Not only did he choose TP at this time, but the target of TP was among the enemies far away from his teammates.

Even in professional competitions, the broiler couldn't help but go through it in his mind:

It turns out that Chongguo said 'pie falling from the sky', what a joke!

"Moon chose TP at this time?!"

"What's the situation? Did you press the wrong button? But why hasn't it been canceled?"

The two commentators on the stage also looked confused. Just like IG, in their eyes, this wave of Yin Lili's clowns was completely for nothing.

Besides, I'm done fighting, what are you still doing?

Could it be that you have to praise your teammates, saying that you played so well, that only one died in 4 out of 5, and then you gave another one?

Rao is that these two experienced commentators couldn't find a topic at this moment to relieve Yin Li.

To be reasonable, how can I wash you off? If you cancel, I can still say that you pressed the wrong button, but the problem is that you have no intention of canceling at all!

0 ・・・ Flowers ・・・

At this moment, the five-second transmission time was about to be completed. Luo of Baolan and the blind boy of the child had already reached the landing point of Yin Lili's TP. The healthy broiler stood a little outside the grass to prevent The OMG team came to support.

All the bows are already full of strings, and at the moment when Yin Lili the clown lands, these arrows will come out of the bow, giving Yin Lili no possibility of manipulation.

"Come on! Lift her!"

Following the broiler's command, the clown's figure also appeared in front of everyone on IG, and in front of Yin Lili's landing, Bao Lan's Luo first released the delayed grand opening at the TP landing point.


Without any doubt, Yin Lili's clown was carried directly into the air, and the blind monk of the child made a sound wave and gave a mark directly to prevent the clown from handing over his Q skill to stealth and escape.

Theshy's Jace also switched to the hammer form in great detail, and an E skill sent the clown hammer to his own camp to prevent it from meeting with his teammates.

"There is, there is this wave! For the broiler, for the broiler!"

With the child's slightly excited shouts, the clown's blood volume instantly fell to the bottom under the focus of the IG crowd.

There was also a look of joy on the broiler's face. Originally, as the absolute core of the IG team, it was a bit uncomfortable that he did not receive any income after this wave of TP.

But now the child's cry made him a little gratified.

As expected of me, I have been struggling for a few seasons by myself before, you little bastards still have a conscience!

A Q skill command: The attack is fired, and the clockwork Hextech ball directly empties the clown Yin Lili's HP!

But what appeared in the eyes of the broiler was not the very familiar +300G in the past, but...


And....three boxes!

That's right!Just three boxes!

At this moment, not to mention the broiler, even the rest of IG had a brief absence.

This is so...TP took a fake body down?Ding.

Chapter 125

T took a fake body down?

No matter who it is, if you look at this scene from the perspective of everyone on IG at the moment, you will have this outrageous idea.

Because with so many control skills pressing up, the clown can't make this big move no matter what he thinks.

But the idea is the idea. Anyone who plays League of Legends knows that although the clown's clone can be controlled, it absolutely cannot use the summoner skills.

After a short period of stunnedness, a bold and possible broiler reacted instantly in his mind.

This is not a clone TP at all, but first open the big move, and then the main body will TP!

In League of Legends, there is such a mechanism.

——The hero summons will instantly return to the body when it is far away from the hero!

In other words, the clown is down, but at the moment when the TP is completed, he uses the Q skill to enter the invisible state!

This woman is too weird!

The broiler was amazed in his heart, but he was more concerned about another issue than this...

Where is the clown?

And such doubts just emerged from the broiler's mind, and a funny figure appeared behind Jace, whose blood was bottoming out, in his gaze.

It's over, there's going to be an accident!

The sense of crisis instantly flooded the chicken's nerves. He subconsciously pressed the E skill to protect theshy's Jess, but the clone that just exploded was not just the C4 that exploded in the crowd, but also brought 1.5 seconds of fear. Effect!

Maybe 1.5 seconds of control time is not long, but it is enough for Yin Lili to place another magic box with W skill, and trigger the fear effect again!

Under the almost perfect control connection, except for Bingbing, who was standing far away and did not get the control, he played a W skill, and all the other four IG fell into fear!

That's right, Yin Lili used a clown to control the four people while entering the country alone!

On the other hand, Yin Lili didn't waste this short control time, and hit Jace with a flat A with a backstab. At the same time, the double-sided poisonous blade of the E skill was also thrown by her clown, directly reducing the HP to only With two squares left, Jace was slashed under his horse.

Jace's fall and the system's kill broadcast seemed to be the horns of a counterattack. OMG, which was in a downturn, launched a counterattack in an instant.

"What just happened! Moon's clown was directly scared to four people! Theshy's Jace fell first, the icon's Galio E skill pulled in the distance, W charged up, and flashed directly into the crowd, taunting four people! "

"juejue also completed the entry under the acceleration of Xiao Wu. Although the meat, egg, onion and chicken released a very good angle, but due to the skill mechanism, it only reached three people, but it doesn't matter, the Q skill explodes the wine barrel. Four people were blown up, and Galio's war hurricane also hit four people! Except for the ice, all the members of IG are bloody!"

"OMG made a perfect combo of skills!"

In the picture, in the continuous control chain, except for the ice that stands farther away, the IG members are half-blooded, and the others have only a trace of blood and skin. Light blue fluorescence.

Colossus Bash!

Galio's unique passive ability, every five seconds, Galio's next basic attack can deal additional damage to enemies within 75 yards.

And now, because of the taunting effect brought by the W skill Durang's shield, except for AD's Frost, the others in IG are closely following Galio's situation.



The heavy fist slammed down, and the three IG with only bloodskins fell down instantly, and even the ice behind was slowed down by a blue punishment from juejue, and Lulu, who cooperated with Xiaowu, flashed forward with an EQ and took it away. head.


A cold female voice of the system announced the result of this early team battle.

Whoa! !

At this moment, there was a burst of unbelievable exclamations at the game, and many spectators even stood up from their seats.

Outrageous, outrageous!

They thought that this wave of teamfights was nothing but Yin Lili's behavior, but they never imagined that this would be the result.

That IG team that often played four-five and three-five, was actually destroyed by the OMG group in the case of four-five?

This is a professional game, not a normal rank 0...

In the rank, you can still rely on the difference in personal ability to complete this reversal, but in the field of professional competition, which is exquisitely coordinated, you...why?

But the fact is in front of them, OMG did win this wave of teamfights.

"Damn it, this is too outrageous, isn't it possible for a clown to play like this?"

"What a bad woman who directly incarnates as a Syria player, afraid that the IG group will blow up directly?"

"I see, it's not that bad women don't TP, it's just that the time for TP hasn't come yet!"

"Have you seen the sunspots? You told me that A Li played too ego? This wave directly helped his teammates get four heads. Is this the ego you said?"

"And this is a four-on-five win!"

"Who told you it's four-on-five? It's obviously five-on-five, okay, isn't it one bad woman clown clone!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room of the game flew up, and the Haier brothers in the commentary booth were also shocked.

Until the end of the team battle, the doll's face was still full of shock.

If he said in the first wave: "Moon is a little crazy this wave" makes him a little regretful, then now, after questioning the fact that Yin Lili can't be TP, he just wants to give himself two mouths.

Why can't I keep my mouth shut, who is this woman?

Moon, why do I keep forgetting the sentence I said before: 'Never use ordinary ideas to consider this player'!


"Although the old thief died first in this wave, OMG still completed the reversal of this wave of team battles under the leadership of Moon!"

"And this wave of tp was sent after the clown had eaten the two waves of the top lane. It can be said that OMG took off directly. Not only can he take down the dragon, but even a tower in the bottom lane has a chance!"

"If this wave of Moon can come down sooner, I feel that OMG doesn't even need to die for the old thief."

Miller shook his hair and made such a sigh, but the doll beside him denied it.

"No no no, I think, if this wave of OMG doesn't die, then Moon really doesn't have this chance.".

Chapter 126

If the old thief Sima didn't die this time, Yin Lili wouldn't have this chance.

This is the doll's point of view.

Very simple reason, the reason why Yin Lili was able to start this wave of perfect team battle is precisely because IG killed the old thief Sima and won the victory on the bright side.

In this case, IG's action of pushing the line into OMG's bottom lane and then going to get Xiaolong's action also gave Yin Lili a chance to TP.

It's a bit like the 'butterfly effect'.Every flapping of a butterfly's wings has an impact on the development of the world.

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