MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 423: Variety

The attributes of this staff are really great, not to mention the awesome attributes and achievements, the two effects are very defying.

The super high water attribute bonus is simply the best staff of the ice method. This attribute alone is already very dangerous.

This is awesome equipment at level 20. Nowadays, when the equipment at level 15 is not too Phuket, the purple equipment at level 20 is simply superb. With only a few pieces of gold equipment in the entire server, This twentieth-level purple outfit is still a weapon, it is not an exaggeration to say it is a **** outfit.

The drop equipment of the wild boss is generally not weaker than the drop of the master dungeon, not to mention the boasting weapons of the dungeon are also very rare drops.

The most important thing is that now that you have this staff, you can directly equip it at level 20, which is very useful for the reclamation and wasteland of the instance.

Although the explanation of the second transformation effect is not detailed enough, and the specific attributes of a few skills are not known, just thinking about it will definitely not be weak.

As masters, they can also understand another meaning of the special effects of transformation, that is, they will become Yinying, their health and armor will increase, but a few skills are useless, and this special effect alone is enough to save lives.

Naturally, the players of Xiaoyao Studio were jealous, and they were all annoyed.

This is no wonder, after all, the boss was killed by them all the hard work, and the result is strange that there is no announcement of the first kill, and the spoils are still given by the enemy.

Especially when I heard Li Yao's thank you sounded particularly harsh, if it weren't for it was interesting and rational, Brother Xiaoyao would almost issue an order to attack.

"Brother Liaoyuan, we have other things, so let's say goodbye first." After taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed the anger in his heart. Brother Xiaoyao no longer wanted to stay. It would be torture to stay here for a moment.

Li Yao said with a smile on his face: "Why are there still trophies? Why don't you stay and keep watching."

"No, you can go on by yourself." Brother Xiaoyao suppressed his anger and said, "Go back to the city."

He doesn't want to stay in this place for a second. Your uncle, although he has completed the task, why is there no sense of accomplishment at all? Instead, it is as disgusting as eating a fly.

The players of Xiaoyao Studio stunned Li Yao and stared at Li Yao, who used Hearthstone to return to the city. This time he was ashamed. They mocked Li Yao for a long time, but were beaten again and again.

The players of Xiaoyao Studio quickly disappeared, and only Li Yao were left on the coast.

"Try it again, maybe there is still equipment." Sister Li also knows the hatred with Xiaoyao Studio, and it was a miracle not to fight this time.

But with today's events, Xiaoyao Studio will definitely hate Li Yao to his bones. This kind of mere wedding dress is really depressing.

The smile on Li Yao's face also closed, and said: "No need to try, no equipment."

Understandably said: "How do you know."

Li Yao pointed at the sea giant, and realized that the sea giant started to tremble.

"What's the situation, this leader is not dead?" Sister Li asked in surprise.

Li Yao nodded and said, "Naturally not dead."

Sister Li was taken aback, and then realized something: "Since I'm not dead, what happened to the equipment just now? Didn't he drop it?"

Li Yao nodded the sea giant who was beginning to change, and said, "Well, I won't sell it anymore. This is a cosplayer who has been pretending to be dead. He did drop the equipment just now, but it didn't crash. , But feel the threat of life deprivation from the touch of darkness."

I thought of Li Yao while using life deprivation while still muttering words. In the end, he even directly asked for a weapon. At that time, he really dropped a staff. I thought it was Li Yao's luck.

It seemed like luck now, it was basically the equipment that the leader threw out because he didn't want to be deprived of life and killed.

After I figured it out, Sister Li couldn't laugh or cry, why there is such a leader, what is this?

"You two **** guys, return my treasure to me." The light and shadow changed. The body of the sea giant had disappeared, and a humanoid monster with a frog head appeared.

Sister Li has been dumbfounded, how a sea giant has become a frogman.

Li Yao said, "How can you return the things you gave? You are the frogman prince of the poison dart frog family. You can't do such a thing by the noble prince."

"I don't know what you are talking about, hurry up and hand over my treasure. Now there are only you two little guys. I will kill you in minutes. Do you believe it or not?" The Frog Prince glared at Li Yao and said.

Li Yao shook his fingers and said, "I really don't believe it."

"you wanna die."

The frog prince was furious, and he was also mad.

He was besieged by a group of players, and there was no way at all. Fortunately, he pretended to be dead and deceived the group of idiots, and finally killed Li Yao halfway.

If it were ordinary means and his blood volume, there would be no problem at all.

But Li Yao’s life deprivation is too The continuous vitality has been drawn out, but the players are still watching with enthusiasm.

Seeing Li Yao for the spoils, he immediately started throwing things. Although it was to save his life, he was also distressed.

Now that those people are all gone, the two benefited guys didn't run away, and the frog prince couldn't help it, and wanted to take back his treasure.

With the roar of the frog prince, he suddenly turned into a kind of strange fish with wings. The strange fish can fly in the air like a bird, and the strange fish's mouth is slender, like a spear.

He hovered in a circle, and then rushed towards Li Yao like an arrow from the string. He knew very well that Li Yao had deceived him vilely.

Shadow Tentacle!

Sister Li flashed and left, while Li Yao later jumped at the same time, a shadowy tentacle appeared on the spot.


The huge tentacles immediately entangled the monster, and at the same time, his life began to drain with Sudoku ten times faster than life deprivation.

The frog prince struggled violently, but it was useless at all.

"Let me go, let me go, I don't want any loot." Prince Frog was so scared, two-fifths of his life had been absorbed in a short time.

Li Yao snapped his fingers, the shadow tentacles released, and the frog prince was thrown to the ground.

The frog prince glanced at the huge tentacles in horror, and then bowed his head slumpedly: "Forget it, I'll admit it. Let me go, our well will not be against the river."

Li Yao said lightly: "You are the noble frog prince anyway, this is not like the prince's style."

The frog prince said lonely: "I am like an undead now, what a prince, but a bereaved dog."

Li Yao stopped Prince Frog again, and said, "Don't leave in a hurry."...

(To be continued.)

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