Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 794 Strength

Although those who have never seen him doubt the strength of the third master, how can the person who founded the dark night himself be a small character.

Everyone looked at the three people in the middle of the field.

Huo Yu'an and Mu Qing are not talkative people either.

After explaining the rules, everyone raised their voices.

"This is our defender this year."

He raised his hand as he spoke.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Who? Where? Which?"

"I don't know, I didn't see anyone, where is it?"

Whispering, Meng Yutang walked out from beside him, raised his hand and took off his hat, and glanced at the quiet arena.

"Everyone is welcome to challenge me."

After she finished speaking, she stepped up to the position of the ring master.

The ring guard has an exclusive seat.

She walked over and sat down, crossed her legs, raised her hand and put the hat on her head again.


Everyone was stunned.

"What! A girl, knocked her away with one punch."

"Damn it, uncle is crazy."

"Hush! That seems to be the uncle's younger sister!"

"Fuck! Are you here to play? Is it fun here?"


There were complaints all around, but some people who went out with Meng Yutang to perform the mission last night silently dripped a few drops of sweat from their foreheads.

I don't know who was blown away with a punch, but it couldn't be her anyway.


"Okay, let's start now."

As the words fell, someone walked up to the arena and stood in the middle.

Liu Hu, ranked 276th.

"I want to challenge Huifeng."

All eyes were on Huifeng's ranking.

Huifeng, ranked 200th.

Everyone was stunned, some people would not directly jump so many names just to be on the safe side, because the increment of each rank is the increment of absolute strength.

Liu Hu was very lucky that he followed Meng Yutang last night, otherwise he would definitely challenge Meng Yutang first today.

Huifeng heard that he had already come out, but the rest of the people were whispering.

"What the hell are you doing! Why don't you challenge that little girl! Show her off! Don't care if she is the uncle's sister!"

"Huzi is also afraid of this? How cowardly!"


They talked a lot, and Liu Hu and Huifeng had already started the assessment.

At the beginning, Huifeng had the upper hand, but Liu Hu suddenly exerted force behind him, and the surrounding stands seemed to shake twice, and in the end Liu Hu actually won.

Huifeng staggered to his feet with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

As long as the assessment point is over, nothing major will happen.

Meng Yutang looked at Liu Hu and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The people in the stands who are familiar with Liu Hu couldn't help but say: "Ah! I haven't seen the trick behind Hu Zi!"

"Yes! I haven't seen it before! Where did this guy learn it secretly!"

Liu Hu raised his eyes and glanced at the changed ranking, his name appeared in the 200th place.

There was a smile on his lips, and when his eyes fell, he saw Meng Yutang.

The moves behind him were actually performed by Meng Yutang last night.

He raised his hand towards Meng Yutang and bowed respectfully.

Meng Yutang raised his hand towards the recording platform over there, and Liu Hu's name was immediately recorded there.

This is not the only person who can memorize her moves in such a short period of time and still use them.

Everyone was stunned as they watched Liu Hu walk towards Meng Yutang and stepped down from the stage. They were a little confused and didn't understand what he was doing.

What these people advocate is force, and only the powerful will make them submit like this.

For a while, it seemed that Meng Yutang was not so sure.

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