Movie Master

Chapter 394

Javier has a sense of disobedience, a strong sense of disobedience, watching Max hurriedly build a messy taxi, watching Vincent calmly check the information of the next target, watching Max The panic of the six souls without a master, watching Vincent's understatement of ruthlessness...

"You drive your taxi, and I'll kill my target." Vincent seemed to be discussing the basketball tactics of "you cover, I shoot", and expressed a sense of joy in the serious and terrifying things. The most contradictory thing is: he actually thinks that the roles of Tom and Lance are normal—Lance, who is handsome and elegant, is now a timid and timid taxi driver with plain clothes, and Tom, who is righteous and heroic, is now He is a cold-blooded, cruel, calm professional killer, but he doesn't feel any sense of disobedience. Isn't this the weirdest part?

Although Max was driving, the fear in his heart and the oppression of morality made him completely unable to continue to act as if nothing had happened, chattering and panicking, and his rolling stomach made him almost vomit several times. The colorful lights outside the car window gradually dimmed, as if the whole world was shrinking step by step. Even Javier, who was sitting in front of the big screen, had the urge to vomit—the tense nerves kept oppressing his stomach. When he realized it, the world had been confined within the narrow carriage. The cold parallel light was like a wall separating Vincent and Max, but at the same time, it was like entangled fate that bound the two people firmly together. bundled together.

At this moment, Javier's attention was concentrated like never before.

Max's agitation slowly spread like smoke in the car, making Vincent unable to calm down at all. Max asked Vincent angrily, "What did he do to you?" But Vincent didn't care The answer made Max lose control of his suppressed emotions, "You met him for the first time, and then you killed him?"

"What? Can I only kill people I know?" Vincent's answer stunned everyone in the cinema, as if there was nothing wrong with this sentence, but he vaguely felt that he should refute, but Not knowing what to do, this maze-like confusion calmed down all the restlessness in the cinema.

Javier's muscles tensed up, and he listened intently to the next conversation, falling into deep thought.

"Max, there are six billion people on the planet. If a fat guy dies, you will be in chaos?"

"Then... who is he?"

"None of your business. Have you ever heard of Rwanda?"

"Yes! I know Rwanda!"

"Ten million people die there every day before sunset, not since Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Do you care about those deaths? Do you attend Oxfam, Amnesty International? Save the whales? Save Forest? No! I killed a fat boy and you got mad?"

"Dude, I don't know any Rwandans!"

"You don't know the guy in the trunk either. Well, if that makes you feel any better, that guy is a criminal. Something to do with someone from a crime syndicate."

"Then what are you doing? Eliminating harm for the people?"

"Yes, you can say that."

"So, that means I can kill you, right?"

The extremely tight dialogue, the confrontation and confrontation between Vincent and Max, the momentum is almost transferred in one sentence, Vincent's impatience after being indifferent to the extreme, Max's fear after the extreme Out of control, slowly spreading in the dim and ambiguous light, but created a tense and suffocating atmosphere.

The whole dialogue sounded ridiculous, but they couldn't think of rebuttal words, so that when Max said unreasonably, "This means I can kill you", there was no one in the cinema. People feel that there is something wrong: Is it wrong to eliminate harm for the people? ——But the question is, are they agreeing with Max or Vincent?

Before Javier's brain could function, the siren sounded behind the car, and the police ordered Max to park the car on the side of the road. Not only did Javier not heave a sigh of relief, but he became even more nervous, and an ominous premonition hit his chest—if we follow the normal Hollywood commercial movie routines, at this time there should be a city chase, racing, crashing, and flying; Either it was a shootout, Vincent lost control and killed the policeman, or Max started to resist, or... In short, it was a big action showdown, and Javier suddenly became worried for the two policemen.

But the development of things was unexpected again.

The police stopped them because of the broken windshield of Max's taxi. Under the threat of Vincent, Max had to pull himself together to deal with the police/police, but the two police/policemen's persistence and pursuit brought the atmosphere into a stalemate. The pistol was fired, and the police/police ordered Max to open the trunk—the trunk with a dead body... The matter was about to explode, and there were colorful sparks in the blurred light, and Javier couldn't help holding his breath— ——But at this moment, the police/police received information about a gun battle nearby and asked them to go to the scene to support immediately, so the two hurriedly asked Max to drive the damaged vehicle back to the terminus, and then left quickly.

The bomb that could be detonated at any time was cut off at the last second. The aggrieved feeling that was about to burst out but stopped abruptly made Javier's muscles stiffen again, and indescribable restlessness surged in his chest.

But Javier didn't have time to think about it, and the crisis appeared again. The taxi company's headquarters contacted Max after receiving the notification from the police. Directed Max to deal with it.

Headquarters tried to blame the smashed windshield on Max, who would pay for the repairs himself. Vincent, who couldn't see the past, stood up directly, pretending to be a lawyer, and pointed out that the other party was a complete fraud, because the company's insurance would pay for all losses. Vincent even coerced Max to curse his boss and let out a bad breath.

It was an interesting event, and what happened next was even more interesting.

Vincent tied Max's hands to the steering wheel and left the cab to perform his mission. The taxi parked in the alley could hardly attract anyone's attention. Max struggled with all his strength and kept beating the horn with his head, but the pedestrians at the intersection of the alley hurried past, and no one was willing to stop. , Max's efforts seemed to be in vain. There was a sense of grandeur in the magnificent light and shadow. The soundtrack, however, permeates a kind of coldness that invades the bones.

In the end, Max's struggle finally succeeded in attracting two passers-by. He panicked and shouted for help, but he never expected that the people who came were two gangsters. They took out their pistols and taught Max a lesson. Don, ignoring Max whose hands were tied up, ransacked Max and took away Vincent's laptop at the same time.

Seeing the two gangsters triumphantly and swaggering away, Max fell into despair.

Vincent, who came back from the mission, saw this scene, and quickly dealt with the two gangsters and snatched back what belonged to him and Max. Standing in the overexposed light, Vincent turned his head, and the light and shadow slowly slid across the stubbled chin, carving out the stern facial features; Max, who was trapped in the dark and colorful light, raised his head, The face was hidden in a blur, only the pair of azure blue eyes were hidden behind the thick lenses, and they were in a daze; on the ground, two corpses lay lifeless and motionless.

The powerful light contrast outlines every detail in the expression and eyes, and the mixed emotions are gently surging, which makes Javier can't help chewing carefully. Before he understands, his soul trembles. one by one. How interesting, but how ironic—Max, who symbolizes kindness, lives at the bottom of society, oppressed by his boss, robbed by gangsters, ignored by passers-by, and finally needs Vincent, who symbolizes evil, to stand up for him and save him from the fire between.

Just a moment ago, Vincent took Max into a jazz bar, and elegantly talked with the bar owner about the rise and fall of jazz, and then killed the boss unexpectedly, with a shot in the head; the next moment, Vincent took Max He went to the hospital to visit the latter's mother, and asked Max to bring flowers to his mother with a serious face, and talked and laughed happily with the kind old lady.

The distinction between goodness and evil is clear but blurred. Walking between the strong light and shadow of the camera, Javier completely calmed down, and his emotions entered the camera involuntarily, as if he was also sitting in the side seat of a taxi. Sitting in the driver's seat, watching with cold eyes.

The emotions that are so strong that they are almost sharp spread slowly in the calm and restrained shots. There were no big fights, no heroic racing, no shocking explosions, and no fierce gun battles. The rhythm that remains unchanged from the first second of the movie creates an indescribable sense of tension, which makes people indignant, breathless, passionate, and feels like falling into an ice cellar, like a slow knife Like cutting flesh, the pain crawled all over his body little by little, and he wanted to shout but found that all the voices were stuck in his throat.

Javier is so conscious, yet so confused. He could feel the tense feeling in the halo, the adrenaline was like a fireworks show on the Fourth of July, and he couldn't stop it; Thoughts keep bursting out, but they can't be sorted out. The struggle between stimulation and deep thinking is like dancing on the tip of a knife.

"If he gets the answer right, will you let him go?" Max finally couldn't take it anymore, all his emotions broke out, and he yelled at Vincent loudly.

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