My abandoned oil town became a new frontier

Chapter 369 Give up the star spot?

“The current internet is really violent!”

for a long time,

Zuo Xuezhong then rubbed his eyebrows and leaned back on the chair.

"Who says it's not? Look at how our local TV stations in the northwest have been scolded, especially Binghu TV. There are more than 10,000 comments about asking Binghu TV to give up its star spot.

Moreover, many netizens left various messages on the official video account of Binghu Economic Development Zone, which was unbearable to watch. "

Opposite the desk,

A middle-aged man's face was full of emotion.

Although the TV stations in various prefectures and cities did not submit applications at that time, when the heads of these TV stations learned that it was Ice Lake TV Station that finally got the star spot, they more or less muttered in their hearts, thinking that Ice Lake TV Station's star spot was a bit of a joke. .

But now all the mutterings have turned to sympathy!

At the same time, they finally understood why Lanshi TV Station, which was the strongest at the time, did not apply for star status.

In addition to the factor of one's own strength, external public opinion is simply not something that ordinary places can bear.

"Are the local TV stations in Ning Province and Xin Province the same as Binghu TV?"

A trace of worry flashed across Zuo Xuezhong's face.

"No! The one with the most doubts now is Binghu TV."

The man shook his head.


Zuo Xuezhong said hurriedly.

In the past few months, one thing has happened one after another, and I have been as busy as a top, so I have not paid attention to the situation in the Binghu Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Although I had already expected it in my heart, when it came to my personal relationship with Xu Xing,

Zuo Xuezhong still hopes that Binghu TV can do better and at least survive the first broadcast.

"It's because the program broadcast list released by Binghu TV Station is either an outdated TV series from the 1990s, a public service announcement, or a news broadcast. The eight o'clock TV series is a local drama task assigned by the superiors.

Although the content of Shangxing TV Station in the prefecture-level cities of Nova Scotia and Ninh Province is also very rough, it is at least much richer than the content of Binghu TV Station.


People were immediately unhappy after reading such a program list and believed that Binghu TV was not worthy of the star. "

The man sighed.

"Ah? This"

For a moment, Zuo Xuezhong didn't know what to say.

It wasn't until a moment later that he muttered,

"The Binghu Economic Development Zone is less than two years old, and its financial situation is unstable! In addition, there was no TV station before. Is there any other option besides playing old movies and public service announcements at low prices?

It’s not like we’re competing for ratings anyway!

Besides, isn’t there a local short drama? "

“Director Zuo, that’s what you said, but people don’t think so. Many people even said it was a problem with Binghu TV’s attitude.

Especially some regions and people in our province are the most scolding.

He even said in the comment area that even the eight o'clock slots of local TV stations in Nova Scotia and Ning Province spend money to purchase film sources from specialized film and television companies.

As a result, Binghu TV turned out to be using a self-made drama produced by a cultural company that had never made a TV series and whose main business was opera singing, etc., which was very unfavorable. "

the man said.

After a pause, before Zuo Xuezhong could speak, the man spoke again,

"Lao Zuo, do you think the Binghu Economic and Technological Development Zone is really failing? According to Director Xu's behavior, it shouldn't be like this. Why did it happen this time? And since the Cultural Tourism Festival, there has been news about the Binghu Economic and Technological Development Zone. It’s less pitiful.”

"That's not the case. It may be that Director Xu has other things to do recently, and his focus is not on Binghu TV."

Zuo Xuezhong shook his head and signaled the man not to think too much.

"But having said that, for the Binghu Economic and Technological Development Zone, being featured on a TV station is definitely a top priority! I don't believe that some projects can be as important as this? If I remember correctly, it's because the Binghu TV station is going to be on Star, so Binghu Economic Development Zone did not participate in this selection of the top 100 counties.

Sigh, don’t you have a good relationship with Director Xu, okay?”

The man curled his lips.

In fact, it was not just him who thought so, the heads of several other counties and districts in Jiuge City also talked about similar topics.

"By the way, Director Li, when it comes to the top 100 counties and districts, have you handed in the relevant materials for Jiuyang District?"

Glancing at the man,

Zuo Xuezhong didn't want to talk to the man about the feasibility of the Binghu Economic Development Zone, so he simply broke off and changed the topic.

"It was submitted half a month ago, according to the relevant procedures! Now the data of our entire province is estimated to have been summarized to the relevant departments of Xia State."

The man also seemed to sense that Zuo Xuezhong was a little unhappy and did not say anything more about the Binghu Economic Development Zone.

"So the results of the top 100 counties will be released by the end of December?"

Zuo Xuezhong said.

"Almost! But having said that, as long as we send the relevant materials, we have completed the task. The result is really not important to us! Those counties in the south are super strong and there is no comparison at all."

The man glanced at the administrative planning map of Jiuge City on the wall.

“Unknowingly, it’s time for the year-end summary again, and time flies so fast.”

After getting up and briefly moving around, Zuo Xuezhong came to the water dispenser and made a cup of tea for each of them.

This year the Chinese New Year falls on January 26th of the New Year, and tomorrow is December 1st. This means that there are only more than fifty days, less than two months, before the Chinese New Year is completed.

"Who says it's not? Another year has come to an end! We will start preparing various annual data reports again in January. Our city's data this year will definitely not look good."

After taking the tea, the man sighed worriedly.

"There's nothing you can do about it if it doesn't look good, the general environment is like this,"


Just when there are more and more voices on the Internet and a lot of people are talking about it,

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Binghu Economic Development Zone,

Xu Xing put down what he was doing and appeared at the Binghu TV office building.

During this period, although Xu Xing was working hard on the new campus of Binghu College and had to complete the outdoor projects before the work was suspended at the end of the year, it did not mean that Xu Xing was not paying attention to other things.

Ice Lake TV is definitely one of the biggest things.

They even have to communicate with Xue Yutian and Song Liwei about the progress every few days. At the same time, Ice Lake TV will also report on the star launch work and difficulties encountered every three days.

Tomorrow is the time to go to the stars, and Xu Xing will naturally come over for final supervision.

"Everything is running fine!"

Xu Xing said after taking a look at the busy staff in the recording hall.

"Leader, there is no problem with the equipment or anything else. We can definitely guarantee that the live broadcast signal will be connected on time at six o'clock tomorrow morning. This is the current public opinion on the Internet."

Xing Jianhai took a deep breath, his face full of guilt.

"You don't need to worry about the news on the Internet. You drafted the program, but it was signed and approved by me in the end. If anything goes wrong, I will be responsible for it."

Xu Xing shook his head slightly, indicating to Xing Jianhai not to worry.

The reason why Xu Xing is calm is

It's because he has watched the film "Wulin Gaiden" produced by Ice Lake Culture. Generally speaking, it is 99% similar to the original film on Earth. Even the actors are similar.

So what's there to worry about?

Although Xing Jianhai also watched the movie, he didn't dare to look forward to the ratings at all, because there were almost no stars in this drama, and several of the leading actors were from the Ice Lake Theater Company.

In addition, without publicity, it is really difficult to perform.

On the contrary, he is very optimistic about the anti-war dramas and variety shows that will cost 200 million yuan.

"Leader, it's not that I don't have confidence in our follow-up content, but I'm worried that the pressure from public opinion is too great. What if the relevant departments really adopt the relevant opinions and cancel our qualifications for the star?

After all, our premiere program list is a bit shabby. "

Xing Jianhai took a deep breath.

From this morning to now, let alone him, the entire TV station staff did not dare to look at the comment section of the official video account.

"Is it shabby? I think it's pretty good. Otherwise, it would be impossible to ensure that a newly established TV station would be successfully launched in such a short period of time."

Xu Xing smiled and once again signaled to Xing Jianhai not to be nervous.

Jingle Bell.

However, just when Xu Xing was about to say something more, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Taking out his cell phone and looking at it, Xu Xing's expression moved slightly, then he walked aside and answered the call.

"Hi, hello!"

"Director Xu from Binghu Economic Development Zone, right?"

The next moment, a man's voice came from the phone.

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