Movie black technology

Chapter 248: Scientific Research Monster

"To whom?" someone asked.

"Hehe," Academician Liu smiled, "You should all know his name, God Chen."

God Chen?

Everyone put this name into their minds and searched, but apart from that well-known genius, there is really no other person with the same name in the semiconductor field, unless that person is an unknown, sweeping monk-like hermit master .

But if this is the case, it is not in line with what the dean said.

And who can invent this kind of craft, why would they need that fairly basic learning material?

Even if the answer is right in front of everyone, no one dares to think in that direction.

Only Xie Yu asked weakly: "Is that the great god on the Internet?"

"It can't be him, right? He has crossed several fields now? Mechas and artificial intelligence may still be related, but it doesn't have much to do with chips, right?"

"Not necessarily, how do you know what chip the mecha uses?"

"I think the learning materials may be for him, but this craft should not be proposed by him."

While whispering, everyone looked at Academician Liu, expecting his answer.

Academician Liu still had a calm and unhurried smile on his face, and asked back: "When this name is mentioned in China now, can it refer to someone else?"

This is tantamount to admitting it!

Xie Yu and the glasses brother next to him felt incredible, and someone immediately asked for them: "That genius even understands chips?"

"Tsk tsk, that kid didn't know how to do it at first, but he couldn't bear his strong learning ability, so I gave him a quick fix!" Academician Liu pouted, and couldn't help but said: "I think he should study nuclear fusion, In that case, humans don’t have to wait another fifty years, just a few more weeks…”

When Chen Shen first started researching carbon-based chips, he often called him for advice.

He watched Chen Shen grow up with his own eyes. On the first day, Chen Shen was at the level of a novice, but the speed of progress was terrifying. In the morning and afternoon, there were completely two people.

Then the next day, when he called again, he only spoke for five minutes, and he was sure that Chen Shen was at least at the level of a doctor.

Then after the fourth day, he felt that he was already discussing with another professor in the field of semiconductors.

After a week, Chen Shen no longer contacted him, because he was no longer able to answer questions for Chen Shen, nor could he provide any useful ideas.

He felt that a strong storm was happening in Chen Shen's brain all the time, and countless ideas were born in the brainstorm at every moment. During the last conversation, he couldn't keep up with the changes in Chen Shen's thinking.

Sometimes, he has just started a topic and idea, and Chen Shen has already calculated a rough result in his mind. He seems to be talking to a question answering machine. If he has any questions, just ask, and he will immediately answer can get the correct answer...

There seems to be an invisible laboratory in Chen Shen's brain, and it is also like a supercomputer. Whether a research direction is OK or not, it will be verified the next second the idea appears.

And he had just had a brief conversation with Chen Shen on the way to the institute.

Although the content is not much, it is quite essential. Facing his puzzlement, Chen Shen answered easily, perfectly solving his doubts.

He also pointed out some flaws in his current research, which were not reflected in the proposal just now.

This shows that the plan just now is far from emptying the stomach of this genius!

Even though such an experience was too magical for Academician Liu, the people below still felt that it was too unrealistic.

How do you say something?

"Before I thought that this person knew all kinds of fields and could express his opinions, until this person talked about my field of expertise."

Their current view is similar to this.

Before Chen Shen crossed from mecha to artificial intelligence, they just watched the excitement and sighed how there is such a genius in the world.

But now when it comes to carbon-based chips, it is their field.

No one really thinks that a carbon-based chip can be quickly completed in two weeks, right?

No way? No way?

Facing these people's questions, Academician Liu just smiled slightly, not intending to defend Chen Shen.

This kind of thing is getting more and more difficult to explain. If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can't imagine that there are such scientific monsters in the world.

He changed the subject: "Let's discuss the craft."

"According to the latest task, we will conduct a feasibility experiment on the process in this document, and we may actually manufacture a 14nm chip later. What do you think?"

Everyone's attention was immediately diverted, and they returned to their professional fields.

"This process requires a lot of biochemical technology. Our institute doesn't seem to have this accumulation?"

The person who asked the question looked around the conference table. The researchers here are all from the fields of physics, materials, electronics, microelectronics, and chemistry. The closest thing to biology is chemistry.

In short, those technologies related to DNA tools cannot be produced here.

Academician Liu has already considered this problem: "This experiment is not only carried out by our group, but another research group will also join in, and they will communicate with us in the afternoon."

Everyone knows that the other research group mentioned by Academician Liu must be the team that has explored the method of manufacturing high-performance carbon nanotube transistors with DNA tools.

Although a little surprised that the speed is so fast, everyone is relieved when they think about the chip problems faced by the country recently.

Xie Yu raised his hand, "This craft seems incomplete, right? There are still many craft steps that haven't been involved in it."

Academician Liu said: "The process of chip manufacturing is complete, but other processes are not within our research scope, so we have no information. Before we formally experiment, everything will be fully prepared."

Chen Shen wrote out the entire process, from the production of carbon nanotubes and new wafers, to the purification of carbon nanotubes, to the arrangement and combination of DNA tools, etching... all the way to the last step of packaging.

It's just that some processes will not be shown to the research institute due to the need for confidentiality.

Moreover, these confidential processes will not hinder the process verification work of the institute.

Hearing Academician Liu's words, Xie Yu nodded and sat down.

The glasses brother next to her also asked: "Dean, just now you said that you want to create a real chip, how to solve the problem of chip design?"

This sentence reminded everyone at once.

Chip design is not a process, it is a link in chip production.

The most critical thing is that it needs to use special EDA software for design.

As for the nascent technology of carbon-based chips, EDA software for silicon-based chips is likely to be incompatible at present.

They are not following the same research and development path that is fully compatible with the production process of silicon-based chips!

So the question is, how to make chips without the design software of carbon-based chips?

In the past, when the number of chip transistors was still small, chips could be designed by hand drawing, but now we are preparing chips with a 14-nanometer process, and the number of transistors is calculated in billions. This thing cannot be drawn by hand!

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