My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 274: : unruly man

   This is another evening, and it is also the most summer evening this year. The sunset hanging at the end of the sky is half covered by clouds, and the hot smell of the afternoon still remains in the air.

Holding the sliced ​​watermelon in my hand, I sat on the wicker chair on the balcony and ate it while watching all kinds of beauties passing by. girlfriend beauty.

   Just looking at it for a while, a beauty no less than Mi Cai appeared in her sight, of course the woman who likes to wear red clothes, but today she is wearing a light blue coat.

  I whistled at her, attracted her attention, and asked with a smile, "How about a walk?"

   "I want you to manage!"

  I stood up from the rattan chair, walked to the white grid-shaped guardrail, raised the watermelon in my hand, and said, "Come up and eat a piece of watermelon to cool off the heat!"

  She looked around with a puzzled look on her face: "Is it summer now?"

   "It's coming soon, the summer solstice is over a month away!"

  Her tone was very mocking: "Hehe... Summer is the traditional peak tourist season in Xitang, your business is still not very good!"

   "I am very polite to treat you to eat watermelon, do you want to be so shameless?"

   "What face can an unruly man like you have!"

  I raised my hand and threw the finished watermelon rind at her: "You should eat the watermelon rind!"

  She dodged sideways, looked at me with a frown and said, "Come down..."

   "What happened?"

   "Pick up the watermelon rind you threw in the trash."

   "Didn't I say it was for you to eat, it's your personal property now, how to deal with it is none of my business!"

  Her expression suddenly changed, and she picked up the watermelon rind from the ground and cursed, "You are sick!" She raised her hand and slammed it at me.

Looking at the curve of the watermelon rind, I deeply felt the difference between a man and a woman. I threw the same piece of watermelon rind at her, but she slammed it firmly, even though my reaction was fast enough. , but it still hit my shoulder, and the blood-red watermelon juice stained my white shirt immediately.

She looked at me with a vindictive smile, which made me feel even more helpless, because no one even knew her name, and now I don’t want to avenge this revenge, and when she leaves Xitang, there is really nowhere to seek revenge .

  I turned back and picked up a piece of watermelon rind that I had just thrown in from the trash can. When I came to the guardrail again, she was nowhere to be seen...

A gust of warm wind blew by, and the small Xitang River made waves, which made the sunset reflected on the river seem to curl up the corners of its mouth, turning into a mocking face, laughing at me for being so boring, and a The woman started to worry about it, maybe I am really a dishonest man!

  So, I also laughed at myself, and then turned around with a watermelon rind in my hand, but she was standing less than one meter away from me, staring at me fiercely with a pair of extremely beautiful eyes.

  Because the distance was too close, I was startled, subconsciously took a step back, and complained: "Did you come up from the clouds and fog, there is no movement at all!"

  She ignored my complaints, and still stared at me and said, "Aren't you going to hit me, I'm standing right in front of you right now, hit it!"

   "You masochist!"

  She took another step closer to me, and said aggressively: "You are smashing!"

  I held the watermelon rind in my hand and continued to back away: "Don't be foolish, this is a society ruled by law, and the people's police are in charge of you!"

   "Cut... strong on the outside and dry on the inside!"

  I smiled embarrassingly: "I'm just a little bored, how can I really fight with a woman like you!"

  Her expression finally eased a little, and I threw the watermelon rind back into the trash can, and cheekily asked her to sit down and chat for a while.

  She may have been walking for a long time, and she was a little tired, so she didn't refuse, and sat on the rattan rocking chair to rest her feet.

  I took a slice of watermelon and handed it to her: "Please eat... remember to smile with me after eating!"

  She took it from my hand, but said in a bad mood: "You really like to talk nonsense!"

   "Yeah, not only do I like to talk nonsense, but I also like to drink, smoke, and sing."

  She looked at the guitar placed by the rocking chair, and said, "Since you like singing so much, I'll give you a chance... Sing, sing something nice."

I really like singing in the dusk, so I picked up the guitar and searched for good songs in my mind, which has a large number of songs. sang.

   "There is a group of Smurfs on the other side of the mountain and the other side of the sea. They are lively and smart, naughty and sensitive, and they live freely in the big green forest... Oh, cute Smurfs!"

  As I sang, she couldn't help laughing until I sang the whole song.

  I put the guitar aside and asked her, "Well, isn't this a good song?"

   "It's too naive, children like to listen to it?"


  She nodded with certainty.

  After being denied by her again, I said dissatisfied: "Eat your watermelon well, what song are you listening to!"

  She smiled and said: "Thinking about it again, it's actually pretty nice—a lively melody and childlike lyrics!"

   "Yeah! My girlfriend and I love this song..."

  She looked at me and said with emotion: "When you said this, you looked very satisfied and happy!"

   "Then let me say it again, you take a photo with your mobile phone, and I will see how happy I am!"

  She ignored me, looking sad, and asked me after a while: "The woman who sat by the river with you that day is your girlfriend, right?"

   "Hmm, isn't it pretty?"

   "It doesn't matter whether you are beautiful or not, the important thing is: you can miss each other calmly when you are together!"

  Her emotion made me wonder again: "Can't you calmly miss the man you love in your heart?"

  Her expression was even more gloomy, and she didn't speak for a long time, but the bright red nails were deeply embedded in my palm. At this moment, I seemed to see the harshness of time and love on her painful face.

   This topic was started by me. I couldn't bear to look at her painful expression, so I said to her: "I recently encountered a problem in the operation of the inn. Can you give me some advice?"

   She finally looked at me, but it took a while before she said, "Wait until I finish this slice of watermelon."

  I nodded and signaled to wait for her.

She lowered her head and ate the watermelon in small bites, but tears fell from her cheeks. It turned out that she was not afraid of a piece of watermelon rind hitting her, but was suffering from the sweetness and tenderness of the watermelon flesh... ..Maybe, the man she was thinking about once cut a slice of watermelon for her at the end of spring... Maybe, I think too much, she is just suffering because she can't think about it calmly , has nothing to do with the tenderness and sweetness of the watermelon pulp!


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