Movie Master

Chapter 670 Shock Education

"My script is done." Lance decided to strike first.

"Oh?" Barry seemed a little surprised, but his reaction was very interesting, "Didn't Percy tell you?" Barry's focus was not on the script that Lance had finished, but on the message from Percy, "It seems that you It should be very busy today, and I haven't had time to communicate with Percy yet."

"I've been busy all night, and finally finished the script." Lance hit the snake with the stick, and then let out a long breath on purpose, as if he was very relieved, and said with a smile, "After all, I'm already seriously behind, isn't it ?"

Barry raised his eyebrows. Lance was trying to block him. How could he not hear it, "Oh, it's really hard work for you. Percy should have told you earlier. After internal discussions, we finally decided to use Akiva's script, his script is more complete and more in line with our positioning of the movie." The subtext is that you have worked hard for nothing, but the responsibility is not on my side.

"I thought we were waiting for the script to come out, and then we would have a meeting to decide." Lance was not involved by Barry, but stood on the position of the producer, emphasizing his own initiative: If you want to cooperate, "I am Legend", he must have absolute control over the crew. "Is there something going on in Los Angeles that I don't know about?"

Facing Lance's direct questioning, Barry didn't panic at all, "Relax, relax, Lance, everything is fine." Instead, he comforted Lance with a smile, "You should know, we hope to shoot a movie. An excellent commercial film, an 'Independence Day', not a 'Future Water World'." "Independence Day" is by far the highest-grossing disaster movie in film history, and "The Day After Tomorrow" temporarily ranks second in film history. "Your script is excellent and has a lot of potential worth exploring, but..."

"I thought you wanted to make a 'Star Wars', but I didn't expect you just wanted a 'Independence Day'." Lance interrupted Barry, "Star Wars" not only made 460 million It hit the dollar box office and started a cultural trend that will go down in history.

In fact, the story of "Star Wars" is not complicated, even a bit clichéd, but the success of this work lies in the construction of the magnificent structure of the entire galaxy, and the real life given to each alien character. Simply put , George Lucas spent a lot of time preparing the background information before writing the script. This is also what Lance injected into the "I Am Legend" script-more connotations that can withstand digging.

Barry couldn't help laughing. Lance's self-confidence is so strong, he was definitely prepared, "So, you are writing a script that is comparable to 'Star Wars'?"

"Why not? You haven't seen the full script, have you?" Lance said in an upright manner as if he didn't hear the sarcasm in Barry's words.

In fact, if the script of "I Am Legend" can be completed according to Lance's idea, it is very hopeful that it can become a classic, especially for "humans infected with a virus and turned into zombies" and "humans who survived a virus infection". The humanized exploration and in-depth study raised the popular elements in the original novel to a philosophical level, which is indeed worth looking forward to. This is why Lance has never been able to write the ending. He needs to retain the commercial elements and wants to explore in depth.

"However, I don't think we have enough time." Barry was not in a hurry, and took it completely calmly, "We need to finalize the script before October, and then start the pre-production. You know, we can't afford to waste time, The whole project has been going on for so long, we need progress."

"But my script has been completed..." Lance opened his eyes and said nonsense, but his real purpose was to test Barry's bottom line. If Barry is willing to cooperate, let him submit the script now, and he will submit two-thirds of the script, and then explain the whole ending idea to them; but if Barry is not willing...

"Lance, you know, we all like you, which is why Warner Bros. came to you again and again." Hearing Barry's opening line, Lance knew the result, and there must be a "but" after that , "However, we don't have time to discuss, and we don't have time to sort out slowly. The most important thing is, don't forget, what we need is a commercial box office success, just like 'The Day After Tomorrow'."

"George Lucas will be disappointed to hear that." Lance said with a smile, with a hint of sarcasm.

"But you're not George Lucas." Barry didn't back down, and directly fought back. Before Lance could continue to argue, he continued, "At least not yet." This soft word was still given to Lance A little face, "Lance, our goal is the same, we all want to create a successful work, we are not enemies, we are in the same camp. Not long ago, the sequel to 'Pirates of the Caribbean' was huge because of the script. The controversy not only delayed the progress of the crew, but also cost Disney a lot of money, we don't want such a situation to happen, don't we?"

Barry finally showed his fangs. Who could understand the tricks of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel script better than Lance? Although Barry didn't mention Lance's name, the hint in it couldn't be more obvious. To sum it up simply: Warner Bros. is not an idiot, there is no room for maneuver in the matter of the script, so let's make a decision like this, otherwise it will be separated.

In fact, this is not surprising, is Akiva's script excellent? Excellent, as a commercial film, it is indeed commendable except that the climax/tide is a little weak. As for the problems that Lance is worried about, it actually affects commercial films, but none of them are fatal. Even if Warner Bros. does adopt Lance's script, can it guarantee that the box office will be higher than Akiva's version of the script? No, not even Lance himself.

What's more, the adoption of Lance's script also means that Lance has control over the entire crew, not just as simple as Chaos Films' dividends will increase the screenwriter, but other producers' control over the shooting process will loosen. Therefore, at the beginning, Warner Bros. promised that the entire crew of "I Am Legend" would be under Lance's control. This promise was never intended to be fulfilled-in the potential cooperation project between Warner Bros. It will always be Warner Bros., not Chaos Pictures.

Consistent big company style. Even if Lance doesn't pin all his hopes here, it's disappointing that after such success with "Borrower" and "Sin City," things seem to have changed a lot and not much. It's no surprise, though, considering Mel Gibson.

"Of course, we don't want to." Lance chuckled lightly, but he was more relaxed than before, as if the object Barry hinted at was not him at all, "So, does this mean that I can get into the role first? Scheduling with the director? As far as I know, Akiva's version of Robert is a character with a lot of inner drama."

"Of course, if you have time now, you can start." Barry's smile also bloomed, and those who know current affairs are Junjie. Lance is a smart guy who knows exactly when to be strong and when to back down. The same is obviously true of the previous "Superman Returns" project. Lance's strong refusal is for the huge interests of the DC Universe; the same is true for the current "I Am Legend", and Lance's obedient compromise is also for the potential cooperation of the DC Universe.

Barry has full confidence and holds Lance under applause. Those who understand the rules of the game are the real winners.

"Oh, that's good. Will called me two days ago and asked me about the progress of the 'I'm Legend' script. I thought you guys were planning to change the actors." Lance still smiled, and casually chatted about anecdotes .

Barry paused for a while, but then he was relieved. He has his news channel, and Lance naturally has Lance's, "Haha, no, of course not, we all believe in your ability, you are a very good player. Actors, no one will deny that. There are not many people who have been nominated for an Oscar for their first work, and the closest I can remember is Edward Norton."

"So, you asked Will if he would like to play 'I Am Legend', just to... er, to hype the news?" Lance's voice was always smiling, but the words began to press harder and harder.

Barry didn't panic, Lance is a tricky thorn, he knew it very well, "No, it's just for second-hand preparation. You know, big companies always need backup solutions." Barry casually Open your mouth, as if this is the truth, "You have been busy recently, and you will continue to be busy in a short time. Considering the huge project of 'I Am Legend', we are worried that you may be too busy, so Made second-hand preparations."

"But I thought that when this project was handed over to me at the beginning, it was to give me an investment of 150 million yuan to make it a work with my own characteristics." Lance spoke slowly and clearly, although It didn't say it clearly, but it hinted at the follow-up of the DC universe, "Now the situation seems to have begun to be different."

"Things are indeed different. We need you to be more focused, not only because of time constraints, but also because of the heavy workload, and because of the huge investment." Barry did not back down, and said in a strong tone, "You are still the leader of this project. Producer, director, actor-writer, nothing has changed. We just need you to be more focused." Both in and out of the sentence, they blamed Lance for being distracted by the Gawain incident.

So, it's not over for missing that Sunday meeting? To be more precise, shocking education has just begun?

"Really? Why do I look at things from a completely different angle from yours?" The smile on the corner of Lance's mouth was outlined, but his words became more and more sharp, "First the screenwriter, then the actor, then what's next? The producer? Director? I'm not sure, I've been hearing Francis Lawrence's name a lot lately."

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