Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 282: These people are so powerful

Lan Xiao applied a thin layer of mascara on her eyelashes. The eyelashes were very long and dense, like a small brush, flashing with the flow of the eyes, inciting people's hearts.

The bridge of the nose is very small, like the attractive vermilion lips of cherry blossom petals.

She wore a champagne-colored tulle dress.

The simple waist design makes her slender and slender. With such a slight dressing, it not only reveals the sunshine of girlish breath, but also exudes faintly, not the coquettish beauty of her age.

With bright eyes and white teeth, looking forward to brilliance, she is a rare beauty.

Even though Brother Jiang had seen many beautiful women, even if he had seen Lan Xiao many times, he saw her again after many days, his eyes still flashed with surprise.

It's so bright

He calmed his mind and glanced at the driver in front of him: "Let's go."

The driver hesitated a little and asked incomprehensibly: "Didn't Jiang brother come to pick up people?"

"Too proactive, it will scare people, I'll be more reserved." Jiang Ge laughed at himself, a soft light overflowing from the bottom of his eyes.

The driver didn't dare to ask more, stepping on the accelerator under his foot, the car swished away like an arrow from Xuan.


Half an hour later, Lan Xiao took Lan Xingbo to the destination.

This is a private club located on the outskirts of Lingcheng.

There are six floors in total, and today’s party was held on the sixth floor.

The black market exists because there are some things of unknown origin that cannot be put on the surface, so someone engaged in a private transaction specifically for those who love to collect, buy antiques and keep antiques of questionable origin. Those who can't sell off their hands provide a private trading club.

Private transactions are not exposed. As long as the secret work is done well, there will generally be no major problems.

Moreover, for this kind of activity, most of the people who can receive invitations are people from the top circles in Lingcheng.

She and Lan Xingbo should have been caught up in Jiang's light.

Otherwise, this kind of private transaction, even if they know the location, they cannot enter.

There are usually more than a dozen bodyguards in black at the door, who are not invited, and can't get close.

When the two entered the clubhouse lobby, Lan Xiao saw a lot of people coming and going, in suits and leather shoes, brocade clothes, and each man was surrounded by a beautiful and cool woman, followed by two tall people. Carrying a few boxes, a few people went straight into the elevator without squinting their eyes.

There were quite a few such people, and within a few minutes of standing in the lobby of the clubhouse, Lan Xiao and Lan Xingbo saw several groups of people passing by.

At the entrance of the elevator, there were two beautiful ladies in revealing clothes.

The guests entered the elevator directly, and they hardly needed to ask, and directly pressed the button for the guests to the sixth floor.

Lan Xingbo has never seen such a scene, he is a little confused now.

He pulled Lan Xiao's sleeves a little bit, and whispered: "Sister, these people are so powerful, do they look like the black bosses in the movies we watched? Holding beautiful women in his arms, Behind him was the bodyguard who brought money. Tsk tsk, these people are some big people who can't offend, right? They stomped their feet casually, and it is estimated that they can make Lingcheng shake a few times."

Lan Xiao nodded thoughtfully: "Some of them may not be from Lingcheng."

"Ah...this kind of private gathering, there are people from outside coming to our tomb? They have money and no place to spend, and they are holding money for thousands of miles to splurge and splurge?" Blue Star swallowed. The saliva is not lightly stimulated.

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