Movie Master

Chapter 292: Comfort Zone

"Okay, listen." Vincent took a deep breath, looked at Max who was almost suffocating, twisted his neck in frustration, and said helplessly, "You originally decided to drive me to other places, But the fat boy stood in front of the window and performed his high-altitude diving..." Vincent pursed his lips, seemed a little angry and troubled, his eyes flickered slightly, and the stiffness of his cheeks could feel him clenching his lips. Teeth, "We're going to start Plan B now. Are you still breathing?"

Max was completely speechless, his neck was suffocated, his muscles were stiff, he gripped the steering wheel like a robot, and shook his head subconsciously—no breath came in or out.

Vincent raised his eyebrows, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, and twisted his neck again, "We must do our best, adapt to the situation, survive the fittest, Darwin, bad things happen all the time, I Ching, no matter what, go with the situation. He shook his head slightly, as if giving a grand speech, trying to calm Max down.

But obviously the effect was not obvious, Max's brows were entangled, and the uncontrollable panic surged out like waves, "Book of Changes?" Max just felt that this was really ridiculous, as if he was standing at the mouth of a rabbit hole, " What are you talking about!" Max looked at Vincent through the rearview mirror, the absurd extreme anger was mixed with unbelievable light, and projected over, "You threw a person out of the window!"

"I didn't do that, he fell by himself." Vincent said with his eyes wide open and the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

Max still felt unbelievable, he kept shaking his head, trying to deny the reality, "Then what did he do to you?" come out.

"What?" Vincent didn't understand the meaning of Max's words, and frowned slightly.

Max had to adjust his breathing, and said clearly, "What did he do to you?" But the slightly trembling throat, the constantly shaking head, the restless legs and the mouth Breathing still revealed the chaos and confusion in his heart at the moment.

"No, it's the first time I've seen him tonight." Vincent felt that this question was really ridiculous. He shook his head, then lowered his head to look at the documents in his hand, as if he wanted to end this boring topic. .

But Max raised his voice, a little out of control, "You saw him for the first time, and then you killed him?" He only felt that his three views were destroyed, and looked at the rearview mirror again, trying to get out of the An answer was peeped out of Vincent's reaction.

Vincent raised his chin, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his flattened eyebrows revealed a trace of humorous sarcasm, "What? Can I only kill those I know?"

Max's voice was stuck at once, and the nerve reflex reacted first, shaking his head, and then squeezed out "no" from his throat, but Vincent was aggressive, and then he said, " Max, there are six billion people on earth. When a fat guy dies, you're in chaos?"

Max shrugged, his brows became more and more frowned, "Then... who is he?" His eyes flicked back and forth between the rearview mirror and the front, but even he didn't believe himself Being able to concentrate, as if everything around him was blurred in panic made his body completely stiff, as if only his head could turn.

"None of your business!" Vincent raised his chin slightly, and said impatiently, his gaze firmly locked on Max, "Have you heard of Rwanda?"

"Yes, I know Rwanda!" Max was also a little angry, and said directly back in the way of hitting the wall, but he couldn't adjust his breathing, so that he couldn't help retching again, and his face gradually lost its rosiness.

"There are tens of millions of deaths every day before sunset. Since Nagasaki and Hiroshima, there have not been so many deaths. Do you care about those deaths?" Vincent's calm tone was mixed with impatience and Angry, he slammed towards Max like a whip.

"What?" Max was completely caught off guard.

"Have you ever participated in Amnesty International's Oxfam? Save the whales? Save the forest?" Vincent could see Max's speechless expression, and he answered directly instead of Vincent, "No! "Then he twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly, looked away, glanced at the documents on his knee, and then looked at Max again, "I killed a fat boy, and you got angry?" Finally, he looked back ironically, Looking out the window.

"Man, I don't know any Rwandans!" Max felt that his head was about to explode, and he wanted to refute but couldn't find an exit, so he could only say depressedly.

Vincent closed his eyes, ground his teeth lightly, and looked at Max again, "You don't know the man in the back compartment either."

"Oh my god." Max was completely at a loss for words, but he still sighed unwillingly. He raised his head to look at the roof of the car, but couldn't see anything, and looked away depressed again.

Vincent paused, seeing Max's restless emotions, and thought for a while, "Well, if this makes you feel better, that person is a criminal. He has something to do with someone from a criminal group." .”

Max's brain still hasn't turned the corner, his pupils are only blank, and his whole body shrinks, "Then what are you doing? Killing the people?" After panicking, Max also began to mock, even himself Without even realizing it, his breathing had gradually stabilized—it was no longer disordered, replaced by continuous anger.

Vincent raised his eyebrows, looking back and forth between Max and the car window, "Yes, you can say that."

Max shook his head, hesitated to speak, then shook his head again, after all, he couldn't hold back, and looked at the rearview mirror sarcastically, "So, that means I can kill you, right?"

This inexplicable sentence made Vincent stunned. When he realized what he meant, but before he had time to refute, the siren sounded behind him.

"Cuck!" Percy's voice rang again, terminating the filming of the scene.

Tom was about to get out of the car to look back, but Lance turned his head directly, "Tom, you see that the frequency of shaking your head is too high, and your eyes are always cruising." Lance knew that Tom was trying to use this The way to express Vincent's inner irritability, but the problem is that Vincent's irritability should not be expressed in this way.

This way of expression reflects the lack of self-confidence and uncertainty in the heart, bewilderment, loss, and even confusion. Therefore, Lance chose this way to show Max's panic. Vincent's panic was not because of "uncertainty", but because Max's panic made things go off track. He felt that Max didn't need to make a fuss at all. On the one hand, he has to continue to perform tasks, and on the other hand, he has to serve as Max's nanny. This is not Vincent's favorite rhythm.

Therefore, Tom’s performance will not only seem to be on the same frequency as Max, which will blur Vincent’s personality, but also affect the momentum of the whole play—at this time, it is still Vincent who has the upper hand. Center.

"The way you act now is back to the old habit..." Before Lance could finish his words, Tom interrupted directly, "Let's watch the replay first, then talk about it, shall we?" Tom glared at Lance , and then walked straight out of the car impatiently, muttering, "You didn't even watch the replay, so you knew?" The mocking tone could hardly be concealed.

Lance's irritability also began to surge in his chest. Just now, Tom's performance method has returned to the comfort zone he is most familiar with. In works such as "Yihai Xiongfeng" and "Mr. Sweetheart", he can be seen using similar The way of performance follows the same routine to convey similar emotions.

For example, he will habitually bite the inside of his lower lip to express that he is suppressing his emotions; for example, he will constantly shift his gaze and shake his head to convey emotional anxiety and fluctuations; for example, he will deliberately Accelerate the speed and fully display the release of emotions; for example, he will shrink his pupils slightly, expressing the turbulent thoughts in his heart...

It's a Tom Cruise-esque performance, with nearly every expression carefully crafted over the years to ensure he performs without ruining his good looks while at the same time injecting the right emotion into the character. Even in the two works of "Magnolia" and "Interview with the Vampire", there has never been a similar shadow.

Objectively speaking, there is no big problem with this way of acting, and it can still accurately convey emotions, and Tom has tried his best, which can be regarded as a good performance. But what Lance needs is not "good", but "wonderful". This kind of performance may be enough in Michael Mann's version of "Murder with a Borrowed Knife", but in Lance's version of "Murder with a Borrowed Knife", after the details of the performance are infinitely magnified, it seems rough and perfunctory, and the audience's emotions are out of touch will become very serious.

The last thing Lance needs is for Tom to go back to his old acting ways again. Because this way is too idolized, and the details are seriously lacking, and the emotional excavation is also generalized, and all the profound things are blurred. Maybe Tom can win the Golden Globe by relying on such a performance, but it is definitely not an Oscar. This is also the fundamental reason why Lance tried every means to persuade Tom to give up the confirmation right before the filming started.

He needed Tom to get out of the comfort zone he was most familiar with, but the problem was that this comfort zone, which had allowed Tom to succeed for two decades, had become a habit.

Seeing the back of Tom walking towards the monitor, stiff and impatient, Lance clenched his fists. He knew that a tough battle was coming, although it was much earlier than expected, but... it did come. Straightening his spine, Lance also opened the car door and walked over.

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