With this opportunity, his position was finally stabilized.

It is true that he launched the riot for the sake of everyone, but this is in line with the direction in which he sought the position of leader.

Of all these, there is, and only he, can lead this increasingly large group, so as to seek benefits for everyone. This is not contradictory, Sir Robert thought in his heart, and he did not feel a little inappropriate for his behavior.

So, from the very beginning, he pulled his elder brother in to realize this big dream together, of course, also to control the highest power.

The cheers from the crowd, as well as the enthusiastic focus of their gaze, greatly stimulated Robert's vanity, which made Mr. Jazz enjoy the process immensely. In his heart, he even hoped that the negotiation would come later.


At this time, it has been a week since the uprising, or riot, and our Lord William Parr, Marquess of Northampton, became more and more excited.

Everyone said that Edward Seymour was promoted to a nobleman by relying on the queen's nepotism. Consciously or unintentionally, he forgot that he captured Boulogne for England and also plundered Scotland.

However, he really came up through his nepotism. As the younger brother of the former Queen Catherine, he has not made any achievements, so he can be regarded as a relative of the emperor!

However, this aristocrat is just a court aristocrat with a good reputation. He has no fief and can only receive a prescribed salary in the royal court every year.

He knew that every time he met those hereditary nobles, although they would be more affectionate with you, it was only because of his sister's prestige.

As soon as he turned around, he despised himself from the bottom of his heart, and every woman was a marquis. Moreover, after Henry VIII's death, this kind of contempt had been brought to the surface, which made him very aggrieved and annoyed.

But this time, thanks to His Majesty the King's attention, ordering him to suppress a group of rioters and mobs is simply giving him credit! This time, at least a few manors have to be scooped up and passed on to future generations.

What's more, this time the mob captured Norwich City, which is one of the richest cities in England.

Therefore, as soon as he got the good news, the Marquis immediately summoned the Northamptonshire militia and prepared to make a fortune.

Regarding His Majesty's words, he completely ignored them, a group of mobs, no matter how many people there are, can they still defeat the officers and soldiers?

And of course the gentlemen and nobles in the county will not let go of such a good opportunity. This is an obvious way to pick up cheap and make a fortune. If you don't go, you will be a bastard.

Therefore, in less than a week, he gathered more than 1,500 people in Northamptonshire, which is an amazing speed.

Our Lord Marquis, William Parr, rode a big black horse and walked in front.

The silk on the helmet is fluttering in the wind, the body is covered with fancy armor, decorated with beautiful feathers and calico, and the feet are wearing leather boots inlaid with gold thread, as if they are not here to fight, but to parade.

Not only him, but also the other nobles and squires who joined the team. They were all dressed up, and each one was more gorgeous than the other. Affected by this incident, the soldiers also became scattered, and the formation of the team was also scattered.

If you don’t know the details, you might think you’re participating in a carnival!

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