My Aunt is Three and a Half Years Old. She Holds a Milk Bottle and Tells Fortunes. the Whole Interne

Chapter 559: Ask the plaintiff to come on stage and make a statement

 Since the establishment of the Supernatural Bureau, it has been helping the public solve some supernatural incidents that they find incredible.

Some things are really related to Xuanmen magic, and some are not.

Those things that are really hauntings and encounters with monsters, the Supernatural Management Bureau helps the sufferers solve the problem privately and never exposes it to the public. This is the first time that a live trial of Hu Xiaohong and Hu Yingying has been held. Qingxu felt that the court would not be able to open unless Mianmian, the one who suffered the most, was gone.

On the Internet, netizens have already seen the trailer of the Supernatural Administration. I found that you can apply for on-site auditing on the official website, so I sent in applications one after another as if they were in a rush. Those who are in Beicheng want to see it, and those who are not in Beicheng also want to see it.

Now, the list of spectators has been released, and the netizens who have been successfully selected are happily showing off the invitation letters they have received.

  [This is a historic invitation, it is the first time to watch the trial of monsters. ]

I don’t know what Hu Yingying will say in court... I’m also curious about why she, a monster, wants to work in the entertainment industry. ]

  [The above shows that the plaintiff is not the sister-in-law. Why? ]

 The discussion on the Internet was very popular, and this popularity naturally spread to other countries.

 People in the United States saw that the Dragon Kingdom was holding a supernatural court, and they also expressed their opinions on their Internet.

I remember a live broadcast in the Dragon Kingdom. The person called my aunt borrowed the help of the richest people here and took some bad guys who turned people into animals and ran a circus and put them in jail! ]

  [Wow, are you going to hold a supernatural court? Also broadcast live! I want to see if it can be opened on the international version of the software? ]

   [Friends, there is a supernatural court in the Dragon Kingdom. Do we have one in our country? In fact, I have always felt that vampires are around me, but I have no proof. ]

 Amid heated discussions at home and abroad, the first case of the Supernatural Court has begun.

Mianmian was sitting in the plaintiff’s hearing area. People sitting in this place also have the right to speak. Sitting next to her were her friends, including Yang Xian.

To Mianmian’s surprise, Yang Xian came to the court today with his puppy.

At first glance, she saw that the puppy was the reincarnation of Maomao, and Mianmian remembered that she had forgotten about the stray dogs in the yard that she had rescued before. Moreover, after not seeing each other for just a few days, Yang Xian gave people a completely different feeling.

Mianmian kept tilting her head to look at Yang Xian until the puppy in Yang Xian's arms bared its teeth at her.

“Xiao Tian.” Yang Xian whispered, pulled the leash, and signaled the puppy to stop making noise.

Mianmian was even more surprised, covering her small mouth to prevent herself from making any sound.

 The words on the court chairs, keep quiet. She was afraid that she would be too surprised and accidentally break the rules.

Yang Xian clearly said he didn’t want to be Erlang Shen, so Maomao’s reincarnation should still be called Maomao, but now he calls Maomao’s reincarnation Xiaotian! Has Yang Xian changed his mind? Why?

  Xiao Naituanzi’s mind is full of question marks, and these question marks cannot be turned into questions now, which makes her very anxious.

The little monkey Xiaoxiao felt Mianmian's mood change, climbed onto the back of the chair, gently touched Mianmian's head, and comforted Mianmian.

Mianmian sighed slightly, hugging the little monkey and no longer looking at Yang Xian.

Anyway, I can’t ask questions now, I’ll wait until the court is over.

Yang Xian also knew that Mianmian wanted to ask him a question now. He touched the little Corgi in his arms and lowered his eyes without saying a word.

The statue of Erlang God has been preserved by Taoist Master Qingxu. He put the statue down in the empty hall of Qingxu Temple. The statue has been receiving human fireworks during this period, but it looks more lifelike than before.

After all, it is the statue of Erlang God, and underneath it lies Erlang God’s dog Roaring Heavenly Dog.

These days, when Mianmian went to Huaguo Mountain, he received the reincarnation of Maomao, and then he stayed next to the statue of Erlang God.

 Chingxu asked him if he was really ready. Of course he was ready before he came to the statue of his god, in order to get back all his power.

 “This court is about to begin, and the plaintiff is invited to take the stage to make his speech.”

 At nine o'clock, the court officially began.

 The judge on the stage is an ordinary person, and the jury next to him is Taoist Master Qingxu. This arrangement is to avoid suspicion and prevent ordinary people from stirring up trouble and saying that the Supernatural Administration is the only one.

 Two young Taoist priests from Qingxuguan took the plaintiff to the stage.

The lawyer stood next to the plaintiff, waiting for the plaintiff to make his statement.

 The plaintiff is a middle-aged woman with a haggard look.

After she stood on the plaintiff's seat, her eyes were full of resentment: "My name is Ma Lanhua. I originally lived a happy life with my husband and son. Until my son started chasing stars, chasing Hu Yingying, Our family began to change dramatically.”

“At the beginning, my son only bought peripherals, posters and other things, and we didn’t think there was any problem.”

"Until one day, my son told us that he had joined Hu Yingying's fan group, and Hu Yingying herself was also in the fan group. She very kindly asked them fans to fill out the form, saying that Hu Yingying was recruiting assistants for the public. The original female assistant didn’t have much strength and said that sometimes the team encountered heavy objects that they couldn’t move.”

“My son happily filled in his birthday and birth date in detail, and then applied for the job.”

"After that day, he did not come back. Later, she also called my husband and asked him to leave. They said that my husband could also work as her assistant. My husband thought this reason was too far-fetched, but he still wanted to call his son back. went."

“After he went there once, he kept talking about how good Hu Yingying was when he came back. Although his son was also brought back, the father and son talked about Hu Yingying together.”

“I thought the two of them were possessed by evil spirits, so I called my mother. My mother recommended that I go to the temple to ask for amulets to see if they had encountered something dirty.”

"They were unwilling to wear the talisman they asked for. One day, after the two came back, their mental state was particularly bad. After a good sleep...I called them to eat..." Malan's voice was choked, "Both father and son died in the room. Inside, my face is dark."

"I called the police at that time. After the police came, the forensic examination said that they died suddenly. They died at home at that time and it could not be proved that it was homicide. The matter was hastily closed, but I refused to accept it. I still wanted to ask for help, but there was no way to ask for help. , strange things happened at home. Fortunately, the amulet was effective and nothing happened to me."

“From that day on, I have been hiding in Shifang Temple, waiting for the opportunity.”

“Thank you to my sister-in-law for finally giving me a chance. I can finally accuse Hu Yingying of murder! She is a witch, she killed my husband and my son!”

Ma Lanhua burst into tears.

When Mianmian heard this, her eyes were red.

Hu Yingying has Hu Yaoyao in her body, and the bad things Hu Yaoyao did cannot be seen in Hu Yingying at all. She couldn't save these people who had been harmed by Hu Yaoyao, and now she could only help punish Hu Yaoyao.

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