Chapter 286 Did you speak in vain? !

 Because she figured it out, Mianmian became confident again. She sat cross-legged obediently and listened carefully to Qingxu's words, and heard many things that her mother had not said.

 Gathering the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought is easy to say, but actually very difficult to do. There are hundreds of schools, even if there are really only a hundred, each one has something. If you want to learn the essence, you still need to spend time studying it.

 So mom and dad also said, live and learn, and never give up the opportunity to learn at any time. Even if you don’t understand it at the time, you can just write it down. After you write it down, one day the time will come and those things will be understood.

Seeing that Mianmian was listening attentively, Yang Xian, who was relieved, also listened attentively.

The more he listened, the more interesting he found it.

Qingxu not only talks about theoretical things alone, but also starts to combine the content he talks with for on-the-spot teaching. For example, Taoism, Yin and Yang, and Feng Shui metaphysics are derived from some simple sentences.

Everyone present listened with great interest. It was true that both spirit and practice were taken into consideration, and it was very comprehensive.

 Because the most fundamental reason for the Dharma gathering was that the gate of **** was about to open, Qingxu also taught meditation spells, lightning-inducing techniques, etc. later on. Although these things are low-level, they come from Lingxiao Temple and are naturally more powerful than the spells handed down from scattered families.

Some people at the scene used the thunder-inducing technique according to what Qingxu said, and even numbed their own hands.

Yang Xian was curious and gave it a try.

 First it’s luck, even if it’s not there, pretend it’s there in the body, and then gather the energy in the palm of your hand…Finally!

 A "pop" sound!

A lightning bolt as thick as a cotton swab appeared at Yang Xian's feet, leaving black marks on the ground.

Those who were practicing were even more surprised when they saw this scene: What are you doing? Why is this man's thunder so thick?

 Those who have a shallow cultivation level feel this, while those who have a deeper cultivation level think more deeply.

Not only did this young man open his eyes at such a young age, he had nothing in his body at first, but after listening to Taoist Master Qingxu’s explanation and demonstration, he actually succeeded in triggering thunder!

With such talent, and in a good time without strict control, if they don’t have a master yet, can they try to get it? Give it a try?

 When everyone had different thoughts, Su Chenjin also quietly tried the method Qingxu just mentioned.

 It's just a pity that he tried many times and couldn't draw out the thunder like others.

Su Chenjin thought: Maybe this is the talent in the novel, the spiritual root? Their lineage had no such fate, so there was only one figure associated with Xuanmen, Uncle Zeng.

My sister-in-law didn’t say anything about teaching them, maybe for this reason.

However, Su Chenjin did not take this matter to heart, and still sat calmly where he was.

Yongjue has actually been quietly paying attention to Mianmian. Seeing Su Chenjin's actions, he was a little worried.

As the abbot of Shifang Temple, Yongjue has never been in contact with Su Chenjin, and today is the first time he met her. Now it seems that everyone in the Su family is indeed outstanding, so he doesn't need to worry too much. If it were anyone else, they would be so jealous when they see Yang Xian, a young man who can trigger thunder in one go, that his eyes would be red with jealousy. For example, there are such young people present who have an unstable mentality.

Qingxu also noticed that the original purpose of today was to communicate and learn, so he made a temporary modification and asked those who had doubts to take the initiative to take the stage, and he taught in person.

 This opportunity only comes once a year. People present enthusiastically signed up and took turns to go on stage to receive guidance.

 The afternoon's exchanges passed quickly, and it was getting late.

 The arrangement for the evening is not that everyone will stay here. The monks will chant sutras in the temple to suppress the Yin Qi, while Taoist personnel such as Lingxiaoguan can move around freely.

No one knows what kind of ghosts will come when the door of **** is opened. Three years ago, there was an incident where an evil spirit came up, picked a man who went out at night, played with him wantonly, and then killed him. Although this will cause the evil ghost himself to be punished, how can the evil ghost care about this since he has lost his mind and specifically chose this heaven to take revenge on the mortal world?

In fact, the opening of the gate of ghosts on this day was originally the evolution of heaven's way to comply with the rules of heaven and earth, so that the ghosts who are still queuing in the underworld and have not yet drank Meng Po soup can see their relatives again. The intention is good.

 But all things are yin and yang. Where there is yin, there is yang. Good and bad always follow each other. The world can only adapt to these and work hard to deal with the bad aspects.

Mianmian hesitated whether to go on patrol together, but she couldn't let go of her friends. When Xiao Nai Tuanzi hesitated, Taoist Priest Qingxu came over and said, "Why is little junior sister Mianmian looking so sad? What's wrong? Tell senior brother."

Mianmian said in a milky voice: "I'm a little worried about my friends, and I want to go out with you."

Qingxu said: "It doesn't matter. Junior sister, don't worry about the outside world. We remember what you said before. With us here, nothing like that will happen."

What Qingxu was talking about was the relevant information revealed by the ghosts who had been captured in the underworld and had friends in the New God Sect. On the Ghost Festival, the New God Sect wanted to recruit a group of ghosts who returned to the mortal world from the underworld.

 The ghost will be punished if he does not return to the underworld, but if he escapes from the underworld later with help, that is a different matter.

People can change from good to evil, and ghosts can do the same, it just depends on how they think.

Hearing Qingxu’s assurance, Mianmian laughed: “Okay, then I’ll leave it to Senior Brother Qingxu.”

She said, putting her hands in front of her in a bow.

Qingxu and she are peers, and it is very suitable for peers to give each other hands.

The little breasted dumpling wearing a cute dress made such a serious salute, but Qingxu turned cute. He stroked his beard and returned the salute with a smile: "Junior sister is serious, this is what senior brother should do."

As the director of supernatural management and the highly respected master of Lingxiao Temple, the others all accepted Qingxu’s arrangements and took cars to various places in the North City.

 Seeing everyone leaving, Mianmian took out her mobile phone and posted a new Weibo post.

“Everyone, go home and sleep early today. Ghost Festival is here. My grandnephews and grandnephews said that everyone has a nightlife. Let’s have a nightlife at home today. Your relatives also want to see you smoothly.”

  In her last post on Weibo, Mianmian listened to Su Chenjin’s opinion and popularized that the Ghost Festival is the Ghost Festival and some of the rules of the Ghost Festival. Fans retweeted it over 100 million times.

People in the Long Kingdom have a deep-rooted respect for traditional festivals, just like sweeping tombs and worshiping ancestors during the Qingming Festival, which has been passed down to this day. During the Ghost Festival, in fact, according to tradition, paper money is burned to relatives in advance and lights are lit.

 After posting on Weibo and telling fans not to play outside at night, Mianmian returned to the Main Hall.

The chanting was carried out in the Main Hall. Many monks sat on futons. There was no space inside and stretched outside.

As soon as Mianmian arrived, Bai Bai came over.

The little wolf whimped in a small meat, vomiting his tongue and said happily: "Small, you listen to you, I can speak !!"

Little Tiger also opened his mouth, hugged Mianmian's other leg, and made a milky sound: "Mianmian Mianmian, listen, listen, I can talk now~!"

The two monsters suddenly spoke. The monks of Fahua Temple looked proud, but the monks of Shifang Temple frowned.

They can follow Yongjue to participate in the Dharma assembly, which means they have been exposed to the Dharma and have enlightenment in the Dharma. Naturally, I also have a certain understanding of supernatural beings and monsters. I know that it is not easy to cultivate monsters. It takes more than a hundred years of practice to form a throat bone and speak human words!

Bai Bai can't speak during the day, but he just knelt in front of the Buddha statue for an afternoon, and he can speak so smoothly. How can it not be surprising?

You can't let a young monster spend a hundred years in one night, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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