My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 439: : A shop that loses money forever

After Weiran walked into the coffee shop, everyone looked at me and Mi Cai with the same gaze, but the emotions contained in this gaze l were different, but I was not in the mood to understand them one by one, and Mi Cai must be the same, so we Looking at each other, they opened the coffee shop door and walked in before the others.

After walking into the coffee shop, the boss Xia Fanye was still sitting on the bar counter and reading a magazine. He didn’t have much enthusiasm. I knew that all the enthusiasm of this man had been lost in the story of “West of the Old City”. And Wei Ran, who came in before us, sat alone in a corner, as if she didn't have anything.

  Xia Fanye got up to greet him, I smiled and said to him: "I brought all my friends to drink coffee today, there are 10 people in total, you can make us 10 cups of West of the Old City."

Xia Fanye nodded, took out some coffee beans and began to grind, I looked around, only to realize that this coffee shop is so small, I didn’t feel it when it was only me and Mi Cai yesterday, but today there are more people, I feel it When the space was crowded, he put together several tables and invited everyone to sit around, but Wei Ran still sat alone near the window, looking at the rain outside the window with no expression.

   Xiang Chen, who was the least familiar with him, turned around, patted his arm and said, "Come and sit together."

  Wei Ran just shook his head, and turned his gaze to the outside of the window, but the rain had already attached to the glass to form a layer of water vapor, and the world outside the window was blurred, so he seemed to be the loneliest person in this small coffee shop.

   After a while, Xia Fanye finally delivered the coffee, set it down in front of us one by one, and said to everyone: "This is the West of the Old Town coffee from the small shop, please taste it."

cc took a sip first, I thought she would be frowned by the bitterness, but she was very indifferent. After taking a sip, she nodded and said to us: "The coffee is very bitter, but there is a hint of sweetness and refreshing taste. There is an indescribable loneliness in it, but it makes people enjoy this loneliness, because there is still hope waiting in loneliness.”

Xia Fanye looked at cc, nodded subconsciously, agreed with cc's comment, and said: "The water used to make coffee is made from mint leaves, but only half a slice was put in, the taste is very light, and you can drink it out Not many people."

  I looked at cc, and found it very strange. A woman who smokes and drinks all day looks rough, but is so delicate. At least I really didn’t taste the taste she said.

"Thank you for this cup of West of the Old City!" After cc finished speaking, he picked up his coffee cup and took a sip, as if he liked the taste of bitterness and sweetness, while others also picked up their coffee cups and took a sip. Xia Fanye said that there are not many people who can taste this taste, so we all frowned, including me and Mi Cai who had already drank it before.

Robben first put down the coffee cup in his hand and looked at the painting behind me. At first, he looked at it casually, but suddenly he got up and approached, squatting in front of the painting and looked at it carefully. I turned around Ask him: "This painting is not bad, it is from the hands of the boss, and it is called Forbidden City!"

   Robben didn't talk to me, with a dignified expression, he stretched out his hand and said to Wei Manwen behind him: "Give me paper and pen, hurry up!"

Wei Manwen hurriedly took out the paper and pen and a notepad from her handbag and handed them to Robben. Robben sat cross-legged on the ground, staring intently at the painting. After a while, he lowered his head and wrote on the notepad. The lyrics and score started, so the small coffee shop became more quiet. We all know that this painting inspired Robben’s creation. In fact, inspirations are often contagious to each other. Maybe Robben and Xia Fanye They are the same kind of people. They are born lonely, but they instinctively seek comfort in loneliness to find a way they all have a strong artistic temperament!

  I waited for the coffee to cool down, and drank it in one gulp as before, then walked to the bar and said to Xia Fanye: "Find a place, let's chat alone for a while."

  He nodded.


Walking through the small compartment, he and I came to a small balcony. There was a circular canopy for shelter from the rain. We stood under it, then took out a red plum cigarette from our pocket and handed it to him. I lit it for him again, and after each took a sip, I smiled and asked, "What do you think of the girl who tasted your coffee just now?"

   "She is a very special woman!"

"Of course it's special. She's a wandering singer. She can smoke and drink. A few years ago, she came to Suzhou and opened a music restaurant called Kongchengli. The restaurant is very special. The customers pay voluntarily, although the business model is not in line with market rules. , but has survived until now, we all admire her, especially her attitude towards life and love."

  Xia Fanye smiled, and didn't say much, I understand: he is already desperate in that lost love, and this kind of despair will not be awakened easily!

  We were smoking in silence, but I was thinking about how to open my mouth and let him accept the help from my kindness. I really don't want to see this "west of the old city" cafe close down.

  I knew that I was not a tactful person. After taking a deep breath, I said in the most straightforward way: "I want to help this coffee shop."

  He looked at me, did not refuse, and asked, "How do you want to help?"

   "If this coffee shop does not expand its business scope and operate under the current model, it will definitely lose money. Do you agree with this?"

   "I agree, because it has been losing money for years."

   "Then are you willing to expand your business scope?"

  He shook his head: "I don't want to, if the appearance of this coffee shop is changed, I would rather close it and regard it as a permanent memory."

   "I think so too, so let this store continue to lose money......"

  He looked at me somewhat incomprehensibly.

I smiled and explained, and said: "I have a company that is working on a tourism project called The Road of Literature and Art. When this project is finally completed, countless unique cafes and inns will be created on the domestic tourism map. , Bars, restaurants... If this road has life, then this kind of coffee shop with a story in the west of the old city must be the soul of this road... For you, there is no way I have been operating a loss-making cafe for a long time, but for this road, such a loss is just a manifestation of humanity, I need a loss-making but authentic shop.”

  Xia Fanye showed a thoughtful look on his face, and said to me for a long time: "I understand what you mean, I can give you this coffee shop..."

I interrupted him: "I don't want you to send it. You are still the owner of this coffee shop, and you can still make coffee here. I just hope that this coffee shop can join my literary path. All losses will be borne by my company." Come bear it!"

   "This... I don't quite understand what you mean!"

Just as I was about to further confuse him, there was a loud quarrel downstairs. I leaned over and looked down. It was Jian Wei and Xiang Chen... They were standing opposite the cafe Under the eaves of the house, the expressions on both sides were full of suppressed anger...

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