When netizens questioned her, Xiaofen cried uncontrollably.

 “Mom, Mom, Mom, come back.”

 She ran out in the middle of the night and was in a bad mood. She only thought about whether she would be free if she left home.

Because I usually take the bus to school at this station, I walked and cried, and I arrived at the station unknowingly.

It was midnight and she found that there was a bus. She couldn't help but stood in front of the bus and asked to put in coins to get on the bus. The driver didn't open the door at first, but she said she really wanted to get in the car, so she opened the door.

Later, when I got in the car and noticed something was wrong with the people in the car, Xiaofen remembered the car accident a few years ago.

“They are obviously good ghosts, so why did they take my mother away...are they really looking for a scapegoat, because I don’t have much flesh on my body?”

Xiaofen cried and asked, her eyes naturally falling on Mianmian.

Mianmian chuckled: "No, they are indeed good ghosts. You ran out in the middle of the night, and there was a bad guy who drank too much behind you. The bad guy wanted to catch you, so they let you get in the car to escape."

   Ah, it turns out that there is such a background, that car of ghosts are really good ghosts. ]

  [Indicates, I actually ran to the scene... This bus is very famous in our small town. At that time, the bus collided with a fuel tanker, causing an explosion and killing everyone on the bus...]

    Ah, it’s so tragic. I also have an impression of this news. It turns out that they haven’t reincarnated yet? ]

"But, but..." Xiaofen looked at the bus going away, still not quite understanding what Mianmian said.

Mianmian quickly told her plan: "You ran out of the house because you suspected that your mother didn't love you, right? You see, your mother is willing to get on the ghost car and become a sacrifice in your place for your betterment. Now you Do you know that your mother actually really loves you?"

Xiaofen’s eyes were red: “I believe it...but I always feel that my mother can’t control herself sometimes.”

"It doesn't matter." Mianmian patted her chest, "Your mother is suffering from worry, and the meridians in her head are blocked by stagnation. Mianmian will give her an acupuncture treatment later, and she will be fine in the future."

At this moment, the destined person who took the ghost bus and started wandering around the town was being stared at by the ghosts in the bus.

The tears on her face were not yet dry, and she shrank her neck and did not dare to speak.

It was the aunt in the car who spoke first: "Sister, you really don't raise children like that, do you understand?"

 The destined person was stunned for a moment.

She thought these ghosts would swarm her and eat her, but now she was greeted gently?

"I, I know I was wrong." The destined person replied tentatively, "But, but it seems it's too late to regret?"

The social elder brother, half of his face was rotten, put his face in front of the destined person: "Yes, it's too late, you will be eaten by us later."

 After finishing speaking, he bared his teeth.

 The destined man was so frightened that he leaned on the back of the car and was speechless.

 The car drove all the way to a remote station and stopped.

 The car full of ghosts, including the driver, all left their seats and crowded around the destined person. They swarmed towards the destined person, and the cold yin energy passed through the destined person's body.

The destined person was so frightened that she couldn't breathe. What came to mind was the time when she made delicious food for her daughter, and her daughter's big smile and faceful calls came to mind.

 The netizens are right, my daughter’s health is the most important thing.

 It's a pity that she only understands this truth now.

  Why couldn’t you control yourself before?

Scenes from the past were replayed in my mind like a revolving lantern.

 The destined person closed his eyes and sighed slightly. "Mother!"

Suddenly hearing her daughter's voice, the destined person cautiously opened his eyes and found that he was back at the green belt behind the bus license plate.

She was stunned for a moment: "I, have I already arrived in the underworld? My daughter, why are you here too?"

Xiaofen cried and laughed: "Mom, we were all still alive before you reached the underworld. The uncles and aunts in the car were lying when they said they wanted to eat us. They are good ghosts."

“Mom, I shouldn’t have run out like that that day. She told me that I was almost dragged away by bad guys that day, but it was the uncles and aunts on the bus who saved me.”

“Then, what’s going on? They obviously pounced on me, they are all so scary...”

They were people who had been burned to death, with red flesh and blood exposed, and blood was constantly dripping from their bodies when they walked around. This scene will scare everyone who sees it!

Xiaofen quickly explained again and then apologized.

The destined man hugged his daughter and said in a choked voice: "Why is it your fault? It's mom's fault. Mom will change it in the future. Mom loves you and all she needs is that you are healthy."

Mother and daughter got back together, and Mianmian gave her a small slap: "Okay, okay, this is best."

 The matter of the destined person has been resolved, and now we have to deal with the grudges in this car.

They are all good people, but they were involved in the cause and effect and died miserably. They were still in pain before death, so in fact, they always carried resentment in their bodies and wandered around the world.

Originally, they could harm people, but after so many years, the ghosts in the car have been supervising each other, and they have not harmed anyone. Instead, they have saved many people like Xiaofen who encountered danger outside in the middle of the night.

 So, these ghosts also have merit.

“How about you also go to work at the Supernatural Administration?”

Mianmian stood on the bus, chatting with the ghosts.

 The ghosts in the car looked at each other: "Supernatural Bureau, what kind of place is that?"

“Is there still a place where ghosts can work?”

Mianmian smiled: "Yes, but you have to go home with Mianmian first and stay at Mianmian's house for a few days. I will accept you when there is time there. After you go home with Mianmian, you don't have to go back at a fixed time. Experience the scene before death."

  The ghosts on the bus looked at each other.

They are not interested in the previous one going to work, but they are so happy that if they go home with the little breasted dumpling in front of them, they will not have to experience the pain of being killed by a tanker truck explosion again!

 “Okay, we’ll go back with you.”

When netizens in the live broadcast room saw this, they felt that the Supernatural Management Bureau was really lucky to have picked up so many ghost employees from my aunt. Moreover, they also look forward to seeing Mianmian's operation of tying the ghosts together.

[Okay, the scene of my sister-in-law rubbing the ghost's name is coming again, hahaha! Knead the lines into a ball of thread, super classic. ]

 While everyone was waiting, Mianmian had already got out of the car.

 She stretched out her little hand and grabbed the bus.

 Then, under everyone’s shocked eyes, the bus and the ghosts on the bus were rolled into **** and stuffed into small bags.

 This is different from what everyone thinks!

  [What’s the matter, how can you still rub the car together? ]

Mianmian chuckled: "When it exploded, the car was covered with the flesh and blood of the people on the car, and it has become part of the ghosts on the car. It is also a resentful ghost, so it can only follow the car of ghosts."

 After explaining, Mianmian started busy again with giving acupuncture to the destined person. (End of chapter)

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