My abandoned oil town became a new frontier

Chapter 380 For next year’s students

After about a few minutes,

Xu Xing returned to the office again.

"Director Xing just called and said that the relevant departments in the province feel that Binghu TV is now at the top of the ratings, so they want us to host this year's Suqing Province Spring Festival Gala."

Sit down,

Xu Xing said casually.

"Don't we have a provincial station?"

Zhang Hancheng frowned.

Although Binghu Economic Development Zone has become a second-level financial area, it is still administratively under the jurisdiction of Suqing Province. Just because Binghu TV has a relatively high ratings, it cannot take over everything.

"They say that the provincial stations with the highest ratings are now hosting local Spring Festival galas every year. This year, Binghu TV is taking advantage of the popularity to host one, which can directly consolidate its position as the top TV station in the ratings."

Xu Xing told the reason given by the other party.

"Director, that's the last thing."

Du Jianshan asked hurriedly.

"I didn't agree. After all, Suqing Provincial TV Station represents our province, so the Suqing Provincial Spring Festival Gala must be hosted by them. Our Binghu TV Station is, to put it bluntly, an ordinary local TV station."

Xu Xing shook his head.

"Is such that."

Du Jianshan breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, how's your discussion going?"

After a pause,

Xu Xing once again brought the topic to the Binghu Economic and Technological Development Zone railway construction project. This was the top priority. Hosting a local Spring Festival Gala was just trivial.

"Director, we have just discussed it and want to communicate with Xiaguo Railway first to see what the final operating model will be like if we engage in a PPP project.

After all, the railway sector accounts for one-eighth of the 40 billion project. "

Du Jianshan said.

When Xu Xing just left, he and Zhang Hancheng thought of several conditions, such as allowing participating companies to participate in the high-speed rail, profit sharing for twenty years of railway operation, free rides on the Binghu Economic Development Zone high-speed rail for their employees, and distribution of revenue from high-speed rail advertising operations, etc. wait,

But it still feels like it’s not very attractive to companies.

"That's okay! Anyway, we're just starting to do the early route planning and station planning now. Even if we want to start construction, it won't start until spring next year."

Xu Xing said after thinking about it.

It is now December 5th of the New Calendar and November 10th of the Lunar Calendar. There are still more than fifty days before the Chinese New Year, and there are still at least three or four months before construction can start next year.

Maybe the funding problem will be solved during this period.

"Then I'll go find Xia Tie Construction tomorrow."

"Okay! The other thing is the establishment of the three bureaus you mentioned. This is nothing to discuss! Tomorrow, Director Zhang can go find Mr. Zhong of Binghu Cultural Tourism and find three places in Longcheng Village.

But one thing is that the three units are too close to the Binghu Economic Development Zone Management Committee. "

Xu Xing made arrangements while nodding.


The night is deep,

In Lan City, Zhu Shaoan slowly put down his cell phone with a black screen and rubbed his brows.

"Leader, what do you say over there?"

A young man asked softly.

"Director Xu didn't agree, saying that Binghu TV is just a small local TV station that only became a star by chance! Suqing Provincial TV Station should host large-scale evening events like the Suqing Provincial Spring Festival Gala."

Zhu Shaoan said.

"Ah, leader, do you think Director Xu is still dissatisfied because we gave all the special subsidies to the province and Taiwan, so..."

The young man was stunned and couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

Ever since Binghu TV ranked first in the prime-time ratings for several consecutive days, the provincial leader in charge of culture had the idea that this year's Suqing Province Spring Festival Gala would be hosted by Binghu TV.

According to this leader,

Both Binghu TV and Suqin Provincial TV are from Suqin Province, and Binghu TV has higher ratings and can promote Suqin Province very well.

Just because Suqing Province has a lot of tourism resources and delicious food. For example, two of the four major grottoes in Xia Kingdom are in Suqing Province, and a certain water market where one of the grottoes is located also has delicious Malatang.

But these outsiders don’t know much about it.

If we can use Ice Lake TV to advertise, it can have a very good publicity effect.

That's why this scene happened.

"It's not impossible! In addition, I called Director Xu before and wanted him to transfer the TV station."

Zhu Shaoan smoothed his hair back.

If it is a TV station in another prefecture-level city, he can just arrange it directly.

But this time it was Binghu TV, and the scene of the leaders holding a video conference was still vivid in my mind. More importantly, the other party also came up with the rhetoric that "only Suqing Provincial TV Station can represent Suqing Province." There is really no way to refute this.

"Leader, what should we do now?"

After a while, the young man asked again in a low voice.

"Actually, what the Binghu Economic Development Zone said makes sense. This matter must be given priority to our province and Taiwan! Let's go to the province and Taiwan first tomorrow! If the province and Taiwan insists on doing it, then let the province and Taiwan do it."

Think for a moment,

Zhu Shaoan said.

"Okay, leader."

At the same time, in the west of Lan City, Ning'an District, Binghu College Office,

Principal Ding Wen also did not get off work.

Opposite Ding Wen sat a middle-aged man.

Unknowingly, it has been nearly three months since Ding Wen arrived here.

Although half of the teachers previously chose to resign because they were not optimistic that Xingzhi College would be acquired by Binghu Cultural Tourism and relocated, but since Ding Wen took charge of the college, the college has taken on a new look, both at the teacher level and at the student level, and is no longer as lifeless as last year. , directly to a new level.

For teachers,

The first thing Ding Wen did after taking office was to increase his salary. At the same time, he also encouraged current teachers to actively apply for various scientific research projects in Xia Guo and publish relevant papers in international journals.

Once a paper is published in an international journal,

In addition to giving priority in professional title promotion, the school will also give each person a cash reward of 50,000 yuan per article. The individual cash reward for super key international journals is 100,000 yuan.

Although Xingzhi College used to be a three-tiered college, it was weak!

But those who can enter the college as teachers basically start with a master's degree. When working with their previous bosses, they often applied for projects and published papers in the name of their bosses.

Now that there is a bonus to stimulate me, I am very motivated.

In the three major colleges of physics, chemistry, and biology, there is even a phenomenon of substitute teachers competing for laboratories.

in this way,

As a result, many key members would ask Ding Wen from time to time, when will the school be moved?

Because Ding Wen promised them that the new campus would have enough lab management and project management!

And for students,

The reputation of Ice Lake College is no longer limited to the students of this school. Even students from several other nearby universities have begun to envy the students of Ice Lake College.

Not to mention that Binghu Economic Development Zone is becoming more and more famous in Suqing Province, Binghu College’s internship program for senior students has become the talk of many nearby college students after dinner.

According to Ding Wen’s deployment,

All the fresh graduates from Binghu College this year will go to Binghu Economic Development Zone for internships.

If you have excellent academic performance and want to continue to work in Binghu Economic Development Zone after graduation, you will be able to directly sign an employment contract without taking the exam.

If it involves the administrative department of the Binghu Economic and Technological Development Zone, you need to take the "contract labor" route in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Binghu Economic and Technological Development Zone, and finally you need to take an interview-free examination.

After a series of measures, how can students not be excited?

Especially the freshmen who have just entered the school this year, their faces are filled with expressions of disappointment when they go out.

When my high school classmates asked me about it again, they were much more confident than before, and they no longer felt inferior because they went to a third-tier university.

"Principal, with our school's current strength, it may be difficult to apply for qualifications for a competition of this level!"


The man looked at Ding Wen hesitantly.

The man's name is Li Yu, the office director of Binghu College who was promoted by Ding Wenxin.

Several vice presidents at Ice Lake College are currently vacant.

It turns out that just ten days ago, Blue Star International UNESCO issued an announcement to hold the third Blue Star University Science and Technology Competition in June next year, which will be divided into five competition areas.

There are twenty entries in each division.

Finally, these 100 colleges and universities competed in the final round.

If you can win the championship, in addition to receiving 1 billion M in scientific research aid funds sponsored by the Blue Star Science and Technology Fund, you will also receive badges and certificates issued by Blue Star UNESCO.

Therefore, the first session of the Science and Technology Competition attracted huge attention.

Many people even gave this competition a nickname, called the "Blue Star Top 100 Competition".

I dare not say that I will win the championship in the end, but as long as I can represent each division, I will already be among the best in the university.

The champion of the first science and technology competition was Harvard University, and the champion of the second was the School of Mathematics.

As for Xia Guo, Yancheng University, Qinghua University, Haishi Jiaotong University, etc. only qualified for the Blue Star Asia Division, and basically there was no splash in the finals.

Therefore, although all regular universities can sign up for the Blue Star Technology Competition, due to the difficulty of the competition, only those in the top 40 or 50 in the Xia State will consider it, and the remaining universities will basically treat it as if there is no such thing. thing.

"The strength of our students is a bit inferior, but the University Science and Technology Competition is not only about students but also about the guidance and cooperation of tutors. As long as we work hard, we might have a chance. If we don't work hard, our Binghu College will not be able to recruit people next year. Good source of students.”

Ding Wen looked at the man.

The Blue Star Technology Competition is different from some college student competitions. After the competition organizing committee sets a topic, the project is completed by the students and their team mentors.

Finally, a comprehensive review will be conducted based on the completion status of each school team.

The qualifiers will be held in the new country of Blue Star Asia in February, and the finals will be held at the location of UNESCO in June.

Ding Wen never thought about winning the championship or even entering the finals.

He is now thinking about going to a new country to participate in the competition, so as to add a little more "fame" to Ice Lake College and let candidates across the country know that there is such a school that has participated in the Blue Star Technology Competition.

"Principal, the level of our tutors is impressive. In addition, I heard that during the first science and technology competition, in order to support the school's participation, the universities directly under the Xia State Education Department and economically developed local cities gave all aspects of support.

But our Binghu Economic Development Zone is now."

Li Yu stopped talking halfway through his words.

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