Movie Master

Chapter 701 Rising to Fame

As an actor, George Clooney has been wandering in the field of art films since he became popular with "The Story of the Emergency Room". It is a stain that I never want to bring up in my career, so even though there are works with good commercial achievements such as "Ocean's Eleven", George still focuses on art works more often. It seems that except for "The Three Kings", people It's really astonishing that he can't name his masterpiece for a while-in my impression, isn't George one of the top actors in the first line?

But as a director, George Clooney has delivered a convincing debut. Three years ago, George handed over his directorial debut "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind", which shined at the Berlin Film Festival and gave Sam Rockaway Sam-Rockwell won the Best Actor Silver Bear Award, and George's directing skills are even more admirable, and he was highly affirmed by the academy judges.

Now, George has brought the director's second work, "Good Night, Good Luck", focusing on the news industry, focusing on that chaotic era, focusing on that golden age full of texture and elegance. The film first landed at the Venice Film Festival and won unanimous praise, and was even considered a favorite for the Golden Lion Award at one time. If Lee/Ann's "Brokeback Mountain" hadn't turned out, maybe "Good Night and Good Luck" should have won more attention.

"Good Night, Good Luck" held an internal screening in Los Angeles, and finally let people see George's good popularity in Hollywood. More than 300 viewers were able to watch the movie for the first time, and everyone who got the invitation was in the circle. An important person who can speak, and George's friends came to congratulate collectively, including Lance, who has been staying in New York for a while, also sent a video message, expressing his regret for not being there, and saying, "Be sure to be there for the screening in New York next week!"

Since it was only a screening, the reporters were not eligible for admission, but the next day, forty-one film critics released the first batch of comments, which coincided with the rave reviews of the Venice Film Festival, as high as 80 The media reviews of the film are amazing, which once again proves that George's ability as a director and as a screenwriter seems to have surpassed his actor status.

USA Today, 100 points, "The only thing missing from the movie is Edward R. Morrow's infamous diatribe, and a dusty street."

"New York News Today," 100 points, "The biggest small production today, and one of the best stories about the news industry in film history."

The New York Post, 100 percent, "Brilliantly recreates Edward R. Molo's historic moment and truly recreates Joseph McCarthy's sickening detail. This is a movie at the right time. The right movie that came out!"

"Chicago Sun," 100 points, "Another important character in the film—McCarthy—and Clooney presents it in the smartest and most devious way possible—with historical documentary material, allowing McCarthy to play himself! Other than that In addition, the accumulation of a large number of lines shows the profound skills and rich background of the script, restrained but sharp!"

Six hundred points, six hundred points appeared in the first batch of comments, including Roger Ebert. More importantly, the retro wisdom and elegant connotation of "Good Night and Good Luck" successfully conquered the extremely picky film critics on the East Coast, and five of the six hundred points were from the East Coast. It can be seen that this retro and steady work has been strongly recognized by the East Coast on the artistic level.

Relatively speaking, film critics on the West Coast seem to be less excited, but it is undeniable that they also gave affirmation to "good night and good luck".

San Francisco Chronicle, Seventy-Five Cents, "An Interesting History of American Political Culture."

Los Angeles Times, 80, "Most movies these days are too long, but this 90-minute work feels too short. That's because the core idea of ​​the whole movie is so accurate and sharp. And meticulous: black-and-white images, classic moments, digging deep, in this way to present important moments in American history, as well as important development moments in American journalism history."

"Seattle Post," 85 points, "The film has the charm of a small-scale time capsule, and its mystery and restraint are even more fascinating. It fits the theme neatly and accurately, and renews the light of liberalism!"

It can be seen that the scores of the West Coast media are still amazing. They gave a relatively fair evaluation and affirmed George's ability. People deeply felt the excellent quality of this movie and George's excellent network. .

From the return of Venice with a good reputation, to the rave reviews of the internal screenings, the awards season of "Good Night and Good Luck" has risen sharply. It seems that all signs are showing that this work has the ability to win Oscars!

This is not a joke. After the internal screening, among the first batch of 41 reviews, there was only one bad review. This came from the "New Yorker". People with a solid grasp of political history will immediately feel what the film is about, and will forgive the film's strict focus and narrow perspective. As for those who want to see a witty and tense, intelligent and profound work of journalists viewers will be disappointed."

At the same time, "The New Yorker" also gave a 70-point evaluation. In the midst of praise, 70 points seems a bit dazzling, which is the lowest score among the first batch of reviews; but in fact, this evaluation still reached the level of "good", which is the same as the film's 80 points in media comprehensive evaluation. The difference is almost the same, and it can be seen that even if it is a criticism, the "New Yorker" has not completely denied it.

On the just-concluded Venice Film Festival, "Brokeback Mountain" was born and won the Golden Lion Award. Greatest discovery so far. But no one should forget that this is a gay work. In the long history of Hollywood, there has never been any gay work that can win an Oscar. So far, the most outstanding "Philadelphia Story" has only won the best actor and Best Original Song.

In fact, the film industry is the industry with the widest proportion of homosexuality, but it is also one of the most secretive fields. Someone once ridiculed that the topic of homosexuality is like a thorn in the ass of Hollywood, which cannot be removed. It is always there and cannot be ignored, but no one is willing to admit it.

Therefore, the outlook for the awards season of "Brokeback Mountain" is still a cloud of fog. In comparison, "Good Night, Good Luck" also received good reviews in Shuicheng. This work focusing on journalists is definitely the most powerful masterpiece of this year.

No one will forget that in March this year, the "Boston Globe" broke the shocking news that caused a sensation all over the world; likewise, no one will forget that not long ago, the "New York Times" broke the news of another sensational news in North America, President George W. Bush signed an executive order after the September 11 terrorist attacks that allowed the National Security Agency to monitor the international phone calls and emails of hundreds of people living in the United States without court approval. issued a search warrant.

As we all know, the United States is a country that talks about human rights all the time, and this move by the president not only violates the privacy of citizens, but also violates the basic human rights of citizens. Therefore, after the news broke, there was an uproar across the United States.

But for the accusations of wiretapping, the president said, "As long as the United States still faces threats, he will continue to authorize intelligence agencies to conduct intelligence wiretapping." He insisted that this is a completely legal act. This news incident is now being fermented, and many members of Congress have come forward to accuse the president.

"Good Night and Good Luck" was released against this backdrop. It is worth mentioning that the news events described in the movie refer to the 1950s, during the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union, Americans were frustrated by the situation of "winning the war and losing peace", and McCarthyism came into being! McCarthy claimed that he had evidence of Communist spies in Congress, and thus used the American people's fear of communism to launch a communist movement. Under McCarthy's iron fist, everyone is in danger, because no direct evidence is needed at all, as long as there is a little clue, it may lead to being put on a "red" hat, then going to prison, or even ruined.

During that chaotic and fearful period, human rights were severely challenged. Movies such as "Bridge of Spies" and "Trumbo" all tell stories of this period.

At this moment, "Good night and good luck" was born, which is almost a direct accusation of "Bugging Gate". Coupled with the scandal that broke out at the "Boston Globe" at the beginning of the year, the attention of journalists has reached its peak! So, says The New York Post, it's the right movie at the right time.

If it is said that "Good Night and Good Luck" won the best picture Oscar, people will not be surprised, just like "Chicago" defeated "The Pianist" and "The Hours" won the best picture Oscar. Facing the imminent threat of the Iraq war, the Academy tried to create a scene of peace and harmony through singing and dancing, so the more entertaining "Chicago" won the award, not the "Pianist" who was more humanistic.

The screening has just ended, and "Good Night, Good Luck" has already stood on the commanding heights, and the future is bright! Even so, this is still not the highest point of "good night, good luck", and the comments on the Internet are also chasing this movie. It seems that people can't wait to express their excitement before watching it. Time, all the flowers and praises are surrounded by "good night, good luck", the flowers are full of flowers, so lively.

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