MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 366: Foundry


Li Yaolai had already decided what weapon he wanted to install. One was a hand cannon that had not been used for a long time. There was no clue about the other component of this hand cannon, Li Yao.

Due to the relatively low level, it is now very unsuitable for Li Yao to use, so Li Yao decided to install it on the new Reaper 4000.

The second weapon is also a sniper rifle that has played a huge role some time ago, and this gun is rarely used.

Of course, if the sniper rifle does not have that much recoil, Li Yao can also use it. After all, this kind of ultra-long-range shooting is Li Yao's favorite.

But this is just thinking about it, and it is basically not used in normal times.

Besides, with the Blue Moon Bow and the musket that I got today, although the range is not as good as the sniper rifle, it basically met Li Yao's expectations.

So Li Yao weighed it for a long time, and still felt that he could also install the sniper rifle.

Li Yao's work did not stop, and the installation began, and he needed to get the bomb loading device, but this device is certainly not as fast as his own hands, but there is no way.

The two flywheels are not equipment after all, and their attack power is limited.

After this modification, the Reaper 4000 completely changed. Attributes and skills have undergone some changes.

At least Li Yao was very satisfied, and then Li Yao changed some forms and colors of the Death 4000.

If it wasn't for Li Yao to transform himself, even Li Yao would not have thought that this was the **** of death at the beginning.>After finishing all this, it was already late at night. Li Yao did not rest, but started to make the fort.

What the fort needed was iron ingots, and Li Yao directly paid for some. Although it was very expensive, Li Yao didn't need much and didn't care about it, so he started to make the fort quickly.

At dawn, Li Yao, who had failed twice, finally made the fort.

Like the arrow tower, the small fort can be placed in a backpack, just like a totem. When it is released, an artillery nearly half a person tall and nearly a yard long will appear.

It was not until this time that Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and then it was simple. Li Yao made some bullets himself, and then went out leisurely.

The outside is very lively. Basically, the high-level masters and those who study engineering are gathered by the pillow. You can practice engineering when you are fine, and you can play in the arena when you are tired, and then you can upgrade outside when you are really bored.

Because it is a mechanical city, their rewards are basically mechanical-related things, so many players who study engineering begin to gather.

More importantly, a new elite profession that has been excavated has appeared, and that is the mechanical hunter.

On the bright side, as long as you complete a certain task, you can transfer to a mechanical hunter.

The positioning of the mechanical hunter is to contract mechanical pets, but basically only engineering weapons can be used in the future, and bows and arrows cannot be used basically.

Because Li Yao was in the limelight for a while, the appearance of the mechanical fire eagle and the death 4000 made everyone think that Li Yao was also a mechanical hunter, and he also saw the tyranny of the mechanical hunter.

Therefore, there are many players who want to transfer to mechanical hunters to gather here.

It's just that many people find that mechanical hunters are not so good.

If you want a powerful mechanical pet, you can only make it yourself by learning the drawings. But now there are a few who can make robots, which is too complicated and not enough proficiency.

To take a step back, let alone the production, the drawings of those powerful mechanical pets are as difficult to obtain, and it is not too much to describe it as clueless. Only some ordinary mechanical pets can be used.

However, many people do not believe in evil and think that they are not strong because they are stupid, or they are afraid that they will also change jobs.

The hunter was in a difficult situation, but now he sees a glimmer of light, there is no reason not to change his job.

Li Yao walked around and found many such players. Li Yao not only found it funny.

If it weren't for the support of Titan equipment, even if he played Mechanical Hunter, he could only get through it slowly. The mechanical power did not have the bonus of Titan equipment, and the power was not so great.

But this secret, he wouldn't tell anyhow.

The drawings that Li Yao needs are actually available in two places. One is in the center of the town. There must be a master craftsman here, and his collection must be available, but I just want to get it. In Li Yao’s current situation, it is almost impossible.

The other one is the need to go to the underground ruins below this city. Li Yao remembers that, this ruins should have been discovered recently by the dwarf.

The dwarf sent many soldiers to investigate, but basically there was no exit. Many were mechanized by a mysterious force and turned into cold machines.

But the dwarf does not want other races to interfere, so it is stipulated that the dwarf can lead the team and hire recruit adventurers to explore the ruins.

It's just that Li Yao just got here, so he ran to the ruins if he didn't.

"Approach to high-level engineering OEMs to make engineering items, and at the same time take orders to repair various engineering items. If you can't repair them, you don't need money." Li Yao directly erected a sign at the entrance of the engineering laboratory.

Li Yao learned almost all the drawings he could learn, and coupled with the craftsmanship of the previous life, although the system evaluation is intermediate, in fact, the advanced level is not as good as him, and the repair OEM is more than enough.

"Boss, I want to make a musket, but I'm only junior engineering and can't do it. How much does a level 15 blue gun cost?" said a human female player Nuo Nuo.

Li Yao took a look at her, and said, "Little girl with cold hands, level 15 muskets are not cheap."

Foundry is not a rare thing. At this stage, except for some big guilds, even the slightly weaker guilds cannot train an intermediate engineering player. Can only come out to do OEM.

Many lucky players got the blueprints, but they weren’t proficient enough, so naturally they couldn’t do it.

Next to Li Yao, there are also rare intermediate engineering players who are working on OEM, but they are just intermediate, the game has just started, and the craftsmanship is too bad. Seeing them set up a stall and no one came to know the situation.

"I have the blueprints." The little girl took out the blueprints carefully and said: "The rules here, you learned the blueprints, and you want to help me make a flash weapon. Let's clear them up. Can you see it?"

Li Yao glanced at the very good 15th-level blue musket, and more importantly, it has the opportunity to flash into purple equipment.

There are two rules for foundry, one is that the person who owns the OEM will do what they will do, and the other party pays.

The other is that the employer provides drawings, and if the OEM agrees to learn the drawings, the person who provided the drawings must make a flashy quality thing.

In this way, the drawing is a reward. After all, the value of the drawing is not small, and you can’t ask for money after learning the drawing.

"Okay, the drawing is good, I took the order." Li Yao directly issued the OEM contract.

"Thank you, uncle, I have been looking for a few days, and no one can help me." The little girl was full of excitement.

Li Yao smiled bitterly. The drawings demanded the proficiency of advanced engineering. Only if others can do it will be a ghost...

ps: Let’s talk about gong's WeChat account will release some book-related things, search favorites> start to accelerate the repayment tomorrow...

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