Movie Master

Chapter 323 Shifting Focus

Brian Barlow was squatting downstairs at the company of Chaos Films, looking at the empty gate, then looked away, looked down at the phone, and continued to dial the next phone number. He had been waiting here for nearly an hour. When he was young, this was the most likely place for Lance to appear; at the same time, he did not sit still, but kept calling his internal line, hoping to complete the positioning of Lance as soon as possible.

At this moment, another mobile phone on the passenger seat rang. Brian quickly picked up the mobile phone, looked at the calling number, and then quickly hung up the phone he was talking with, and threw the mobile phone away. Another The phone has already been picked up, "What? Are you sure? Where did you get the news?" Brian has restarted the engine while communicating with the other party quickly.

Noticing that Brian's car started to move, many people nearby cast their gazes. At this time, there were at least thirteen cars around Chaos Films that were eyeliners for reporters. As long as one person made any movement, others would also start to seek information. Just a few seconds ago, the place was still calm; in the blink of an eye, everyone became commotion, and the cars began to start one after another. The noisy situation was like the boss announcing the collective dismissal of get off work.

The news that Lance was leaving Malibu and was about to return home seemed to have wings and quickly circled over the City of Angels.

It seems that after leaving the Montage Hotel last night, Lance actually went to Malibu. Brian's first thought was that Lance was in Malibu for the second round of the party - if that was the case, the scandal would be even more explosive; Going to Malibu and not coming back until morning, there are many possibilities that can be explored... Thinking of this, Brian felt his blood boil.

Bryan inquired about the news. The "Los Angeles Times" received the news at the last moment before printing, but there was no evidence at that time. In the end, the editor-in-chief hesitated, gritted his teeth and vacated the page. After getting the photos, he rushed to print them in the morning Finished work before listing. For this exclusive news, the paparazzi chose the "Los Angeles Times" instead of the "San Francisco Chronicle". Brian felt a little frustrated, but it was not enough to discourage him. He was bound to get first-hand information on the follow-up news of the scandal!

From Chaos Films to Linden Avenue where Lance's apartment is located, it was only a ten-minute drive, but because of the traffic jam along the way, he was still blocked two streets away after twenty-five minutes. Can keep praying, Lance is also stuck in the middle of the road, don't get home so soon. Brian gritted his teeth, parked the car in a random space, and then trotted over with the camera.

From a distance, Brian saw three or four reporters standing at the door of the apartment. Although there were not many, it was enough to show that more and more people had received inside information. But Brian didn't have time to catch his breath, so he quickly ran over. The only thing he hoped for now was that Lance would get home quickly, before the other reporters arrived--the psychological change was only a moment.

"That's Lance!" Across a traffic light, someone saw a red retro Mustang. Through the front window of the car, Lance could be seen in the driver's seat. Brian rushed out without paying attention. At the risk of his own life, he aimed at the driver's seat and began to press the shutter frantically.

The red mustang gradually slowed down and finally stopped at the door of the apartment. As expected, Lance opened the door and got out. Bryan pushed up with the camera lens in his hand, quickly pressed the shutter, trying to record every detail of Lance's expression at this time, not only Bryan, but also several other reporters rushed up, although at this time There were only five people, but they surrounded Lance firmly and couldn't wait to start asking questions.

"Are you really dating Kayla?"

"You guys stayed in Montage for four hours yesterday, what the hell were you doing!"

"When did you guys start dating? How long have you been dating?"

"What did you go to Malibu for last night? To party?"

"Are you going to have a steady relationship with Kayla?"

... The continuous questioning gave people the illusion of being surrounded by dozens of people. The five reporters hardly missed any gaps and frantically threw out questions. Brian yelled, "Is the relationship real? Really? What do you want to say? What do you think of Kayla? What do you expect from this relationship? When did you start?" "Questions came one after another, and there was almost no room for breathing. Even though Lance didn't answer any question aloud, the noisy questioning never stopped.

Lance's footsteps moved slowly, but five people surrounded him and followed Lance closely. This small group of people was like ants covered with bread crumbs, walking frequently but moving slowly. It was a bit dumbfounding, and there was an inexplicable sense of joy.

In this gap time, another seven or eight people chased after them, swarming up, and there was a tendency to continue to increase. In a short breath, more than a dozen reporters completely imprisoned Lance in the same place. The increasingly bloated bread crumbs had turned into marshmallows. Lance couldn't move at all, and finally had no choice but to stop down.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Lance shouted loudly, but his voice was completely drowned out and could not be heard at all. In desperation, he could only take a deep breath, and then a force jumped out from his dantian, "Quiet! "The roar was like thunder on the ground, and all the sounds disappeared in an instant, except for the remaining restless noise fluctuating in the air.

Lance raised his hands and rubbed his temples. There was a trace of fatigue between his brows, as if he had just experienced a whole night of gambling or was not fully awake from a hangover. He closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, and then he spoke to, "I just got back from Malibu, what happened? Can someone tell me?"

There is no usual humor, no usual cunning, and no strong impression... It can be clearly felt that Lance's "aura" seems to have shrunk a lot today.

Brian's eyes lit up, which not only meant that last night's rumors were probably true, but also that Lance's night in Malibu was wild. This time, Lance couldn't escape, which made Brian jump a little bit, but he still suppressed his emotions and shouted, "Lance, did you spend the night in Malibu last night?"

Lance turned his gaze away, but the azure blue eyes were covered with a layer of mist, making them look a bit cloudy; moreover, Lance was no longer aggressive as usual, and even when he saw him, he didn't show any special behavior. This made Brian secretly happy. He always felt indescribably aggrieved when facing Lance a few times ago, but today he can finally gain the upper hand.

Thinking of this, Brian couldn't help pressing the shutter in his hand again, fully recording Lance's embarrassment.

The flash seemed to irritate Lance's eyes. He couldn't help closing his eyes, and raised his right hand to cover his cheek. This is the simplest symptom after a hangover. Lance raised his voice and said, "If you are only here to discuss my daily life, then you can leave."

This is still a Lance-style counterattack, even in a hangover state, he is not so easy to deal with. However, Brian was not discouraged, because Lance's attack was not violent, and he didn't deny his question just now, which was actually a nod of admission. "So, was party till dawn last night?" Brian attacked again.

Lance put down his right hand, frowned slightly and looked at Brian, then he looked away and looked at other reporters, "Who can tell me what happened? Why are so many people preventing me from going home? "

Seeing Lance's evasion, Brian couldn't help but secretly clenched his fists. He even thought about how to write the news, "Kayla first, then the party, it's Lance's carnival night", this news is explosive enough! A few words can shape the image of Lance's bad man.

During this brief interval of confrontation, several reporters arrived at the scene, and the crowd surrounding Lance was already approaching twenty people. At this moment, someone finally brought up the topic to Lance, "Lance, were you with Keira last night? Are you dating?"

Lance froze for a moment, as if his brain needed a little time to function, and then he showed a smile, "I remember, Keira said, we are just friends." It is still strictly guarded, but there are loopholes in this sentence: " "In other words, Lance's subtext is that it's up to the woman to say whether it's a date or not," Kayla said. This also continues what was previously said at the premiere.

"But, last night, you stayed in Montage for more than four hours. Could it be that you were chatting for four hours?" Brian spoke again, aggressively.

Lance glanced at Brian, his pupils narrowed slightly, as if he was irritated, but then his smile was released again, "I did have dinner with Kayla last night, I've been very busy recently, so After sadly missing the premiere of Keira's film and finally being free, I arranged this dinner as an apology. This is just keeping the promise of the premiere of 'The Day After Tomorrow'."

At the premiere of "The Day After Tomorrow", Lance said that they had never met in private. If they had dinner together after the premiere, it would be considered a first date. And this so-called "date" was not fulfilled until last night.

Lance's simple sentence has a lot of meaning in it, and it aroused countless imaginations in an instant. However, Brian noticed that Lance still avoided the topic of staying overnight in the hotel, continuing the past practice of never letting go easily. Even so, Brian still didn't intend to give up, he raised his voice again and said, "So, if given the chance, would you ask her out again?"

Lance pursed his lips, and said helplessly, "The decision-making power never rests with men, does it?"

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