Movie Master

Chapter 243 Hot

The heat wave of the summer vacation has ignited everyone's focus, and the entire Hollywood's attention is directed towards the box office market. With the outstanding performance of "The Day After Tomorrow", after the Oscars, the name "Lancelot-Strello" has once again appeared. Once he became the focus of attention, unlike the talent shown in "City of God", this time people are more concerned about his rhythm control of commercial films, which is eye-catching.

Compared with excellent artistic directors, directors with excellent commercial ability are always easier to attract more attention, because this is Hollywood where interests are paramount.

Indian director M-Nate Shyamalan was only 29 years old when he filmed "The Sixth Sense of Spirituality". The total box office held high the highest box office of horror movies in movie history, and became one of only four horror movies in movie history to win an Oscar nomination for best picture. After that, he became the darling of Hollywood.

But it is a pity that "The Sixth Sense of the Spirit" seems to have consumed all his talents. After that, every time he released a work, he failed miserably, but there are always film companies who continue to vote for confidence in disbelief—— —The ending was still a fiasco, and the result was: Warner Bros., Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount, Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures and Disney, the six major Hollywood film companies were all hacked, and M-Knight also won The flower name is "Six Killers".

This is a lace anecdote, and it has almost become an unforgettable laughing stock in Hollywood where interests are paramount; but it can also be seen that Hollywood is obsessed with "interests".

After experiencing "City of God" and "The Day After Tomorrow", Lance has become the hottest topic in Hollywood in one fell swoop. Hollywood's major film companies don't care that Lance's qualifications are still young, they don't care that Lance is still young, and they don't care that Chaos Films is a fledgling. For them, Lance personally made two works that were almost doomed to fail succeed This is enough to prove Lance's ability. This also makes Lance instantly become the priority choice of the waiting list of many project directors.

"Lancelot Strelo", the name seems to have become a hot topic among the executives of major Hollywood film companies.

Disney CEO Michael Eisner suddenly asked curiously directly at a meeting discussing the 2006 development strategy, "Remind me, why didn't Lancelot be used as the director for 'The Chronicles of Narnia'?"

All the staff in the office looked at each other in blank dismay, because it was Michael who personally rejected the proposal, rejected the possibility of cooperating with other production companies, and chose Disney to complete the production. The current director Andrew-Adamson (Andrew-Adamson) It was also hand-picked by Michael - he was the director of the first two Shrek films. The current performance of "Shrek 2" is also very good, and it has received a lot of praise. Disney even signed a contract with Andrew early on. Now "The Chronicles of Narnia" is in the early stages of preparation and will be launched next month.

Facing Michael’s question, everyone didn’t know how to answer it. Almost no one was willing to confront Michael’s irascibility and strength. In the end, Robert Iger bit the bullet and explained, “Because Lance hopes that we can join hands with Chaos Films Co-produced this film, but we still want to do it independently to ensure the quality." It is obviously a safer approach to put the responsibility on Lance.

Michael stroked his lower lip for a while, then nodded and continued, "Then if he is given the role of directing the sequel of 'Pirates of the Caribbean', what do you think?"

Robert looked at his colleagues, everyone still lowered their heads, no one was willing to speak, he could only take over, "Don't you need to ask Jerry first?" Jerry Bruckheimer, "Pirates of the Caribbean "'s producer, who is also a hot-tempered guy.

After the words came out, the conference room fell into silence again.

Barry Meyer was deep in thought, but the atmosphere in the Warner Bros. meeting room was very lively. Everyone was discussing their opinions and everyone was very active. He suddenly raised his voice and said, "Say, give the 'Goblet of Fire' to Lance directing, how about this idea?" This is the next work of "Harry Potter", Barry thought about it for a while, and then nodded in affirmative, "'Prisoner of Azkaban' Film Critic Word-of-mouth is excellent, but the box office has fallen far short of expectations, and that's a serious problem."

Everyone in the conference room was lost in thought, and suddenly someone said, "But will Lance be willing?" The relationship between "Harry Potter" and Lance, the senior management of Warner Bros. had no impression before, but recently With the rise of Lance, everyone's memories are awakened-Warner Bros. took the series from Diorama Pictures almost usurpably.

Barry couldn't help being a little silent, and raised his eyebrows, "What about 'Return of Superman'?"

"Isn't Bryan already settled?" This was referring to Bryan-Singer, the director of "X-Men."

Barry thought about it carefully, and flicked his fingers, as if sorting out the chaotic thoughts in his mind. The failure of "Troy" will not affect Warner Bros.'s next decision-making, but the selection of directors does require further deliberation. Lance is obviously a good pawn.

Chess pieces, indeed. Now for the major film companies, Lance is a chess piece, a chess piece that can win by surprise. But it is undeniable that many film companies have shown strong interest in this pawn. However, the major film companies have received an unpleasant news - Lance's next work has been confirmed.

This is really unexpected news. Chaos Pictures will jointly produce a work with Paramount Pictures. Lance not only took over the guide, but also took on the main responsibility of the screenwriter. More importantly, Tom Cruise has been identified as the actor.

This news is undoubtedly very sensational and interesting.

Paramount's preemptive strike is also a rare and wise choice in recent years. After "City of God", Paramount once again showed its foresight. Regardless of whether this work is a success or a failure in the end, at least on the cusp of the summer file, it has indeed successfully launched free publicity - relying on Lance's directing and Tom's joining, this work was very popular at the beginning of the project. It attracted the attention of many media and sparked heated discussions.

After entering the 21st century, Tom is also facing a situation similar to Brad Pitt. "Vanilla Sky", "Minority Report", and "The Last Samurai" are all well-received. The last time Tom won a box office of over 100 million The work is still "Mission: Impossible 2" in 2000, which is undoubtedly very rare for the top box office superstar in the United States.

Now, Tom has teamed up with Lance, the fastest-rising new director in the past year, which immediately triggered a chain reaction. It's as if Brad teamed up with Wolfgang Petersen to film "Troy", at least in terms of topic, it has already attracted people's attention.

However, Paramount later announced the relevant information of the tentatively named "Murder with a Borrowed Knife". The movie casts a dark shadow.

As we all know, it is very difficult to make a thriller crime movie, and the difficulty is all-round.

On the one hand, it is because such films have strict requirements on the control of rhythm, the control of characters, and the exploration of the core. Even a master director like Martin Scorsese, "Gangs of New York" has also been criticized by film critics in various ways. Picky, hard to say wonderful, in fact, since crime movies led by "Seven Deadly Sins" and "LA Confidential" set off a frenzy in the late 1990s, this type of works generally began to decline after entering the 21st century.

On the one hand, it is because the subject matter of the movie is too heavy and dark, and at the same time, it lacks enough visual bursts to stimulate adrenaline, so the box office pulling power is often unsatisfactory. No thriller crime movie in time can earn 100 million at the box office. The best performer was last year's "Mystic River", which swept the major awards nominations at the Oscars, with a box office of only 90 million US dollars.

Therefore, it is a difficult task for any director to challenge the thriller crime movie.

Although "City of God" can be regarded as a crime movie in a sense, after all, Lance is only a novice who has filmed two movies, which still makes people feel a cold sweat; at the same time, what Tom needs most now is the box office However, "Killing with a Borrowing Knife" does not have the potential to become a hit at the box office in terms of subject matter or investment, which is really confusing.

From "City of God" to "The Day After Tomorrow", Lance's choices always followed the conventional route, but brought unexpected surprises. "City of God" is a Portuguese-language film, which has entered the main focus from the best foreign language film department; But he won by surprise with the appearance of a dark horse.

Now it's the turn of "borrowing a knife to kill", a subject that tests the director's skills, the actors' skills, and the script's skills. So this time, can Lance continue his magical journey? This is indeed very interesting. Apart from Paramount's success in grabbing the beach, other Hollywood companies have also begun to pay attention to this work-maybe this work can become a sharpening stone.

Due to the box office success of "The Day After Tomorrow", even the "Murder with a Borrowed Knife" that is under preparation has also attracted a lot of attention, which is really a surprise. But for Lance, he doesn't have the heart to worry about all of this now, because he still faces a final problem before "Murder with a Borrowing Knife" is officially put into preparation.

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