Movie black technology

Chapter 264 Preparation for VR

The mobile phone in the engineer's hand looks extremely uncoordinated. The so-called modification in his mouth is actually to remove the original screen of the mobile phone, and then hard-fit the laser display screen. The screen can't even fit into the mobile phone.

It's just that everyone at this time doesn't care about this kind of violent modification, and everyone's concern is only the display quality of this screen.

The engineer clicked on the screen, and the original UI interface of the Huawei system was displayed on it.

This kind of interface is very familiar to everyone, but at this moment, the interface displayed on this screen always makes people feel unclear.

"It felt like a layer of fog had been removed from the screen and we could see more clearly."

Among the crowd around the mobile phone, an executive of Dongfang Technology who saw the laser screen for the first time said with emotion.

"Yes, I think so too!" Everyone around agreed.

The engineer took several other original flagship mobile phones of Apple and Warwick and other brands, and conducted an intuitive comparison test.

During the test, everyone including Chen Shen could clearly feel the advantages of the laser display screen.

If there is no comparison, it is not obvious enough, but when the laser display screen is put together with the general LED and OLED screens, the feeling is very obvious.

Compared with the other two, the laser display screen is like putting the mobile phone 10 years ago with the current flagship mobile phone. There is no room for comparison between the other two screens.

Dongfang Technology’s engineer explained: “Clarity is only one aspect, it is also very good in color performance, its color resolution is extremely high, and the color gamut coverage reaches 90% of the color space measurable by human eyes, far exceeding Other display technologies, and its color saturation even reached more than 100 times that of some traditional display technologies..."

The engineer opened the test pictures on several mobile phones, and everyone felt that the pictures on the laser display screen looked more vivid and comfortable. Compared with them, the pictures on the other mobile phones were like an old photo. Eliminated feeling.

Chen Shen looked at the two laser display screens in front of him, and he was very satisfied with the current situation.

Dongfang Technology was able to make two samples in such a short period of time, not only at an astonishing speed, but also at an astonishingly good quality.

This laser display screen has fully met the requirements of Oasis VR, and now there is only one question: "How long will it take you to achieve mass production of these laser display screens? How much can the output be achieved?"

Faced with Shenshen Chen's question, Wang Shun from Dongfang Technology stood up: "We are already actively preparing for production, and we can start production within four months at most. According to the current product design specifications, the monthly output is expected to reach One million yuan, and we will continue to build factories in the future, and the output can continue to increase.”

The expected specifications of the first batch of products are consistent with the specifications of the display on the current pair of VR glasses.

The specs for this screen are the same as the entry-level VR glasses used when the movie first shows the protagonist entering the game.

And for other components of VR glasses, Chen Shen has put forward the design requirements and specific indicators before, and the angular product design department is already following up and doing its best to meet the requirements.

Judging from the current speed, it is not a big problem to get the hardware other than the chip in four months.

"This output should be able to meet the initial demand." Chen Shen made an estimate and felt that this output was completely sufficient.

The problem with the hardware is not that big, then the next problem is only the problem with the software.

No matter how good the hardware is, if there is no corresponding software assistance, it is just a piece of useless garbage.

Entry-level VR glasses also need a sufficiently reliable operating system and a software ecosystem based on this operating system.

Establishing an ecology is not a particularly difficult task for the current VR field, because there is no operating system that truly establishes an ecology in the current VR market.

Everyone is building a house on the same vacant lot, but others have built a few walls earlier.

Chen Shen is confident that he will lead the programmers and siege lions in the intelligence center to build a better house at a faster speed, and attract other people to come and build a house together.

After leaving Dongfang Technology, Shen Chen talked to Li Jun and learned about the current progress of the Shenzhou system from him.

"According to the current situation, we are about 80% sure that we can make version 1.0 of the Shenzhou system. The most troublesome part now is the compatibility between the operating system and the neural control system. It is necessary to use the mind to operate, which is all previous operations. There is no need for the system.” Li Jun said.

Chen Shendao: "This problem should not be a big one. You should communicate closely with Yang Xing, and send more engineers to the operating system team who have participated in the design and maintenance of Nezha and Kuafu control systems. They have experience in this area." You can refer to it, if you have any questions, just come to me directly.”

The brain control system designed by Yang Xing before has now released version 1.0, and its performance is in line with the design expectations, but it still needs more running-in with the underlying system and more tests.

After all, it is the first time in the world to enable neural control in VR operations. There is no experience in this area to refer to, only continuous experimentation.


On the way back to the hostel, the mobile phone suddenly pushed news related to him, and it was news about him in Dongfang Technology.

He has just left now, and the news has already come out.

"Good guy, the news spreads pretty fast!"

Clicking on the news, there is not a single picture of the scene in the full text, only some text messages, and the rest are screenshots of revelations made by some Dongfang Technology employees.

With the help of the photoacoustic scanner, this seemingly unsubstantiated news still attracted the attention of many people, and even caused Dongfang Technology's stock to rise slightly.

It's just that most people are questioning, just like the employees of Dongfang Technology, no one can think of the purpose of Chen Shen's trip, and many people have asked whether the incident is true or not under the previously released news.

Chen Shen thought for a while, and logged on to his [Mech King] account to send a short message, which was regarded as a reply to the outside world: "A previous research has produced a sample, so I went to the headquarters of Dongfang Science and Technology for a stroll."

In less than a minute, the comments below exploded.

"In addition to the photoacoustic scanner, do you actually have other research? Isn't the photoacoustic scanner enough to show your strength? You are so surprised that your nose is running. jpg"

"Great God, I think we can cooperate. We can not only make masks, but also mechs. By Bilidi who is waiting for you by the lakeside"

"Am I the only one wondering what research project it is?"

"It's all over at Dongfang Technology. Besides the display panel, is there any other research?"

"Wait, doesn't this news mean that Prism will start making mobile phones or computers?"

"It's really possible. Judging from the past situation, angular products are closely related to the scientific research of the great gods. For those that use display panels, besides mobile phones, computers and TVs, what other products can there be?"

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