My British Empire

Chapter 178 Tax Approval of Parliament

ps: I didn't change it yesterday, and all the recommendation tickets fell to my grandma's house, crying. Ask for tickets, ask for subscription

Facing Edward's sudden words, Faris Alexander calmly glanced at the young king in front of him, as expected.

After following Henry VIII for so many years, when the king mentioned that he had no money, the first thing he thought of was taxation, and he was used to it.

In England, the king has no money, so he can only propose taxation to the parliament, and the parliament will agree in due course according to the king's situation.

At this time, you should pay attention that the taxation opened by the parliament is one-time, that is to say, after the tax is collected, the king has no right to collect taxes.

Therefore, part of the current income that Edward can get is the royal family's land, and the king's exclusive tax-tariff, plus the tithe collected by the royal court after the religious reform.

It can be said that businessmen at this time do not need to pay taxes in normal times except for tariffs, let alone agricultural taxes.

And what if the king has no money? One is forced payment, and the other is to seek help from the parliament.

Forced payment, as the name suggests, means that the king forcibly borrows from those merchants and wealthy nobles.

After lending money to the king in this way, you are ready to be gone forever! Don't think that the king will return it to you. Of course, the king will return it to you when most of the money is abundant.

But what if the king really ran out of money and couldn't repay the loan?

At this time, the benefits of the king's control of the parliament came. For example, Henry VIII, he fought wars all year round, and the income from the religious reform was not enough for him to fight, and he owed a large amount of loans.

At this time, Henry VIII asked the parliament to meet and pass a resolution to cancel part of the debt owed by the king, which is usually the majority of the debt.

This is very shameless. The passage of this resolution by the parliament means that the country has canceled most of the loans for the king in the form of law.

The second is to convene the next parliament, let the members pass a resolution, agree to the king's tax collection, and allow the king to collect a tax in the name of compensation.

The compensation includes ten tax one and fifteen tax one.

The ten-tax one and fifteen-tax one were originally the tax rates on urban and rural real estate and land property, one-tenth of the real estate value of urban property owners, and one-fifteenth of the land value of rural landowners.

When it came to Henry VIII, this amount of money was not enough for his teeth, so at his request, the scope of taxation of the subsidy continued to expand.

When it came to Edward, in addition to the traditional one-fifth tax and one-tenth tax, taxes were also collected on commodities, agricultural products, production and living facilities, livestock, rent, annuities, daily necessities, salaries, etc. in cities and rural areas. Those who stick to money are all within the scope of his taxation.

After one tax is levied, if the tax amount is not enough for the king to repay the loan, then the second tax will continue to be levied.

If these taxes are not enough, the king will impose new taxes, such as poll tax, with the approval of parliament.

However, if the king wants to bypass the parliament to collect taxes, it will attract opposition from the people of the whole country, and it will end in failure.

For example, in 1525 and 1546, Henry VIII planned to bypass the Parliament twice and collect taxes directly, but was opposed by the people of the whole country and failed.

And if Edward directly convenes the parliament to collect taxes, it means that Edward recognizes the taxation power of the parliament, and the parliament will generally approve it.

Later, Charles I had no money to suppress the Scottish rebellion, but he did not agree with the conditions of the Parliament, so he taxed himself, which led to the unanimous opposition of the national gentry group and noble citizens. This is the origin of the fuse of the British Revolution.

"Your Majesty, this method is feasible and can alleviate the central government's financial gap!"

Faris nodded quickly and agreed, this is the best way, just like our parents who lack money, and the king who lacks money to find parliament, it has become a common practice.

As for the taxation, Faris, as the Privy Council Minister, of course agreed in every possible way, but Edward felt a little uncomfortable.

In front of the parliament, the king is the master of the parliament in normal times. Let the parliament go east, and the parliament dare not go west.

When it came time to collect taxes, the king had to bow his head and discuss with the parliament on an equal footing. Although the parliament would eventually agree, such arrogant kings felt uncomfortable.

Therefore, for hundreds of years, the British royal family has been pursuing financial self-sufficiency, so that they can support themselves.

However, until the Tudor dynasty, Henry VII began to realize it, and when it came to Henry VIII, the war madman, the finances have never been self-sufficient.

"The parliament has not been held for two years!" Edward thought for a while and asked casually.

"Yes!" Faris said after thinking about it, bending over.

Parliament has not convened again since Duke Edward introduced the Reformation Act the year before last.

"Then you can arrange it!" Edward sighed and said in a calm tone.

"Yes!" Faris nodded slightly.

After that, the room became quiet, and the little maid quietly lit the candle, the shadow of the candle was shining brightly, and the moon outside the window had already climbed into the air, reflecting the figure of the young king in thought.

Faris also consciously exited the room and began to arrange for the convening of the parliament.

The English Parliament is made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords is made up of nobles and monks and is appointed by the King.

The House of Commons is composed of knights and citizens, and is democratically elected. Each county can send two knights, and each big city can send two citizens.

Parliament has three major powers, promulgating laws, approving taxation, and dealing with major political events (such as the divorce of Henry VIII, which was a big deal).

Members of Parliament are not stationed in London for a long time. They will come to London to perform their duties only when the King convenes Parliament.

Therefore, Faris needs to call them one by one and let them come to London.

At this time, the charming moon sprinkled silver moonlight from the sky, covering the blood-shrouded city of Francisco, with a special sense of beauty.

After a few days of recuperation, Major James took His Excellency Kyle Lance, the Minister of the Privy Council, to board the "Sea Monarch" and dozens of ships that could move behind, and came to France's bustling port on the west coast— —Francico.

After a few days of showing off, Major James finally found out that there were no extra ships in this port city to stop them, and there were very few troops defending the city.

This was a golden opportunity. Of course, Major James could not forget His Majesty's order, and decisively started the attack at night.

It would be fine if it was another city, but it’s a pity that it’s a port city. The navy of more than 1,000 people broke down the city defenders who had been frightened for several days. In less than three hours, the English had already taken control of the city. This prosperous port city.

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