Chapter 176: Su Mianmian needs to be dealt with

 “Sister-in-law, it’s necessary!” Jin Tai’s voice broke when he was afraid that Charlie would say yes!

 Charlie raised his eyebrows, taking time to see what Jintai was going to say.

Jin Tai was sweating profusely and didn't know what to add to make his interruption more appropriate.

 He couldn't help but look towards the lounge, hoping that his boss would come back soon.

What people outside didn’t know was that Su Chenjin was kicking Huang Linrou to the ground at this time.

"Miss Huang, it seems that you are not here for your work. I think you should go back to your Supernatural Management Bureau." Su Chenjin said, patting the non-existent dust on his arm.

His arm was rubbed by Huang Lin's chest just now, which made him feel sick.

The Supernatural Administration is an organization established by the state. Since he provided free money to the government to help the government quickly establish this organization, the director of the organization was very polite to him and sent Huang Linrou to say that he could protect him.

He happened to find out that Lin Rou seemed to be connected with the Lu family before. He thought it would be more convenient to have someone who knew magic by his side, so he agreed.

Who would have thought that this Huang Linrou, who had only been serious for a week after arriving, would actually reveal her true colors.

"Mr. Su, how could you do this?" Huang Linrou was kicked. She was shocked, but she didn't dare to show it on her face. She said softly, "I approached you just now because I just wanted to massage your body. You know , we Taoist people know a little bit about the body’s veins and the like.”

Su Chenjin just sneered at Huang Linrou's words: "Miss Huang, there is no need to say more."

 He stood up, opened the door to the lounge and walked out.

 Then he saw his assistant looking at him eagerly, not knowing what he was expecting.

 “Jin Tai, send Miss Huang away.”

Su Chenjin ordered his assistant to stride forward.

He was afraid that Charlie said something that would upset his aunt, such as asking where his parents were, so Jin Tai was so at a loss.

"Mr. Su, my aunt wants to give her toys to Mr. Charlie." After Jin Tai said this, he turned around and walked towards Huang Linrou.

 Huang Linrou looked very bad.

She took a deep look at Su Chenjin, then looked at Mianmian with disgust, turned around and left with Jin Tai. Why does Su Mianmian appear every time she feels good? Causing her to fail again!

 No, we must get rid of this Su Mianmian!

 After Huang Linrou left the office, Su Chenjin was also hesitating about what to say. My sister-in-law has a habit of giving gifts. She even wanted to give the director a wolf hair pen when she participated in a variety show.

 Now a small toy is going to be given to Charlie. The other party is a powerful person from a family with a background in the United States. Will he feel... Su Chenjin's idea was completely overturned when he walked to the desk.

 What toy? He shouldn't believe Jin Tai's words.

The top blue diamond heart of the ocean is a toy? Still two!

 Sister-in-law wants to give the Heart of the Ocean to Charlie?

Su Chenjin didn’t know what to say.

“Grand nephew, he said I can’t give this to Charlie, why?” Mianmian asked Su Chenjin directly. The little guy had been holding back this question for a long time.

Su Chenjin glanced at Charlie.

Charlie held his chin in his hands and said nothing, with a hint of joking in his eyes.

Su Chenjin had no choice but to say: "If my sister-in-law really wants to give my friend Charlie this gift, then go ahead."

 He sat calmly on the chair and stared at Charlie: "But if you accept a gift from my elders, I guess you will also express it, huh?"

The two men's eyes met, and then Charlie smiled gently: "Of course, I will transfer the Wenger farm under my name to your sister-in-law."

 Wenger Farm, Charlie's most profitable farm, is rich in black grapes, the raw material for black wine, and is exclusively supplied to the American royal family. This farm became my sister-in-law's property, which was the icing on the cake.

Su Chenjin was quite satisfied: "It seems we can make an appointment to meet."

 Charlie nodded: "Of course, I am very willing to come to the Dragon Kingdom to meet my lovely little aunt~"

The two of them continued to talk about the business they had just mentioned, while Mianmian put away the two marbles, put them in his bag, and waited obediently.

She understood what the two people were saying. Maybe after she gave her a gift, Charlie wanted to give her a gift in return?

After the two of them finished chatting about business, Charlie winked at Su Chenjin: "I feel that you have become much more energetic after your sister-in-law came." Su Chenjin used to be indifferent and self-possessed when talking about business, with no extraneous expression on her face. will not have.

And after my sister-in-law came today, various emotions such as helplessness and anxiety appeared on Su Chenjin's face.

 Charlie expressed that he was very happy to see her, but the most important point is: "You like your sister-in-law very much, respect her, love her and pamper her, right?"

Su Chenjin kept a straight face and tried to regain some of her previous state: "This doesn't seem to be any of your business."

 The tone is indifferent.

Charlie didn't care at all, and shouted from the air, staring at his small **** with smart eyes: "Oh, my dear aunt, time is ticking, moving as fast as a rocket, and I have to say goodbye to you. I can’t bear to leave you so much~”

Mianmian heard that Charlie started to use metaphors in convoluted language again, and she also said: "Oh, my dear Charlie, time is ticking by very fast, and the next time we meet again will also be very fast~"

 The word "milk" or "milk" was switched with tongue curling and tongue curling, making Charlie laugh out loud.

 How can it be so cute?

“Yes, sister-in-law, you are right, let’s see you another day.” Charlie waved to Mianmian.

Mianmian also raised her little hand and waved to Charlie: "Okay, see you another day."

The video connection was turned off. Mianmian quickly turned the small chair, looked at her grandnephew, and said the purpose of coming here very seriously.

“Great nephew, Mianmian needs your help with something.”

She told what Cui Yu had said about the underworld being too full of ghosts, the slow processing of cases, and the queues for reincarnation, and asked Su Chenjin if there was any way she could help solve the problem.

Su Chenjin fell into deep thought.

After a while, he smiled slightly: "I told you the plan, but it seems that you can't convey it to me. Is there any way for me to meet Judge Cui?"

Mianmian's eyes lit up: "That's right, Mianmian can take her eldest grandnephew to see Judge Cui. After meeting, you can chat by yourself."

As expected of my grandnephew, he came up with such a good idea all at once!

Mianmian kicked up her little feet, immediately took out paper and pen, and wrote a letter to Cui Yu telling Cui Yu the news.

Cui Yu replied quickly.

 “Yes, I’ll wait for you to come in the evening.”

 One matter that was pressing on Mianmian's heart was resolved, and Mianmian turned to ask Huang Linrou.

"Grand nephew, who is that Huang Linrou?" Xiao Naitanzi frowned tightly, "She doesn't like Mianmian, and Mianmian can't see her past and future. It's so strange. Recently, there are more and more people who can't see her. ”

Su Chenjin suddenly understood when she thought of Uncle Zeng’s disaster.

 Perhaps this is a test from God to my sister-in-law? Just as the mudslide was predicted in the variety show before.

 But it seems that God loves my sister-in-law, so it gave a little prediction.

“Sister-in-law, since there are disasters in the prophecies that need to be solved by you, the invisible things now are the obstacles on your way to awakening my great-uncle and great-uncle.”

Mianmian seemed to understand, but asked: "A roadblock?"

Su Chenjin nodded and said nothing more, wanting her aunt to think about it herself.

Sure enough, after a while, he heard his aunt say: "Mianmian had a dream before. In the dream, her parents were lying down when they returned to the mountain. Mianmian wanted to ask what happened to the sacred stone, but she fell down on the way."

“The stone made Mianmian fall, but Mianmian got up immediately and saw her parents.”

“So it doesn’t matter if you can’t see the stone blocking the way. As long as Mianmian can still get up, you can definitely continue to move forward, right grandnephew?”

Su Chenjin was very satisfied with Mianmian's answer. He touched Mianmian's head and was about to say something more when there was a knock on the door outside.

 Looking at the time again, it was 9:30 and it was time to see Lu You again.

Su Chenjin coldly pressed the call button on the table and said to the outside: "Come in."

 (End of this chapter)

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