Chapter 227 Virus - "Mecha" (33)

"Hey! Susan, get up quickly, you wake up the others, I'll wake up the special operations team!"

Amidst the rapid computer alarm, Arthur quickly woke up his colleague Susan, and then immediately walked into another office.

This is an office of 40 square meters. There are ten people sitting at this time, and each person has at least three computers on their desks.

Arthur ran over, and before he could catch his breath, he said excitedly, "Everyone! The target has appeared! Take action now!"

After he finished speaking, he realized that no one in the room paid any attention to him.

Because these top hackers in the country and even in the world have already acted.

The office was already filled with the sound of crackling keyboards. The special operations team composed of ten people performed various operations on the computer in front of them, and it seemed that they didn't hear his voice at all, or were not interested in talking to him.

Seeing this, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter if you ignore him, these people's status is much higher than his, as long as the opportunity to attack is not missed.

Arthur watched these people's fingers flying on the keyboard, and the screen was covered with codes he didn't understand, and somehow felt that this operation had a great chance of success!

At this time, Susan also brought other colleagues to the door, looking inside and not daring to come in and disturb her.

Since the last live broadcast, they have launched a new round of operations.

They shifted their focus, no longer aiming directly at Prism's headquarters or research centers, but instead focused on its suppliers.

As a company, it is inevitable that edges and corners will intersect with the outside world.

Pencils, computers, USB flash drives, etc., all kinds of office supplies need to be purchased from outside.

This gives them a great opportunity!

As I said before, they can't handle Angular and Dasheng Security, can't they also handle an ordinary U disk factory or dealer?

The result was just as they imagined. In just one day, their eyeliner reached a "cooperation" with the company that provides office supplies for Angular, and their special virus can be pre-installed in the U disk.

This virus was specially customized by their hacker team for this operation and named "Mech".

Mecha viruses have various functions, not only have various infection routes, strong hiding ability and survivability, but also have extremely concealed information transmission function.

Hacking experts even said that even if they encountered such a virus in China, it would be impossible to find it within half a year.

In order to make this powerful virus, they even used six zero-day level system vulnerabilities.

Zero-day vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities that are not known to developers and others.

Generally speaking, developers need to be notified to fix vulnerabilities when they are discovered, but hackers can often obtain huge illegal benefits through these vulnerabilities, so people who discover them will basically put these vulnerabilities at a price of hundreds of thousands of dollars , Throw it on the black market for sale.

These six zero-day vulnerabilities were saved by the previous intelligence center. The last virus similar to it was the Stuxnet virus. Its mission was to interfere with the operation of centrifuges in a certain country, and it achieved very good results.

From this, it can be seen how much they value Chen Shenshen.

Arthur looked at the codes that flowed quickly on the computers of hackers, and felt that God was blessing him.

Because their virus has just completed the USB disk implantation, the delivery date for angular procurement is ushered in!

So their problematic U disks also followed the Dongfeng this time and smoothly entered the Prismatic Headquarters and Research Center building.

During this time, as they hoped, a newly purchased USB flash drive was taken, plugged into the office computer of the research center, and the implantation was successfully completed.

The research center, which was as strong as a fortress before, was actually broken by them!

To be honest, Arthur himself couldn't believe it.

Brain-controlled prosthetics, artificial intelligence...

These world's top technologies seem to be open to them, and he is even imagining how much Gu Ge will spend to buy the Bai Ze algorithm, and how much bonus he can get...

This news was rarely praised by their superiors. A top hacker expert group in the country was always on standby for this matter, and he and his colleagues also stayed in the office with the hacker experts, watching the mech virus 24 hours a day. Case.

It's just that as the intrusion deepened, he made a discovery that disillusioned him.

That is, all the computers related to angular and research cannot be connected to the Internet...

In other words, the dream of entering the internal system of Angle to steal information and data was completely shattered.

On the controlled computer, they can only see the administrative data of the research center, how much the plan cost today, and how much the plan is expected to cost tomorrow...

This information is not completely useless, but it is completely tasteless to them.

So the mecha virus can only continue to lurk.

Until today, a new computer appeared on the wifi network of the research center!

If this computer is the same brand and model that Chen Shen brought during the live broadcast before, then they can be sure that they have found Chen Shen's computer!

Arthur walked up and down the room, looking very anxious.


A loud shout rang out: "It's him!"

Others also said at this time:

"That's right, this computer is the model we saw during the last live broadcast!"

"Fack! Finally let us catch this nasty mouse!"

All of a sudden, the office cheered up.

Arthur also felt that his mental state had returned all of a sudden.

At this time, the hacker team did not stop their keyboards. They carried out the next step and quickly issued covert remote commands to the virus on the other side.

At this time, their boss Davis also received the news, and came to the scene with a belly like a pregnancy in October.

"What's going on? Can we see what he's doing on his computer?" he asked anxiously.

"The other party's computer doesn't have a camera, it may have been hacked..."

"My God, his computer protection level is higher than ever!"

"His computer also has no audio components and may have been disassembled as well."

"I'm trying to bypass the security measures in the computer. If successful, we can send some information, but it's very difficult..."

After a short period of happiness, bad news came one after another, and only the news of the last person could bring Davis and Arthur a little comfort.

The hacker expert who was the last to speak had cold sweat on his forehead, and his fingers almost turned into an afterimage on the keyboard.

All of a sudden, his energy was exhausted and he collapsed on the chair.

Davis, who was always paying attention to him, immediately came over and asked, "How's the situation?"

The hacker shook his head: "The protection level on the opposite side is too high. Although our virus has been implanted, as long as there is a little more movement, we will be discovered..."

"What!? You mean, we succeeded in invading, but there is no way to use this virus?" Davis' voice suddenly became louder.

The hacker immediately motioned for Davis to stop his loud voice: "I didn't completely fail, I found something from his computer!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the computer screen, which showed that a 250KB file had been downloaded...

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