Movie black technology

Chapter 252 Scary Progress

National Chip Research Institute of Carbon-Based Integrated Circuits.

Early in the morning, the gate was already bustling with activity.

Several trucks lined up, and the workers were moving all kinds of equipment, large and small, to a specific location in the research institute according to the guidance of professionals.

In order to put down these instruments, the research institute had just sorted out the day before, leaving a lot of space.

At the same time, a new team has also ushered in the institute.

That is the DNA preparation research group led by Professor Ma Tengyun.

For this reason, Academician Liu also came out to meet him at the door, watched the moving and installation of the new equipment, and chatted with Professor Ma Tengyun by the way.

"It's really unexpected that we have cooperated so quickly."

Looking at Professor Ma Tengyun in front of him, Academician Liu smiled like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

Professor Ma also laughed, "I also didn't expect that technology would break through so quickly..."

The two looked at each other, then laughed again.

They have known each other for a long time. After all, everyone is studying the semiconductor application of carbon nanotubes. The circle is so big. It's just that everyone's research directions are different before, so there is no cooperation.

For the assembly method of carbon nanotubes, Academician Liu proposed a dimensionally limited self-assembly method, which is based on the principles of chemistry and physics.

Professor Ma's research direction is to control the arrangement of carbon nanotubes and the etching of electronic patterns through DNA templates, using more knowledge of biochemistry.

Although the two research purposes are the same, they are all for the assembly and arrangement of carbon nanotubes on the substrate, but the directions are quite different, so neither of them expected that the cooperation between them would come so quickly.

"What do you think of that plan?" Academician Liu asked.

Professor Ma immediately smiled and said, "How else can you see it, kneel down and watch!"

He is younger than Academician Liu and often surfs the Internet, so he is not unfamiliar with some common expressions on the Internet, so he is old-hearted.

"How do you think this person is tall? We have studied things for more than ten or twenty years, put them in their hands, and made a leap forward in less than a month! I feel like writing that information into a paper If you do, you might be able to screen five or six issues of various journals!" Professor Ma stroked the stubble on his chin, which seemed a bit pity.

Academician Liu said with a smile: "Then you have to discuss it with that genius yourself to see if he will let you follow behind to write a thesis."

"I don't think this matter is hopeless. If I can write these breakthroughs into papers, it would be an honor for me to be a second author even in these papers." Professor Ma joked carelessly.

Academician Liu shook his head: "Don't even think about it. If these materials are released now, they will be used by the enemy. It is even more impossible to publish them in papers. We will step up our secrecy work in the future."

Science has no borders, but scientists have borders.

Professor Ma curled his lips and said, "Of course I know this, but how can this kind of thing be completely kept secret? Anyone with a heart has already known about our big move."

Academician Liu also said: "They know our actions, but it doesn't mean they know our technology. As long as the technology is kept secret, the rest is left to outside guesswork."

Indeed, as academician Liu imagined, the action of merging the two research groups into the research institute was quickly noticed by interested people.

It's just that the big news from the outside world is that Angular enters EDA software, so the changes in the research institute have not been paid attention to by the public, and it is only regarded as the research institute wants to concentrate its efforts on work.

Except for one company.

As the biggest victim of chip sanctions, Huawei has been paying attention to the development of carbon-based chips. When relevant technical meetings were held before, Huawei's technical personnel participated.

If there is any domestic company that most hopes for the development of carbon-based chips, Huawei is definitely one of them.

On the second day after the research institute merged the research groups, Zheng Ren, the president of Warwick, had already received relevant news.

"This move of the institute is unusual. It is the combination of two subjects with different research directions, which indicates that they may be looking for a new technology to combine the advantages of the two directions."

"At the same time, we also noticed some strange actions by some state-owned enterprises in the domestic semiconductor industry. There are relevant research results in fields such as computer science and technology, but this new project they set up seems to be incompatible with the above fields..."

"In terms of EDA software, Angle Technology has officially approved the project and started the work of recruiting..."

After listening to his assistant's analysis report on the domestic semiconductor industry trends, Zheng Ren thought for a moment and called Academician Liu.

In fact, he and Academician Liu have always been in contact. After all, carbon-based chips represent the future, and communication equipment companies like Huawei are destined to use a large number of chips. more closely linked.

Academician Liu quickly answered the phone, "Hello, Mr. Zheng?"

Zheng Ren said hello, and quickly got to the point, "Academician Liu, I heard that the Carbon-Based Research Institute has made new moves recently?"

Academician Liu was not surprised by this, and said calmly: "That's right, we recently merged two research groups related to technology."

"Is that because the carbon-based chip has a breakthrough in technology?" Zheng Ren asked immediately.

Academician Liu pondered for a while, and said: "I have a breakthrough idea and want to verify it, but I can't talk about the technical details. I can only say that if this idea is successful, carbon-based chips will soon usher in a leapfrog development. develop!"

This sentence deeply aroused Zheng Ren's interest, and he immediately asked: "What kind of leapfrog development? After this idea is successful, carbon-based chips can be officially mass-produced?"

"Haha, I dare not say about mass production, but if it is really successful, mass production is really just a matter of time, and I can't disclose more details to you. If you want to know related information, you can Go to Prism Technology and ask, they are the key people."

"The progress is so big?" Zheng Ren was taken aback. He was just joking, who knew he would get such a shocking news.

He wanted to continue to learn more about it, but Academician Liu used confidentiality as an excuse not to disclose the information, and only told him to go to Prism Technology, and what their company said would count.

"Edge technology?"

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Ren suddenly remembered that in the information reported by his assistant just now, Angle Technology is researching EDA software...

Linking this matter with Academician Liu's statement that carbon-based chips may be mass-produced just now, Zheng Ren couldn't help but have an idea in his heart that he couldn't believe...

Could it be that Angular is not researching EDA for silicon-based chip design at all, but EDA for carbon-based chip design?

Modified the technical details of chapters 240 and 241. At that time, I found out that I was dizzy when I checked the information, and I didn’t find out that I made a mistake.

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