Mountain People

Vol 6 Chapter 54: The chapped cream, the apprehension of the resident general

Dong Qi was told by Dong Chenghu that he no longer dared to be brave, so he quickly went out and contacted the resident general.

Dong Chenghu then went to find Gu Shuixiu.

Gu Shuixiu was pickling and applying the ointment in the room, when she saw Dong Chenghu coming in, she raised her eyelids and said, "Everything is in order, right, come and try my chapped ointment, this thing Applying oily skin can prevent chapped skin in winter, I have thought about it, if this thing works well, we can launch a new product in Chunhua Qiushi."

Dong Chenghu looked at the things that looked like water but not water, pieces, and swallowed. In order not to hurt Gu Shuixiu's interest, he resigned his hand and stretched out his hand to smear Gu Shuixiu, saying: "Shuixiu, The information we collected this time is very useful. If my guess is correct, then the people behind the stockade should be the mysterious force we are looking for. I can't believe that they survived in this way. No wonder Zixuan They have tried so many methods to find no trace of them, so mysterious, there must be something strange."

Most of these people who were tortured this time were the little guys in the robber stockade, and they didn't know much, but the leader who led the team to attack their heads was still an appreciated little leader. More than they knew, that is, from his mouth, Dong Chenghu asked some clues.

Gu Shuixiu said with a smile: "Whether it's weird or not, we'll have such a gain as soon as we come here, it should be considered a good thing, and those robbers, what do you plan to do? We always You can't just kill them right here!"

At this time, Dong Chenghu's hand had already been smeared with the ointment, but he himself was unconscious, still thinking about the robbers.

"We definitely can't deal with these people directly, there are more than 30 people! If you kill them directly, there will definitely be trouble. When that time comes, they will be handed over to the resident generals and let them deal with them. If you want to do hard labor or something, these people have several fates in their hands, and they cannot be easily let go."

Gu Shuixiu nodded in agreement, since Dong Chenghu already had a plan in mind, she didn't say anything more.

The husband and wife talked for a while, and Gu Shuixiu suddenly asked with a smile, "How is it? How do you feel?"

Dong Chenghu was stunned for a moment, then looked at his hand, grabbed two, and found that his hand felt slippery, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and smiled: "Shuixiu, can you? It's amazing, I feel that my hands are very slippery now, and it doesn't dry out at all, and the cracked areas don't seem to hurt anymore, what did you add to it? The effect is so good!"

Gu Shuixiu was arrogant, raised her head, and then said: "This is made of glycerin, but it contains a little anti-inflammatory to promote wound healing powder, and some mint, rubbed on it. It's cold and cold, and it's fine after it's absorbed. Applying this ointment can not only prevent chapped skin, but also has a therapeutic effect! What price do you think I should set for this thing?"

Dong Chenghu thought that most of the poor people had to manage for a living in the harsh winter and twelfth lunar month, almost all of them had to endure the pain of chapped skin, he couldn't bear it, and hesitantly asked: "Shuixiu, can you configure A cheaper chap cream? It's the kind that the poor can use."

Due to Dong Chenghu's vigorous promotion of Gu Shuixiu's method of planting rice in paddy fields after the imperial examination, it has achieved results last year. Most of them are planted together, and paddy farming can increase many by-products, such as fish and shrimp, and the life of the people is much better than before.

If the price of this chapped cream is close to the people, most people are willing to spend some money to buy it.

Gu Shuixiu knew what Dong Chenghu was thinking, and after thinking about it, he smiled and said: "The cost of this chapped cream is very low, and it is possible to take the people-friendly route, but it must be produced by Chunhua Qiushi, and no other places can do it. ."

In essence, Gu Shuixiu is Chunhua Qiushi's boss, and she always tries to get benefits for her shop.

Dong Chenghu was speechless at her appearance as a financial fan, and smiled bitterly, but had to agree.

No one even notified him in advance, and what made him even more frightened was that the emperor and the queen also encountered robbers. Fortunately, nothing happened, or he would not have enough heads to chop off ten heads.

Child becomes very long.

Sin deserves death, sir..."

"It's alright, get up and talk well, bad luck early in the morning!" Dong Chenghu's good mood was all gone when the resident general cried so much. After sitting down, he looked at the resident general with a sullen face. Fan, this is the opening.

The resident general didn't dare to say anything, and he listened to what Dong Chenghu said, and didn't dare to have any opinion at all.

In the noon of the same day, he rushed back to gather his troops and attacked the stockade overnight. In order to prevent an ambush in the stockade, Dong Chenghu also asked Dong Qi to help them with the rainstorm pear flower needle.

In the end, a group of people went up the mountain cautiously and rushed into the stockade, but found that there was no one in the stockade, like an abandoned mountain village.

You don't need to think about this situation, those people must have received the wind and fled in advance.

Dong Qi was so angry that he almost threw the guy. They worked so hard to catch the mysterious force, but now they have tossed the clues for a while and then broke it, which is really irritating!

Dong Chenghu and Gu Shuixiu were naturally unhappy when they heard the news, but they were not as angry as Dong Qi, but sat down to discuss slowly.

"Chenghu, I have an idea, there should be more than this nest of robbers in this Shu County, if this nest has something to do with that mysterious force, maybe other robber nests will follow them too It does matter, why don't we make a plan and let people sneak into those robbers' dens?" Gu Shuixiu has deeply realized the cunning of those people, and their anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong, to deal with such an enemy, he has to take some turns. The policy, but what she didn't know was that someone had already thought of it with her, and that person had also implemented the plan.

When Dong Chenghu said his thoughts to the resident general, the resident general was so frightened that he fell to the ground and said as if he had seen a ghost: "Your Majesty, General Yang really deserves to be your relative. Nephew, you are really heroes and see the same thing, now that General Yang has infiltrated the enemy camp, should we still do this?"

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