My British Empire

Chapter 238 Good News and Bad News

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There was a heavy rain in the middle of the night, and the air in the whole city of Oxford was much fresher. In the morning, the winter sun tried its best to cast rays of light, as if trying to give the beggars on the roadside a little warmth.

And with the same hope, there are civilians who are often hungry and full. They wear air-tight and thin clothes, and the cold wind passes through the holes, making the people in the wooden house shiver.

As the judge of the circuit court, Felton John is not worried about the cold.

The warmth of the fireplace burning charcoal all night kept him warm all night, and he had a good night's sleep comfortably.

However, the heavy rain at night made the floor full of damp. Even though the diligent servants wiped it over and over again, the wooden boards in the house were still damp and slippery.

And he almost slipped just now, but luckily his wife helped him, otherwise he might have fallen on his back, and if it got out, he would lose face a lot.

He was so angry that he always had a good temper and scolded the servant who wiped the floor severely, which relieved his mood a little.

"Anna, you have to wipe it carefully. If I am satisfied, I will give you an extra meal at noon today, and I will reward you with a piece of big, fat pork!"

Felton looked at a black and fat maid in a white apron who was wiping the stairs in front of him. This was a servant he had hired in Oxford for three years. He felt that she had been performing well all along. He stopped and said encouragingly .

"Yes, my lord!" The black and fat maid replied with a look of surprise, straightened her waist, and bowed politely.

"En! Work hard!" Felton nodded, using some small things to buy people's hearts. This is a good way he has always been, and it has made his popularity much better. He even got a "good-hearted person fee" Dunton" title.

After stepping down the next step, Felton was going to get some food in the kitchen. The fall in the morning had greatly reduced his appetite, and now he was a little hungry.

Just when he was about to step down a step, he suddenly felt his feet being bumped, and his body uncontrollably rushed downstairs, and the maid's scream came from his ears.

At this moment, he knew that he couldn't survive, and this fall would directly end his life.

Sure enough, after he pounced down, his forehead hit the sharp step directly, and a big hole was cut in an instant, and a large amount of red liquid gushed out, soaking the smooth and bright stairs.

And he only felt a piercing pain and a buzzing sound echoing in his ears, his own life was passing, and this was the only thing he thought about at this moment.

After he lost consciousness, his wife and children surrounded him, crying and complaining.

With such a large wound, judging from the current medical level, it must be hopeless.

And this news is also spreading to the four directions at a fast speed, and it first reached the ears of the four major families.

"Hehe! You're done, the annoying flies are finally gone!"

Sir Matthew was eating lunch at this time. Hearing the good news, he didn't even have time to eat. He opened a bottle of red wine from France and drank with his family.

The same is true for other people, happy, troubled, and so on.

As for Jack and the others who were immersed in the investigation of the Matthew family, they couldn't help being shocked, and their faces appeared solemn like never before.

As the most important witness and the source of this incident, the importance of Felton John is self-evident.

Jack was going to use him as a radish and pull out a pile of mud stuck to the roots, but this radish was cut off in the middle, so how could he find a shovel for digging mud?

In this regard, Jack held back his troubled thoughts and told Pim and Payne to continue. The more and more clues here, they should not give up easily.

After all, there is still no news about the follower, and I hope there will be a surprise.

Jack frowned and thought, but he didn't hold out any hope in his heart.

He caught a thief casually on the side of the road and told him to lead the way. Jack soon came to the original place last time and met the handsome gang leader Holmes.

"My chief sir, I hope you can give me good news!"

Jack sat on the chair familiarly, crossed his legs, and stared at the handsome leader who was a little restless in front of him.

"Well, Mr. Li Ang, nothing is 100% perfect in this world!"

Holmes looked evasively, not daring to look directly into Jack's eyes, and said with some embarrassment.

"So, what's the specific situation?" Jack narrowed his eyes, frowned, and continued to ask.

"You also know that we are all illiterate, so the value of some things is still unrecognizable!"

"Besides, an accident happened to Judge John this morning. Our people hurriedly brought back some things, but there was no such thing as an account book that you asked for!"

As he said that, Holmes' voice became smaller and smaller, while Jack's gaze became more and more severe, which made Holmes curl up in fright.

"Of course, we are also sorry about this matter. As for the deposit?"

As he said that, Holmes lowered his head and secretly glanced at Jack, revealing his eyes like a money fan.

But Jack went directly to the hill piled up with various documents in front of him, and searched hard, but he didn't hear Holmes' weaker and weaker voice at all.

He didn't believe it was true, there must be something useful in all of this, he had to confirm it with his own eyes, otherwise he would not be reconciled.

With such emotions, Jack searched carefully, not letting go of an envelope or parchment.

In this way, after ten minutes passed, just when he was about to lose confidence, a thin book with only a dozen pages appeared in front of him, and it was made of expensive paper from the European continent. Ben, at least ten pounds more.

Gently opened a page, only to see it scrawled in English:

Today is an irritable day, that old man in Brill dared to confront me and call me a greedy bug, it made me mad...

Seeing this, Jack was overjoyed. This Brill seemed to be talking about Brill John, the patriarch of the big Oxfordshire family.

After looking carefully, the remaining few pages were filled with trivia. Moreover, Jack sorted out the text carefully and discovered a big secret.

Felton John actually colluded with the four major families, deceived the anti-enclosure committee, and even the king, and vigorously supported several families to enclose land in Oxford.

This is not a big deal. Enclosures are commonplace in England at present, but you have missed paying the royal family's tax for three years. It is currently planned to be the tax of the Ministry of Finance, which is a big problem.

You know, in this era, even rebellion can be forgiven, and if you owe money to the king, it would be really terrible.

"There is no need to refund the deposit, these things are worth the price!"

Jack stuffed the diary into his pocket casually, stood up, and said to Holmes.

At this time, His Majesty the King, who was far away in London, encountered a bad thing and was in an extremely bad mood.

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