Movie Master

Chapter 1050 Ultimate suspense

The air inside the Kodak Theater became tense, and even Ellen DeGeneres, who was standing on the stage, could clearly feel the atmosphere of silence. She tried her best, but the audience remained silent. Smiling but not smiling, as if everyone has completely lost their minds, "Well, the last time I felt so frustrated, it was a temporary performance in a tavern, I thought, maybe the tavern Both the stage and the Oscars, there is no strict distinction."

Allen made fun of himself, and the audience off the stage understood the deep meaning of this sentence. There were low applause and scattered smiles at the scene. Obviously, everyone is not in the mood to understand humor at all. Because history is being created step by step, maybe "Fury Road" will be the best and dominate the audience.

Putting the suspense of best picture aside for a moment and focusing all the attention on the best director competition is enough to suffocate.

Since the opening of the awards season, the discussion about Martin Scorsese has not stopped. The reason is very simple. Martin is a director that cannot be ignored in the long history of American film. District Kirk, Charlie Chaplin, Robert Altman and others kept pace. In the 1970s and 1980s, Martin was at the peak of his creation, shooting "Raging Bull", "Taxi Driver", "Poor "Mean Streets", "Goodfellas" and other absolute masterpieces recorded in history, his influence on the American film industry is inestimable, especially gangster movies have left a deep imprint. The reason why people ranked him among the top four directors in the 1980s is because he deserved such praise, and the films he created really influenced American film culture.

Undoubtedly, "The Departed" is not Martin's best work, but the Oscar competition has never been about strength, but about timing, just like John Ford, the fundamental reason why he can go down in history is his pioneering and innovative development of western movies , but the master of western film has only one western film nominated for Oscar for best director-and he has not yet been able to win. You know, John has won a total of four Oscar nominations for best director, of which he won three times and lost the only time. What is lost is "Guanshan Fit".

Instead, John beat Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca with "The Grapes of Wrath" and Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane" with "Green Hills and Green Valley" , not only completed the feat of winning the best director consecutively, but also made the two masters who were defeated become the uncrowned kings of Oscars.

This year, it is the best time for Martin to reach the top, and it becomes more and more obvious as time goes on.

The five nominees for best director Oscar are Alessandro Gonzalez-Inarritu for "Babel," Clint Eastwood for "Letters from Iwo Jima," "The Queen" Stephen Freys from "Fury Road," Martin Scorsese from "The Departed."

In this competition, Clint is Martin's biggest competitor. This year's "Letters from Iwo Jima" and "Flags of Our Fathers" are far from meeting expectations. , but still failed to achieve another counterattack. Although it won the director nomination, "Letters from Iwo Jima" was the worst among the five candidates. In addition, Clint only won once two years ago. There are almost no threats this year, which also creates the most favorable conditions for Martin's summit.

Alessandro is undoubtedly the player who leads the first half of the awards season. The halo of the best director in Cannes has attracted countless attentions. Previous works such as "Love is a bitch" and "21 Grams" have also laid a solid foundation for him, but Obviously, the overall quality of "Tiantian Tower" has not been unanimously praised by everyone. The so-called awards season is more like a bubble. This year, Alessandro hardly has any chances.

Stephen is the only director in this year's awards season that fits the taste of the academy. His British origin is a plus. With more than 20 years of experience, he has contributed countless excellent works, even compared to Martin. He is even better than Martin She is still one year older, and has won numerous awards in European territories. Every angle and every detail of the "Queen" dedicated this year conforms to the aesthetics of the academy, and it is so exquisite and delicate that people are amazed. But it is a pity that the loss of the nomination list of the Directors Guild of America clearly shows that this is still not Stephen's year.

As a result, all eyes were on Lance, Martin's biggest challenger and the only challenger.

In the work "Fury Road", Lance's talent is indeed amazing. The composition of the picture, the scheduling of the camera, the relationship between the characters, and even the use of light all show his whimsy. From deep digging to the extension of the story behind it, and then to the frenzy of reflection after watching the movie, he has shown almost all the abilities of a director, and has unbelievably combined business and art to a high degree. No one can deny that Lance is worthy of the title of "Master".

However, due to the special attributes of "Fury Road", Lance has never been a popular candidate for the best director. Simply put, he is not the cup of tea for Oscar. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are people, there are tendencies. Every award ceremony has its own value orientation, and Oscar is no exception. The lack of a statuette award cannot deny the greatness of Stanley Kubrick. It can only be said that Stanley is not Oscar's cup of tea. The same seems to be true of Lance.

However, after the Golden Globe Awards, Lance's voice is slowly rising, not only because of his excellence as a director and... greatness, "The New Yorker" used the adjective "great" for the first time after the Oscar nomination luncheon. Calling Lance won cheers from the East Coast media; moreover, because of the concentration of the era, the projection of the future, and the reflection on society, the work "Fury Road" really made the film industry stand on a reforming platform. crossroads.

Regardless of whether this reform is successful or not, more and more people believe that Lance, as the initiator of this reform, deserves to be commended. The second "Midnight Cow/Lang". Even if Lance wants to win the best director, he must step on Martin's "corpse" to move forward.

On the one hand, there are traditional masters who have dedicated their careers for fifty years to the splendor and brilliance, and they are hard-working but hard-won masters; on the other hand, there are emerging forces that are rising strongly. Hall of Fame. On the one hand, there are peaches and plums all over the world, with connections all over Hollywood, and highly respected hall-level figures; on the other hand, there is a reckless, unruly, but conquered this land by virtue of absolute strength, a pre-order movie master who makes people love and hate. Here, how should we choose? Martin, or Lance?

This is definitely the problem of the century, absolutely.

For reference, two weeks before the Oscars were unveiled, the Directors Guild of America announced the list of winners. Lance of "Fury Road" finally won and won the Directors Guild of America Award for the first time in his career. This is undoubtedly a heavy result, because in In the 59-year history of the film, only six winners of the Directors Guild Award failed to win the Oscar director statuette. Of course, no one will forget that there have been two "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" awards in the past six years. Lee/Ann lost to Steven Soderbergh of "Drug Network" and Rob Marshall of "Chicago" to Roman Polanski of "The Pianist". Only once in a year, but twice in this decade.

Subsequently, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards also announced the list of winners, and Martin had the last laugh in the competition for best director with his work "The Departed". It is worth mentioning that the list of British Academy Award winners has the highest overlap rate tonight, including Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Adaptation The script, best film editing, and best cinematography were all predicted correctly.

So, Martin? Lance? Or is it something else unpopular? How did the more than 6,000 judges of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences choose?

The air not only tensed up, but also began to boil, as if all the oxygen had been evacuated. The feeling of suffocation but restlessness, depression and madness caused everyone's brain to fall into a short-term stagnation state. , unable to think, unable to function, unable to breathe, and even who he voted for, seemed to have lost his memory in an instant. He could only hold the handrail tightly, stare at the stage in front of him, and wait for the announcement of the result.

Sid took a deep breath, and it was still difficult to calm down the surging mood. In the past month, he has done everything that should be done, and he has taken care of all the possibilities that can be considered. After the results of the Directors Guild of America awards came out, he also made a corresponding strategy. Warner Bros. will certainly not Miss this opportunity, not to mention, the name "Martin Scorsese" means too much to Hollywood. Therefore, now is the time to quietly wait for the result, there is no need for him to be nervous, there is no need at all, everything will come naturally!

After all, Hollywood is a society, and society is composed of individuals after all, and individuals are ultimately maintained by friendship, emotion and morality. To put it simply, votes for respecting the elderly, votes for merit, votes for guilt, the number of votes caused by these psychological factors is the key to the public relations of the college, isn't it?

But even so, Sid couldn't help holding his breath, and the tightness of suffocation burst out wantonly in his blood. Then, the voice of all the guests in the audience gasped, because the award presenters were on stage!

Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola, and George Lucas.

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