Chapter 291 The big Buddha is already taking action

 Lao Wang felt his heart pounding as he listened to his friend's malicious laughter.

The drunk driver died in a car accident and became a ghost. After killing his girlfriend and her wild man, he became Buddhist-like. When something happens, take advantage if you can, run away if you can't, and never get entangled.

He didn't expect that when he met the Su family's aunt-in-law, her aunt-in-law also had a hook, which was more powerful than ordinary shady tricks.

 Going to **** to suffer is also unthinkable.

 What my friend means now is that my sister-in-law is in trouble. So should he provide help in times of trouble, or add insult to injury? !

If you eat my sister-in-law, you can really escape the punishment of the sun on the second day of the Ghost Festival and your power will be greatly increased. This is indeed a great temptation.

"I said Lao Wang, you have been hesitating for so long, are you still hesitating whether to take a bite?" Lao Zhang happily patted Lao Wang on the shoulder, "With brother here, you are still afraid that you will not be popular. Want something spicy? Don’t worry, we have special access.”

Hearing this sentence, Lao Wang broke out in a cold sweat again.

 Premium channel?

Fahuaji Temple is a temple that can actually provide special passage for ghosts like them?

While Lao Wang was hesitating, Lao Yang and Lao Li, who usually hang out together, also arrived. Several old brothers greeted each other, and Lao Wang was surrounded and flew to the backyard of Fahua Temple.

 “Is it really feasible?” Lao Wang was still afraid.

The phantom of the Buddha statue in the sky is still confronting the evil ghosts who have gathered. The golden light prevents other evil ghosts from moving. And they actually used the back door behind the Buddha statue. Could it be that Lao Zhang found something wrong with him and deliberately wanted to harm him?

Just when Lao Wang was hesitating, the other three brothers had already entered Fahua Temple and waved to him inside.

“Don’t be afraid, we told you that you can come in. We, the Burning Heaven Cult Leader, are not just for a living, so how can you not benefit us?”

 Lao Wang had no choice but to walk into Fahua Temple, and there was really no obstacle at all!

 Normally, whenever he gets close to a place like this, he would be immediately ejected and would feel pain, but today he was fine at all.

 Lao Wang was once again experiencing a tug of war in his mind.

What if, what if he can really escape the sunshine after the Ghost Festival, and he can really be free, and continue to flirt with women who look very similar to his girlfriend in the future?

 While hesitating, Lao Wang and his brothers floated to the guest room.

 Hey guys, a lot of ghosts have gathered here, all wandering outside the room.

 “What’s going on?” Lao Wang couldn’t help but ask.

 Lao Zhang continued to laugh: "We are all good brothers from the same sect. They came here in advance."

"What's the use of squatting?" Lao Wang wondered. It's not like he could kill his sister-in-law by squatting. Is it necessary?

Lao Zhang hurriedly explained to his good brother: "You don't know this, do you think that what our sect wants to do is just to arrange it in one place? Of course it's because we have already taken action against my aunt."

After hearing this, Lao Wang pretended to be curious: "How did you do it? Then I'm going to have a look."

 He also lay down by the window and looked inside.

One of the ghosts quickly grabbed him: "Brother, don't go too far inside. This little kid has set up a formation. If we go in, we will die. Several anxious brothers died just now."

“Then what can we see here?” Lao Wang was speechless.

They can only see things through walls. What can you see through a window far away?

“The main thing is to look at the performance.” The ghost pointed at the grandfather and grandson on the bed, especially the little breast dumpling. “Did you see that she frowned, which means it has been useful.”

 Lao Wang still doesn’t understand.

Lao Zhang explained at this time: "The big Buddha above our head is already taking action. It's dreaming, do you understand?"

 Dreams can be divided into good and bad. Doing good deeds while dreaming will give people good dreams, make them happy, and wake them up with endless aftertaste. Do bad things in dreams, make people suffer through dreams, weaken their will, and then attack.

 Mianmian is indeed dreaming.

 In the dream, she was very happy because her relatives on the mountain had all woken up!

 Mom and dad prepared a lot of candied haws for her, saying they would be like those apples and sealed them in a warehouse for her to eat as she wanted.

 Bai Bai can talk, and with Xiaohu, Dahuang, Xiaohuang and Yang Xian's dog Maomao, he runs all over the mountains and fields, telling the monsters who wake up on the mountain that he can become the White Wolf King and has so many younger brothers.

The Ying brothers and sisters, Liu Yu and Yang Xian were also there. Liu Yu also got acquainted with the **** dragon that was sealed by her mother, and they often fought.

 The eldest nephew and the eldest nephew-in-law also visited his parents, and the seven grand-nephews, plus the second grand-nephew's daughter-in-law and two great-nephews were also there.

However, they will not stay in the mountains all the time, but will also go down to do their own things.

Mianmian doesn’t care, everyone has their own life.

 It’s already very happy for my parents, nephews and the whole family to see me!

 She still led everyone to play in the mountains every day, until one day, her great-nephew went up the mountain again.

The handsome man found her climbing a tree alone. He raised his head and asked, "Sister-in-law, do you think you will really be happy if you keep doing this?"

 The great-nephew looks a little strange?

Mianmian put down the little rabbit in her arms, quickly climbed to the lowest branch of the tree, and tilted her head to look at Su Chenjin.

“I am very happy, grandnephew, aren’t you happy?”

Su Chenjin raised her head to look at Mianmian, and then looked down the mountain after a moment.

My sister-in-law always said that the mountain is under the mountain, but in fact, when he came here, he realized that it was not a mountain at all. How come there are mountains with so many pavilions and pavilions, like a fairyland?

 But Su Chenjin still found something wrong.

It was indeed a good thing that great-uncle Zeng and great-aunt Zeng woke up, but things were not connected properly. He and his aunt were clearly in the guest room of Fahua Temple.

 Something is wrong, just something is wrong.

 It is impossible for him to deal with the same documents every day, and it is impossible for everyone in the company to have the same face.

 The only possibility is that this place is fake, a place like a dream. And in this dream, the protagonist is not him, but my sister-in-law.

"I..." Su Chenjin looked into the clean eyes of the small **** and was silent for a moment.

Reason told him that it was not a good thing for his sister-in-law to be immersed in dreams like this. But emotionally, he was afraid that if he told the truth, his aunt would be sad.

Those eyes that were as beautiful as if they were filled with stars would make him feel overwhelmed if they were stained with sadness.

Su Chenjin was in a dilemma. A man who was constantly talking about multi-billion project contracts could not make a decision directly at this time.

“How come my grandnephew can’t speak half of the words?” Mianmian changed from sitting on a tree branch to standing, and said in a sweet voice, “Grandnephew, Mianmian is coming down!”

Su Chenjin subconsciously opened her arms and raised her hands to catch the small nipple.

Seeing Su Chenjin like this, Mianmian smiled and suddenly summoned a flying sword and stepped on it.

“Mianmian can’t go down anymore, Mianmian will take you up~”

 The flying sword becomes very big.

Mianmian let Su Chenjin step on and sat cross-legged in front.

 (End of this chapter)

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