MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 354: Myth Terminator

"It seems that you are very familiar with my routine. (Please go to: Literature Building.wenxue6.)" Li Yao attacked several times, but the effect was still not great, and he was very good at using steel goblin.

He had almost reached the point of being superb. Li Yao was separated from the stone demon, and it was as difficult as reaching the sky to attack the phantom god.

"Your video is very good, and I have learned a lot." Huan Shen said that learning is very natural. In his opinion, it is normal to learn from each other's strengths, and there is no shame in learning the technology created by others.

In fact, every master is learning the skills of others, but there are not many who can be as calm as the phantom god.

Illusion God was obviously preventing Li Yao from shooting arrows, and even deliberately exposed flaws several times, luring Li Yao into ejection, deliberately letting his ejection fail.

"Perhaps for ordinary viewers, these ten seconds are very ordinary, but I want to say that these ten seconds are extremely wonderful." The young and handsome commentator continued: "Presumably many of you don't know, the God of Liaoyuan is the front The only Jinwu at this stage, Lan Yue Gong, was full of uproar."

"There is no doubt that the golden weapon is powerful, but you can see its special effects by looking at it." Someone sent out the attribute of the blue moon bow in the light curtain.

"It turns out that this bow was sold by many owners at the Bright Camp auction house. As a result, it was all knocked down by more than two levels. Then no one dared to use this bow, but I didn't expect Liaoyuan to get it in his hand. Not surprisingly, after all, Liaoyuan’s archery is great, and this bow can only show the dignity of Jinwu in his hands."

"Then back to the game, why do you say that this ordinary process seems ordinary, but it is actually very exciting? Because Illusory God obviously also recognized the only Jinwu, Illusory God can’t be ignorant of the drawbacks of Jinwu, Illusory God ten seconds Three or four flaws were revealed in it, which is impossible. Then his only purpose is to lure Liaoyuan to attack him, and Liaoyuan has to seize this flaw."

"The purpose of the Phantom God is to let the Liaoyuan arrow empty. Although it is almost impossible to hang the Liaoyuan arrow twice in a row. But intermittent emptying can also consume Liaoyuan's blood."

Many ordinary viewers suddenly woke up. They also saw three times that the phantom **** evaded the skill in a dangerous situation, and now they heard the explanation that it turned out to be the phantom **** deliberately.

"But." The commentator directly played back the scene just now and said: "Look, Liaoyuan is constantly shooting bullets and arrows. You see, he wants to attack the phantom **** every time, but the phantom **** avoids dangerously, but After the arrow is ejected, it can always hit a target."

In the screen, Li Yao's projectile arrow was hidden by the phantom god, and the projectile arrow hit the skeleton summoned by the phantom **** after the ejection.

"I believe everyone is willing to believe that this is a coincidence. However, Liaoyuan’s ejection technology is obvious to all. However, it is not a coincidence that it becomes terrible. If Liaoyuan wants to shoot out in a short time, it needs to be judged that if this arrow is empty, it will be ejected. Where, what terrible calculations and predictions are this, you must know that those skeletons are also moving and fighting, not standing still targets.

They understand through the explanation, it turns out that there are still these twists and turns, most players can't understand at all, but after being explained, they can feel the shock.

Speaking of it, the fighting between the two didn't last long, but everyone's mood was like a roller coaster.

Illusory God came on the field, they thought that even if Liaoyuan could fight the Illusory God, the final result would be the fall of Liaoyuan.

However, now there is no confidence to start.

"Illusory God really does not leak, but fortunately I have other means." A pair of angel wings spread out behind Li Yao, and his body suddenly flew up: "I have learned the strength of the Illusory God, so let this game end. Right."

At the same time, the Hydra sent out an ice burst, killing the golden giant.

The multi-headed snake was also full of scars. It was obviously a hard fight, and the price paid was not small. Both heads were below half blood. The Bull Snake received Li Yao's order and did not run over, but watched the final battle between Li Yao and Illusory God with the mentality of watching a good show.

Li Yao took off too suddenly, and the speed of the explosion was too fierce. When Li Yao flew up, he had found a suitable angle and released the steel arrow.


The phantom **** tried his best to dodge but the distance was too close, and the Necromancer was not good at displacement. In the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, the phantom **** hit the arrow directly.

The two ghosts surrounding the body of the Illusory God suddenly screamed and were pierced by a steel arrow, and then shattered with a snap.

After that, a circle of bone armor surrounding the body of the phantom **** was also shattered, and the strength of the steel arrow was greatly reduced-


Seeing this injury number, the master who knew the situation suddenly changed his face.

This damage is really terrifying, the damage absorption of the ghost, the damage absorption of the bone armor, and the double absorption can actually cause nearly 800 damage.

If there is no two layers of protection, Illusory God will be instantly killed by this arrow.

Illusory God didn't panic, staring at Li Yao who was speeding by. When Li Yao flew over his head, a trace of helplessness flashed in Illusion God's eyes.

He quickly exchanged positions with the Iron and Stone Demon, but Li Yao had already returned to his body during the flight. His body was shining with red light, and he was obviously already using rapid shooting.


When Li Yao spoke, his fingers were released, and the steel arrow shot out. at the same time.

Time left a mark!

Li Yao went back to the moment when he just shot the arrow that hit the fantasy god.

His figure disappeared from the place and reappeared in the original position. The fingers quivered quickly again, and the two arrows were shot at different positions.

Everyone was stunned, because Illusory God Kankan had switched positions with Stone and Li Yao had also spent time leaving traces to return to the original place.

The current situation is that the Illusory God is completely exposed to Li Yao's eyes, and without any defensive skills.

More importantly, Li Yao never gave him a chance to comeback.

The three arrows were locked in three directions and shot, and the phantom **** could now retract the side-shifting movement, but it would inevitably be hit by the arrows behind him.

But if he continues to move sideways, he will inevitably hit an oncoming arrow. The stone demon is on the left, and if he rolls to the right, he will hit a bordered arrow.

Time seemed to be slowed down. Seeing this picture, countless audiences exclaimed. Furious and disbelief occupied their minds.


Although Illusory God is powerful, it is not a **** after all, and he can't crack such a must-slay game. He directly met the oncoming steel arrow.

A steel arrow pierced his throat, his life was immediately emptied, and then he fell to the ground...()

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