My America

Chapter 418: Alice whispers

Looking at the responding materials like hills in front of me, several temporary judges could not help but numb their scalp. This is the material for nearly 500 people. Not to mention the three of them. Even if all the judges of Su Pu were found, I wanted It takes at least one month to grasp the information of all the personnel and sort out the true and false among them.

"I won't delay your trial. I guess you can't finish it today." Pat clapped, "Yes, I came here to enjoy the vacation. The time is just a month. As for the follow-up materials, I 'S assistant is still collecting. Because the Ministry of Justice didn't know much about our trust at the beginning, which led to the wrong impression, you may have to collect evidence again. "

"Before that, I will have a final complaint. I hope the judges can listen well. The bull trust in your eyes monopolizes the upstream and downstream markets for meat processing. For the upstream, the" beef trust "is owned by various livestock farmers. Centralized purchasers have the status of monopolistic buyers and can lower the purchase price as much as possible. For the downstream, broad retail market, but since you are a person of the Ministry of Justice, you should know that trusts in many industries have been updated. Yes. In many industries, the trust 20 years ago is different from the main trust members and shareholders now. "

"At that time, the beef trusts of the six major meat retailers were already crushed by the United Company. It was the United Company that killed the beef trust and let inferior and unsafe meat processing withdraw from the market. You are still too young to remember this. This kind of thing. Today, the Ministry of Justice ’s prosecution of beef trusts should be placed on the last beef trust, not on organizations that protect farmers ’interests.

"You who have many members will not believe that the responding members sent today are just a small part of it. As long as I am willing to work hard, the person responding to the respondent can immediately pass a thousand people without disturbing the judge. Gentlemen, seeing the response materials, I have to take a vacation first. "After talking about Pat, he walked out of the Supu Court and prepared to find a place to rest.

Entrusting the lawyer to leave directly leaves only a huge amount of responding materials and makes the three temporary judges face to face. This magical scene has not been seen in their limited life experiences.

On the opposite side, it provided enough material to respond to the complaint. I just wanted to exhaust the three stars of the Ministry of Justice.

These accumulated responding materials are numb at first glance. When the responding party of the court leaves, a few judges wake up in a dream. What should I do?

"Called by the Ministry of Justice to support." The temporary judge in the center glanced at his head and didn't want to see the pile of responding materials in front of him.

"How useful the tactics are, why do many people feel that this is wrong? In my opinion, they are jealous, and they will be slandered if they can't do it. Isn't it Annie?" Sheffield had a leisurely say after receiving the call from Annie The cool words, "I will press the lawsuit time to fight this lawsuit. The Ministry of Justice values ​​our joint company so much. Of course, we must provide enough evidence to summon all the people involved and give the Ministry of Justice an explanation. Live it. "

"Whatever you say is reasonable!" Annie's blaming voice came, "You are too bad, knowing that the Ministry of Justice is now short of manpower and coping with the litigation of many enterprises. Isn't this increasing the workload for others. Send someone to check once, It is necessary to travel all over the country, and the written materials alone will cause headaches for the Ministry of Justice. "

"There is no way. The thing of agriculture, which was originally concentrated to cause impact, is more difficult than other industries. Since it was done by chance, it involves more stakeholders and is in line with the laws of agriculture." Sheffield was absent-minded. Tao, "In addition, our company's partners are very honest and cooperate with the Ministry of Justice's litigation, and will definitely come forward to respond to the lawsuit. Is it that we are so law-abiding, but the Ministry of Justice does not accept it? This is simply knowing the law and breaking the law."

Judging from the current situation, it is not necessary to go to the Supreme Court at all. Just from the initial stage of the Provisional Court, it has already been stuck. These huge respondent alone are enough to keep the Ministry of Justice busy for a while.

"So many responders responded voluntarily, and I hope the Ministry of Justice will investigate the case and accept it regardless of the result?" Attorney General Knox almost heard the words of his assistant and almost vomited the coffee he had just drunk. come out.

"They hope that the Ministry of Justice can find out all the links and let the citizens know the truth." Knox's assistant is also helpless. "It has been stated in the response that they are willing to cooperate with all the investigations of the Ministry of Justice, Ngau Tau and Canned trusts are found in almost every state in the country. Should we check them? "

"I'm going to the White House to talk to the president." Knox stood up directly. He had never met such an active opponent, nor had he seen so many members in a trust.

In some industry trusts, ten or eight important members are already considered to be a lot. For example, there are at most a few people involved in some industries. Now more than 500 members have jumped out. How can I check this?

"So many people are asking for a response?" President Roosevelt was also stunned by the attorney general's words, suspiciously, "Will the United Company deliberately introduce so many people and disturb the Ministry of Justice's sight."

Alice Roosevelt's ears stood up immediately, and he sat sideways listening.

"The first round of screening alone will take a lot of time. We have checked the trust composition of the joint company. It is really so many members!" Knox also has some headaches, and has a sense of stabbing Ma Honeycomb, " In the field of trust, the United Company defeated the six joint beef trusts and summoned these farmers to establish the current beef trust. Everyone will get their own share from the trust ’s income. I have not seen Ever like this. "

"Uncle Norsk, with so many members, is actually no longer a trust, it should be regarded as an organization like the National Medical Association!" Alice Roosevelt said, "Now it seems that the lawyer represented by the United Company said that beef The two trusts, Canned, are the products of the joint company and other farmers, against the railway giants, and there is nothing illegal. "

"Listening to Alice, it seems that there are indeed some differences, and not all trusts are monopolistic organizations that hinder competition. It is very difficult for agriculture and animal husbandry to form monopoly organizations." After listening to his daughter, President Roosevelt was also a little hesitant. Northern Securities Company has always shown favor to farmers in the Midwest, indicating that this is for the benefit of farmers and against the railway giants who charge tolls.

Now when I look at the two trusts of beef and canned food, I have gathered such a large number of members. Instinctively, I don't want to make things bigger. At least I must first resolve the main contradictions, subdue the Northern Securities Company, and think about other things.

"To the outside world, we still have to show a tough attitude. At the same time, we will carefully investigate the organizational model of various trusts, especially equity distribution. First, we will get serious trust companies with monopolistic giants." Roosevelt said suddenly. Wait until these trust companies involved in a small number of people are settled, and they are turning around to check other companies. "

On the surface, Roosevelt made the Ministry of Justice still maintain the previous tough attitude, focusing on the really important goal, that is, the prosecution of the trust company against the outside world is still in progress, and the focus is on the North Securities Company.

"Okay, now I can't pull out the manpower, and I'm talking about a few cases." Knox thought for a moment, and now it's the only way. Let the three interim judges bring the response materials back for verification.

Alice Roosevelt took a breath out of nowhere. It seems that the United Company has not been in trouble recently. The man's company is too much and the disaster is more difficult. It is also affected by the Ministry of Justice.

"The Ministry of Justice should also make sure that it is as embarrassing as it is now." After the Attorney General left, Alice Roosevelt seized the opportunity to whisper, "Different related industries, some trusts are hostile, take beef and For the canned trust, this kind of enterprise must not have a good relationship with the railway giants, and they may not necessarily look at each other, but they certainly feel that the existence of the other party has made them take a lot of advantage. "

"It really should be screened. Trust and Trust are not the same. Some industries are indeed weak." President Roosevelt heard his daughter's words, and he still felt that his daughter seemed to have such a understanding of business matters.

"I am also studying now. My father wants to get rid of unfair competition. Recently, I have read more about this." Alice Roosevelt said a little embarrassedly.

A month later, the slave owner who had arrived in Los Angeles heard Evelyn asked about it, and said very easily, "It ’s okay, Pat has n’t received the news from the Justice Department yet. It ’s a pity that they brought a huge Texas steak, which is a pity, the Ministry of Justice ’s appetite is not good. In fact, the Ministry of Justice sent people to check in each state, without much effort, we can proceed to the next after verification Stage. "

The Ministry of Justice originally wanted a loaf of bread. The slave owner was kind enough to take out the Texas Big Steak to entertain others, but found that they couldn't eat it at all. Isn't that embarrassing?

"Yes! No one knows trust better than you." Evelyn confessed her conscience with a vaguely slave-owner, "How powerful are you, and have offered to cooperate with the Ministry of Justice's investigation and launched it once It ’s been more than 500 farmers. But it worked, but it really did n’t move. I heard that the first verdict of the tobacco trust has come out and James Duke is about to appeal to the Supreme Court. "

"He told me before that he would help when I was charged." Sheffield recalled that there seemed to be such a thing.

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