Movie Master

Chapter 124: Heart of a Child

After the meal, Lance was not in a hurry to leave, but ordered a pot of Baihao Yinzhen, and slowly enjoyed the Chinese afternoon tea. After observing the situation of "Bear Claw" on the opposite side, in fact, "Bear Claw" should be a brunch cafe, not a formal French restaurant. The baked pastries here are quite famous in the lower/urban area, because of their high quality and low price, they are well received. Less popular with slum dwellers.

Jeffrey is still sitting in the "Bear Claw" so far. In nearly three hours, he only went outside three times because of smoking, and then answered the phone twice. The rest of the time was busy in the cafe writing the script. Judging from his bad expression, things didn't go as expected.

Lance picked up the phone, dialed a number, and then saw Jeffrey pick up the phone, looked at the number, walked out of the "bear paw" quickly, and answered the phone, "Hey, Lan Si." Jeffrey's voice came from the receiver, and Lance could clearly see Jeffrey's restless steps beside the street.

"Jeffrey, have you had lunch yet?" Lance didn't get to the point directly, but hesitantly went around in circles. The hesitation in his voice was very obvious. The two chatted back and forth. He took a deep breath and said hesitantly, "Jeffrey, I have something to tell you."

Jeffrey, who was in sight, was still pacing, apparently not realizing the seriousness of Lance's words, "What?"

Gritting his teeth, Lance said vigorously, "I met with Mark Gordon today, and he is considering handing over 'The Day After Tomorrow' to me for production." Muscles were tense, and even if he couldn't see clearly, he could describe the shock on his face at the moment, "Jeffrey, the matter is very complicated, and I can't tell you clearly on the phone. Where are you now? I'll be there right away."

Jeffrey was shocked and still didn't recover. He took a deep puff of his cigarette, "Uh, I'm at the 'Bear Claw' next to the city hall? Do you know where it is?"

"I know, I'll be there right away!" Lance said, without leaving any space for Jeffrey, he hung up the phone directly.

In the past two weeks, Lance has been in contact with Paramount, Warner Bros., and Disney. He has been busy without touching the ground. He has not had any direct contact with 20th Century Fox. But after Percy inquired about the production of "The Day After Tomorrow", Lance began to approach Jeffrey in a planned way.

At first, it was just a chance encounter in the library. Jeffrey was looking for information about tsunamis, typhoons and other natural disasters. Lance extended a helping hand and gave a little help, and the two got to know each other; It was at the coffee shop. Jeffrey, who was sitting in the coffee shop and writing the script, found Lance who was queuing up to buy coffee, and came over to say hello. It happened that there were not many vacancies left that day, so Lance and Jeffrey shared a picture table.

That was the first time they talked about the script of "The Day After Tomorrow", and Lance gave one or two key comments. Jeffrey was very surprised. After an in-depth chat, he learned that Lance was the director of "City of God", which has been in the limelight recently. This was really a surprise for Jeffrey. Jeffrey wanted to have an in-depth conversation with Lance, but Lance had something to do that day and had to leave first, and the two decided to meet again later.

After that, Lance and Jeffrey met three times. Obviously, Lance and Jeffrey have a lot of resonance, especially since "The Day After Tomorrow" is Jeffrey's first work, and Lance has just finished his debut, which makes the two have endless common ground. topic. Jeffrey jokingly said, "It would be fun to work with you." But Jeffrey didn't mention his differences with Roland and Mark.

After Lance hung up the phone, he didn't move. He just watched Jeffrey's every move condescendingly. Obviously, Jeffrey was completely shocked by this news. He never imagined that the new friend he just met would now come to steal the job of his old buddy Roland—the point is that the screenwriting job of "The Day After Tomorrow" is still Roland introduced it to him.

Like an ant on a hot pot, Jeffrey kept going back and forth in circles, grabbing his hair fiercely, but he still couldn't figure out what to do. He took out his mobile phone and kept tossing about it. The old-fashioned flip phone, obviously hesitating whether to call Roland or not. However, Lance just said that the situation is very complicated and needs to be explained in person, which made Jeffrey hesitate again, not sure whether he should call Roland after the situation is clarified.

This conflict and entanglement made Jeffrey hold his head in frustration and pause, and his whole body seemed to be in great pain. After hesitating to the end, years of friendship prevailed. Jeffrey turned on the phone, dialed the number, and told Roland everything.

Lance sat in the deck, quietly watching all this happen. The elegant aroma of white silver needles in the air made it easy to calm down. He felt that people like Jeffrey were very rare. Even in the face of interests, he always chose friendship. Although such people are always easy to suffer in society, and they are often losers, but this kind of innocence is still worthy of recognition.

All Lance needed was for Jeffrey to call Roland.

With Roland's personality, he might not break up with Mark, but he will definitely come to the door to verify. Mark will naturally not admit what didn't happen-he has already rejected Lance directly; but they did meet, which is also true. It shows that Mark still has his own plans in his heart. It is foreseeable that this confrontation is bound to break up unhappy in the end, and may even add fuel to the already tense atmosphere.

Now, it's Lance's turn to play.

Lance stood up and walked to the counter, handed the credit card to the young man standing on the counter, looked in the kitchen, the kind mother was eating lunch with her husband, squatting next to the stove - it was almost It's two o'clock. The young man avoided Lance's sight in embarrassment, which made Lance really laugh. He took the swiped credit card again, and said calmly, "It will be better if you talk more, as if I just started to learn... …the same as in Chinese.”

After speaking, Lance left the restaurant called "Boss Wang" without stopping.

The young man scratched his head, obviously not quite understanding what was going on with this American, and looked down, only to find three hundred-dollar bills pressed under the lucky cat at the counter—not used for this meal Hundred dollars. This made the young man froze in place, a little at a loss.

Lance left through the back door of the building, then went all the way back to the parking lot, drove the car again to the vicinity of "Bear Claw", looked for a parking space, got out of the car in a panic, and went straight to the "Bear Claw" The direction went over.

Jeffrey, who was standing at the door and still didn't go in, saw Lance at a glance, and heard Lance apologize again and again from a distance, with a troubled expression on his face, "I didn't think of it, I really didn't think of it." Jeffrey originally said His attitude towards Lance was still somewhat complicated, but seeing Lance's sincere and anxious expression at this time, he couldn't help but secretly blamed himself for his preconceived ideas, but he still resisted the urge to speak and waited for Lance's explanation impatiently.

"I'm currently looking for cooperation with big companies. I don't know if you know, I have searched all over Paramount, Warner Bros., and Disney. For an independent production company like me, with limited investment, Cooperating with them is the most direct and effective way, and 20th Century Fox is also on my contact list." Lance said half-truthfully, his words were a bit messy, but at least he explained the situation clearly. "I've been working hard to promote this kind of cooperation, and then Mark Gordon informed me this morning that there was a project that I might be able to take over. I rushed to the door excitedly, and the result..."

Even needless to say, Jeffrey got it.

Lance rubbed his temples, and turned twice on the spot anxiously, "I know this is the hard work of you and Roland, and I know I should maintain a gentleman's demeanor, but...Mark said that he hopes to hear me again next time." I know that I should refuse...but..." Lance lowered his head in frustration, with a look of annoyance on his face, and finally raised his head firmly and looked at Jeffrey, "But I can't say it."

The anger in Jeffrey's chest immediately surged up, "You!" But after only one word, all the words were blocked in his chest, unable to vent at all. Because he knows Lance's situation, independent film companies like Chaos Films are struggling to survive in Hollywood, and any opportunity cannot be easily missed; also because he knows that Lance's talent is not just "City of God", And the recent relationship, even he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if "the day after tomorrow" was filmed by Lance...

However, the object of Lance's competition is Roland, or himself.

This kind of tangled and contradictory emotions made it almost impossible for Jeffrey to calm down. He paced around, annoyed, irritable, and angry, but finally let out a long breath, "So, they provided What is your position?"

"The production process is all handed over to Chaos Films, and then...the producer and director." Although Lance looked embarrassed, he still said frankly, and finally waved his hand helplessly, "There is also the script, they I think the current script still needs to be revised. So at the next meeting, they hope to hear my views and opinions on the script. But..."

But many of Lance's opinions have already been told to Jeffrey, which made Jeffrey suddenly stunned.

"Jeffrey, I know my choice is not very gentlemanly, but I don't think I made a mistake. I just want you to know the whole picture of the matter, and if possible, I am willing to compete fairly with Roland." Lance continued. I realized that those blue eyes were full of sincerity.

Jeffrey opened his mouth, hesitated, and opened his mouth again...but finally his shoulders drooped, feeling weak for a while.

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